Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Watch'd ''Under the Influence'' today. I just love that episode. When they are sitting at the computer working together and Ryan's looking at her, I'm just like ''awww''

Te-he, so glad I got to see it again!
hey, guys! been a while since i've posted. and this one might be a bit short (for me, that is) since i'm kind of in a hurry but i didn't want to make you guys feel like i'm abandoning this thread ;)

i'm glad you guys liked my "kill switch" theory... even if i did bring disney into it, haha. i don't know why i think that stuff, sometimes when they're just, like, standing together i come up with the strangest theories...

say WHUT?! O____o

*pokes nikki* don't worry. one of our ships might've gone down, but this one isn't sunk yet! *hugs* cheer up, girlie! :)

heather, i completely understand what you mean by them NOT getting together at all. *pokes TPTB and the writers* DUDES, the flirting has GOT to come back! it was what made miami FUN amidst all the drama. now the drama's about to choke us all. bring back the sudsy flirting! *waves flag* but of course, since we have so many more seasons of miami left (here's to it never ending!), i wouldn't get mad if at one point they DO get together ;) writers? you listening? *pokes writers some more*

and oh, you reminded me of "legal." always a good thing. thanks, dear. i looooove that episode... *goes and daydreams of S3 ryan & cal*

about reasons why they should not be together and how they don't stand up to what we know is the ultimate truth-- that they SHOULD be together... ;) well, i don't think it's the age difference. maybe if this still was season 3, because ryan did look a lot younger and they still had that mentor-apprentice thing going on. however, from day one in season 4, that changed. remember the "trace/firearms" scene; that showed me that after all, they do consider the other an equal. not to mention that JT definitely DOES NOT look all that young anymore.

the working together thing... could be. but then again, she supposedly has feelings for eric, so there goes that theory. i don't particularly think cal cares about that all that much. or well, she might after the whole eric thing is over, since so far she's been in relationships with a bunch of co-workers, or at least people she has to interact with at work. but i don't think that's the reason why her and ryan haven't gotten together YET; it COULD be a reason why they don't get together in the future, though. here's to hope that the writers don't think about that.

that she trained him? nah, that's totally the reason he's in love with her! *thinks back to his total puppy love expression in "under the influence"* and i don't think she cares much, because really, i don't think she felt she was "training" him. he looks up to her, but i don't think she realizes it. and like nikki said, that only made them become a great team. that's never bad.

hestia, your "nerdy" smilie killed me :lol: must. save. and about your question, well, i'm sure ryan's recent attitude has, as you put it, eroded their relationship. calleigh's really irked about him being so hard-headed, definitely. luckily for him, she's also very forgiving if she sees the person really tries hard not to do it again. he's going to need one heck of an apology, though! :D wouldn't we all love to see that? ;)

i think they would definitely clash... oh, the drama. but like i've always said, that's just the way they are, it's the way their relationship works, and has been since season 3 ("recoil," anyone?). i don't particularly think it would be a reason to break up, though. well, calleigh might want to (in my mind, that is) but ryan wouldn't let her, he's stubborn like that. i think the reason why they CAN work out even if they clash this way is because, in the end, they do get each other's point. calleigh's words do get through to ryan ("kill switch," totally). and he has a way to make her go around her no-nonsense attitude and make her admit there's another side ("deviant"). so in the end, though they have their differences, they bend enough that they can meet in the middle or at least agree to disagree.

season 3 reruns are coming up for me as well. wheee...! :D
Hey guys, just popping in to say that I'm not going to be here for 2 weeks due to the fact I'm on vacation. So, you have fun without me, and if someone wants to take over the CPOTD, please do.

Love, Nikki
Have not posted for some time but catching up on all this was great.

Missed most of S5 but I will catch up. Is there really a chance that R/C will get together? What do you all think? I would just love that, even in S4 one could tell that she really cares for Ryan.

