Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Hi Nikki, rememebr me? Haven't been around for a while (and have writer's block with regards to HiStory) that pic is one of the CaRWash moments, one where I really had hopes that the chemistry generated between them during S3 would come to fruition in S4, but it didn't happen. From what I've read it doesn't in S5 either. I suppose it could be another 'Chandler/Monica' though I doubt it. I'm seriously begining to lose heart.
Annwn, of course I remember you! It's alright, I know you'll get back to writing it eventually (I'll make sure of that :devil:)

Dani, you get it girl, any pic with them in it is a good pic, no matter what they're doing. And teasing each other is always a good thing in my book.

Carla, that's good, then I don't have to warn you to post 3 lines ;) But you've got 2 things mixed up. The CPOTD I posted was from 'From the Grave'. And Ryan asked Calleigh about Hagen's death in 'Blood in the Water', the episode after FTG. So you were close, but not quite there. I agree that it's a good scene though, she hasn't really talked about Hagen's death except for that bit against Ryan. (unless I'm forgetting something)

ForgottnEvidence said:
Season 5 has had some CaRWash moments here and there, but nothing really interesting that catches us CaRWasher's eyes!

I beg to differ. The beautiful comment in Rio, the 'thanks babe' in Going Under, the shoulder-rub in COTC, the 'hot little hands' comment in Come as you are, the 'are you ok?' in No Man's Land...season 5 had CaRWash moments. It's just that they seem to fade under the amount of scene the other ships (namely E/C) had. But we did have scenes.

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Darkroom)

Ah! You are totally right, Nikki!!!

For some reason, I totally forgot about those scene, but now I remeber tham as clear as day! :D

They probably slipped my mind for the reason you suggested, they do just seem to be thrown under a shadow because of all the other ships! :(

thanks for the welcome, ally! :)

annwn- that is completely correct, of course :D of course cal would notice if he was lying to her (ryan is more expressive than the average CSI, after all, and she's a "damn good one"). i was thinking more along the lines that she actually pushed him to tell her. she's usually more subtle than that, i thought she'd let it go if he didn't want to talk about it (think her "i'm only going to ask you this once..." in driven). threw me a bit off because i thought i had her pegged down :rolleyes: even had to revise the fanfic and everything. but oh well, i guess she can be pushy with the important stuff, like her ryan ;)

nikki- *facepalm* ah, i always get those scenes confused. it's because they're both in the hallway and i can't remember clothes for the life of me :lol: i'd be the worst CSI ever, haha. been a while since i saw the beginning of season 4, as well. i still like that scene in in FTG, though. that's the one where they meet natalia and as she leaves they go "trace," "firearms," right? (or did i get it mixed up again? :lol:) i love that one, they act like a married couple :)

i think eric asked calleigh if she was okay directly after hagen's death happened (alexx was also there), though i might be wrong on that. the only thing i remember clearly from it is that the man offed himself-- it was quite the visual :eek: but i'm pretty sure eric asked something. however, i'd like to believe ryan's question was more personal, and she was more candid with her answer. when eric asked her she was all about the job ;)
So agree, carla!!!

Yeah, after Calleigh hits Ryan in the stomach when he was like "Great. Glad yo have ya.." and stuff like that when Natalia was walking away, he goes "Firearms," and Cal simply says "Trace." One of the cutest scenes!!! :D

i know!!! it's like so they know where each other is!!! i hope that the E/C thing doesn't work out. and i mean come on they don't even have a cool ship name like Ryan and Calleigh do. i mean everyone calls it Eric and Calleigh, because they are but that's stupid!! if someone wants to talk about Ryan and Calleigh they don't have to say thier names they can just say CaRWash because they are so perfect for each other that we can put thier names into a cute little ship name :D
Need4Speed, actually the Eric/Calleigh ship is called 'Hip Huggers'. Don't make me explain. And I think 'not having a cool ship name' isn't a reason for a ship not to work out. But as I said before, maybe we should take the E/C discussion to the debate thread, and stay focused on CaRWash in here. Good idea?

ForgottnEvidence, actually he said the 'glad to have you here' BEFORE she slapped him, not after :p I'm annoying, I know.

No Carla, I think you're right, but that was in a different way than Ryan asked. Ryan asked it more personal, and Eric just asked because they were all in the room with her and it would be rude not to ask. But I don't know. All I know is that I loved that scene. :D
oh well i've never heard anyone use it before. no one!! not even on the fanfic sites!!! but Hip huggers is stupid!! that could be about anybody by the sound of it even if we do know it's about E/C. but with CaRwash it has thier names in it so we know exactly who it's about :D and i can't wait till the new ep tomorrow!!!
I think that Ryan getting fired may actually be a good thing!! because then Calleigh could help him!!! and we know it's got to be her that does, because H and Alexx both told him they couldn't help him again if he should get into trouble!!! so you just know it's gotta be Cal!!! and then that would make the whole episode about CaRWash because they would have so much screen time toghether!!!
hola, people! hang on to your seats, this is probably going to be another long post :p i've been in a bad mood today because won't let me upload... *kicks* so i decided to give up for the moment and come to my happy place-- anything C/R, that is :D

first off, a pic! not new, but it's the one i'd been talking about before, from shattered, where cal & ryan watch as eric is taken away by stetler.


ryan: cal, don't you think we look quite fetching in this light?
calleigh: we totally do, babe.
ryan: you're way hotter than i am, though, you gorgeous lady.
calleigh: thank you, honey. i've taught you well. *giggles*
ryan: *mutters something about being housebroken*

ah, i love that cap. makes my little icon-making heart flutter happily :) that hallway has the perfect lighting, i tell you.

i've been skimming the previous R/C threads, scavenging for pictures to make icons. it's taken me about three days :eek: (what do you mean don't i have anything better to do? is there anything better than looking at R/C pics? nu-uh!) and i was wondering: do you guys remember the scans from that photoshoot emily & jon were in for a magazine? (EW? can't remember) they were b&w '30s murder movies' style. does anybody have or know where i can find higher-res scans of those? some of the frames in the multi-panel pages are screaming at me to icon but they're so small :(

the pic-hunting went very well, though. i love you guys, you're all so generous with the screencapping :D when i'm done with this batch of CSIM icons, you'll definitely be very happy campers because by now 3/4 of my CSIM pics are cal/ryan :lol:

anyway, i wanted to start up a discussion. i'm sure this has happened to many of us: have you ever squeed (or the equivalent for you-- i know i squee unashamedly, at least) while watching CSIM during a C/R moment that only you (or a fellow C/R shipper) would find romantic, but everybody else would think was just normal? because there are many C/R moments, like for example the end of "deviant" or "driven", when even people who don't ship C/R say they can see the chemistry, but in others you really need to be aboard the ship to see it. think of it like this: you're watching CSIM with someone, and suddenly you spot something and you go all "ZOMG! they soooo love each other!" then the person watching with you turns to you with a WTF expression and goes "dude, they're just standing together. are you nuts?" if you're like me, it happens to you every other episode ;) but does any one scene in particular jump to your mind?

in my case, i clearly remember that it happened in "identity." i was watching the ep. with my roommate, and when ryan said something along the lines of "getting some input from a more senior colleague" (i'm paraphrasing here), i jumped off the couch, hugging a pillow to myself and screaming "CALLEIGH!" at the top of my lungs. half a second later we find out it's calleigh and there's me jumping and squeeing all over the place. i just thought that was a really shippy scene. i think my roommate was very frightened :D but she's used to my craziness by now. she didn't see what the big deal was, though :lol:

any similar moments from you, guys?

pssst, need4speed, don't let the mods hear you saying anything against the HH-ers. best change the topic before someone gets mad :)