There is no reason why the two can't work together and also be a couple. ;)

I just want it to happen soon into S6 just as H/Y (really soon) :cool:
"under the influence" how cute are they?? Not much flirtiness but I love the way Ryan is looking at her before he says "im glad everything worked out" Its like he had just realized 'oh, your hot'. I think im w/ most others on this too, i love their little 'crush' they have going on but don't know how i'd feel about an actual fully developed relationship between them. They would definately have to grow more w/ each other. I'd be satisfied right now just to have Calleigh acting normal again & them having scenes together like in S4.
Hestia said:
How do you think Ryan's recent attitude has affected his and Calleigh's their eroding relationship? I sorta think he's the reason their nice flirty friendship started to go south and if they were in a relationship his rash nature and Calleigh's no-nonsense attitude would clash, wouldn't they?

Ooo, good question! I would also have to say that I think it was Ryan's fault that the flirting went downhill, although I can't pin down for the life of me the exact moment that it started to happen. Ryan's personality tends to...I don't know if "crave" is the right word here...success and I think that sometimes gets away from him. He's flawed, which is something that I love about him! I think he was absolutely right when in the second to last epi of the season he said that he sort of lost track of the reasons why he became a CSI and a cop in the first place and I think that carries over to his and Calleigh's relationship in a sense. He forgot the fun and flirting, too focused on other things to realize he was hurting her or that things were headed south.

That said, I think their "clash of personalities" would be an asset in their relationship. Calleigh's "Don't give me that crap" attitude perfectly balances Ryan's "Jump before you think" philosophy. She keeps him from being too rash and he keeps her from being so straight laced and having a perfectly planned life. They both bring things to the table that makes the other stronger. Some people might think that they clash too much, but in reality, I think without the other they live on extremes too much of the time. Take for instance the last few epis of the season, Ryan's serious gambling stuff and Calleigh's inability if you will, to decide where her heart lies, with Jake or with Eric. (we all know where her heart REALLY is, but we'll play dumb for the sake of an argument ;)) And besides, I can't really see Calleigh with someone who sits at home and reads her poetry or is super sappy or has no backbone and lets her do anything she wants. Yes, she likes romance in her life, but I don't think "average" is in her perfect guy's description. I think she'd be miserable if there wasn't SOME drama in her life.

I was rereading some of the old post and I came upon something that made me curious, so I wanted to ask you guys what you think. Has TPTB's portrayal of romances in other CSI shows (e.g. GSR and DL) made you cautious in terms of wanting CaRWash to go cannon? In other words, are you afraid of CaRWash becoming cannon because you've seen how other romances have happened on CSI? I'm not saying that GSR or DL is bad, but many people have mentioned concerns since those relationships were handled on air. I don't know if this makes sense, but am I alone in wondering this? What do you guys think?
It does make ya wonder, huh? I think each show has their own versions of romance. On NY, they actually have showed affection amongst characters & relationships; such as Mac/Peyton kissing, ect. & Stella w/ her old boyfriend they showed together, & then D/L, obviously. Vegas seems to lack "excitement" when it comes to their version. Miami, who knows, I think they would push the envelope a little. Regardless, i think the writers like to keep fans 'waiting' & 'wanting', so they tend to 'create' scenes that get viewers to go "ooh, what was that look" or "why did she say that", know what I mean. Sometimes I think they will never put CARWASH officially together, its their way of keeping the fans waiting for more. Its a little different w/ D/L, since Lindsay was first brought on, you saw their connection, that was probably pre-planned, like other couples too that are more obvious in how they really feel. They've either shown it or said it strait out. I just think if they ever place CARWASH together it'll be much later & they'll just continue w/ their non-chalant flirting!
Hey guys, I feel like I have been away for a while, and I am sorry. But I am back, and loved to check new beautiful long posts, with real discussion going on ;)

CPOTD by Dani, since Nikki is in holidays

I know it is from "Three-Way" but for some reason I can't remember this episode :rolleyes: Does it have any good/important CaRWash scenes? :rolleyes:

CaRWash_Cutie said:
Calleigh's "Don't give me that crap" attitude perfectly balances Ryan's "Jump before you think" philosophy.
:lol: I can't help but laugh at that one :lol: But, they both have strong personalities though considerably different, so I think they would clash (I mean, they already do), but what matters is that they have found a way of working things out (until now, that is, but hopefully they will solve things again)