*sigh* aaahhh, yes, tomorrow's CSIM day! i hope i get to see the ep, though i probably won't understand anything because i haven't seen any S5...

edited b/c i couldn't get the image tag to work...
I squee quietly as I watch back episodes of CSI:Miami. I have the biggest problem explaining myself to my mom, she's the only one to ever witness me watching CSI:Miami, when I laugh at nothing in particular. For instance, the scene in "Nailed" when Ryan says "Or it could be sex. Have you ever pushed the dinner plates aside to get some?" Calleigh blushingly grins, "Could you stick to the task at hand. Please?" She thought it was funny, but didn't understand that I was laughing at Calleigh's expression.

*ahem* So. I hold the world record for longest writer's block. I haven't written a story in about five years. I attempted my first story this morning. It's short, and insane, but it was a practice attempt to get me back into the habit of writing scenes and dialog. Feel free to check it out here. The entry is friends only, but that's because I don't want random people stumbling across my lame attempts at fiction. ;) (And when I say random, I mean my brother, and other non CSI:M fans.)
carla, I have had so many of those moments, it's not even funny!

One CaRWash moment that I remeber quite well is in the epi "Going Under". When Ryan is walking out of the lab, but quickly turns to Calleigh, saying "And hey, I'm glad you're okay," and she replies "Thanks, babe."

Okay, and also, as you mentioned earlier, carla, the scene at the end of "Deviant". I thought that was very sweet because they had gotten into a "fight" earlier, but Calleigh, at the end, is quick to asure him to not "believe everything you hear."

I was watching this epi with my dad and my brother, and I rewinded it so many times to watch that scene, they eventually left the room, and by the time they came back down again, like 15 minutes later, I was still watching it! (And the sad thing is, you think I'm joking..)

And one more, in the epi "Rio" when Ryan steps out and he is all "Calleigh Duquesne, large and in charge. And by "large" I mean reputation wise." And then he quickly turns to her and says "You're looking very beautiful today!" And Calleigh replies "Nice save." I thought that part was so adorable! I had to keep going back on my iPod to watch that scene over and over! :lol:

And definatley the scene at the end of "Driven". I was *squeeing* the whole time! And just the way Cal said "You'd do the same thing for me if I were having a bad day." God! So cute!!!

So many CaRWash moments, it's hard to count!!! :D

Carla, I think the photoshoot you're talking about is this one. :)

I *always* squee at the smallest stuff. Like when Ryan said Cal had hot hands. I was so excited and my mom was like :rolleyes: "That's an expression." But it still excited me.

Then in one of the latest episodes I let out a small little squee because they were staring at each other for a second and no one understood why.

I don't know if this one counts, but I did get one of those 'wtf?' looks. When Calleigh called Ryan 'babe', I was like O M F G. And I started jumping around and had to put a pillow infront of my face to stop from squeeing. My mom (yes, my mom again, she watches with me) was like "WHAT??? Shhhhh!!!" because she didn't hear the comment. I had to tell her Cal said babe and she didn't believe me. :lol: Then I came on here and other people had heard, too. So of course I had to tell her, but she just looked at my with a blank face and started laughing. :p
Holy gasp! sandersidle, that is one hott pic! Is that the only one, or are there more you could share?! 0.o *crosses fingers* Please say there are more pics! :D

Ah, yes, I know what you mean. My mom watches CSI:Miami with me, too, and whenever Ryan and Calleigh are even bext to eachother, I start going "Oh my god. Oh my god." and my mom is just like "Ally, could you please be quiet?" I just say "Yeah." But, then I start doing it again!

I am so bad. :devil:

I never notice what they are saying to each other, and how they say it. I notice more or less how they stand next to each other. Like in Three Way when Ryan walks up to her and stands close behind her. He does it very often. He does it in Devient as well. Right after they had their "big fight" and Ryan gets asked out for a beer.

Why am I not surprised that Calleigh was the one to ask Ryan? She's so dominant. :)
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