If other relationships in other shows make me be afraid of CaRWash becoming canon?! Hmm, no, other shows don't make me be afraid of that, but CSI:Miami does. I mean, I haven't seen GSR so I can't talk, but NY has such a different way of dealing with personal/love relationships that it is hard to compare, I believe. Peyton and Mac have sweetness together, but they started together. Danny and Lindsay have this lovely relationship, but we can tell from the beggining that there was something there and it never left. So Miami is totally different, they are always changing things, always changing the way characters act towards each other, so we can never know. And that is what makes me be afraid of CaRWash canon in Miami. But as said before, I don't ask for them canon (and I don't think they have any hipothesis as for now), I just want the flirting :)

Seriously, I saw "Backstabbers" and it disappoints me so much to see Ryan like this :eek: First they were cool and working together, then that camera guy asks for something that makes Ryan make some stupid luminol mistake (shouldn't he know that? :rolleyes:) and then Calleigh ends up pissed. Like if I couldn't understand her :rolleyes: She was protective of the little girl (the moments with her were sweet, btw :)), even more because of the promess, and Ryan was trying to find a way of fixing things. When Calleigh went "Are you kidding me?!" I almost went along with her, she was pissed but I think she was right, unfortunately :(
CSI DANI asked "any good CARWASH scenes from 3-way?" Unfortunately, there are none, however I do love the epi. There was ALOT of tension & light arguing amongst all 3 csis in that one. & at the end (the pic of the day scene), the 3 women involved in the murder say: "i thought we all knew each other"; 2nd woman: " oh we know each other... we just don't like each other". something like that, anyway it was almost like the PTB were pertaining to cal, ryan, & delko. But, cal & ryan do end up in the elevator in one scene, so, BONUS!
and at the end they were so close to each other!!! and that's the pic i was talking about!! that is like one of my fav CaRWash pics!! not because of the ep, but because of how close they are!! Ryan could just wrap his arms around her if he wanted to!!!!
aw, they are so very cute aren't they? Even when thier mad at each other! I suppose if Eric wouldn't of walked up, it could have gone something like this: Ryan:*whispering in her ear* Cal, Im sorry 'bout today, ya know, w/ Erica. Cal: No worries. *smiles,looking at him over her shoulder*. Ryan: *looks around; kisses her cheek*. The End
carla said:
hestia, your "nerdy" smilie killed me :lol: must. save. and about your question, well, i'm sure ryan's recent attitude has, as you put it, eroded their relationship. calleigh's really irked about him being so hard-headed, definitely. luckily for him, she's also very forgiving if she sees the person really tries hard not to do it again. he's going to need one heck of an apology, though! :D wouldn't we all love to see that? ;)
Thanks. ;) Glad you liked it! When I first found it I liked it too; it is sooo me. Heh. Anyway, Ryan apologizing to her is one of the few things I'm looking forward to on this ship. If done right, it could be a sincere acknowledgment of his mistakes without coming off too sappy.

Carla, CaRWash_Cutie, your extensively excellent answers on my question has confirmed my beliefs in this ship. Won't be going overboard anytime soon.

About CaRWash_Cutie's question: I don't want them to be canon. I simply don't want it. I haven't seen NY but I have seen the GSR fallout (even experienced it a bit myself) and I don't want them to be canon. I think I said before how I preferred their flirting to them possibly becoming a couple.
In fact what I said was:

[I don't want them to be canon] Not only because I don't trust the writers to pull it off (this is what gets me through the E/C/J debacle. I'm sure the writers cannot pull this off without some messy results), but because we didn't get nearly enough flirtiness and I like my ships to be built upon, slowly but surely, in front of the audience so it won't feel like it was sprung out of no where.

And that's my view on it. Make love not (ship)war. Canons can be deadly. :cool:
Hey Everyone. How's it going? Since Nikki's on vacation *tear* I'm posting the CPOTD today. Whee!

CPOTD of the Day courtesy of Heather

From Under the Influence

I was feeling nostalgic today, hence the photo from the beginning of Ryan's career. *happy sigh* I love the look he is givng her, don't you? Such a nice feeling of what's to come of flirty, cute looks.

Here's to more wistful looks to come. <3
I love that picture. It's their first time working together and he's already staring. So early, yet he's already falling. Plus, the scene is a very cute scene anyways, the look just kinda finishes it off.
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