Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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gosh im posting so much today :) well i probly wont be able to post tomorrow so i ahve to get it all out of my system now

ooo they are totally staring at eachother in that one Dutchie one of my favorite episodes *the name escapes me*

grr this beong patient is going to kill me. Its not in my DnA to be patient lol. i cant wait for the newest episodes!

okay i was just thinking... what if cal and ryan had a carwash he he i know thats kinda clishe(sp? i know its horrible) wouldnt that be cute i mean she would be all laa laa washing my car and then he could be all *spray* with the water hose... he he sorry overactive immagination again sometimes its crazy *going to sleep really tired*

<3 kendall
Oh Nikki, I remembered exactly the same as you did when I saw the manip posted by CaRWash_Cutie...The RP is always a good memory ;)

That picture is great. I love the way they are looking. And no, they can't hide it anymore from us!

Calleigh would have to act a bit different with Ryan if she was with Eric, I guess. Not just because she wouldn't be able to be with one and flirt with the other, but also because she wouldn't want to hurt Eric, especially because of the terrible incident. But she might be with him just because of that, and then realise that their relation is just friendship and go to Ryan...I have said this before, I think, but I have hope that's what happens...Ok, I don't, but it would be cool. Anyway, I don't know if Ryan would act differently towards Cal, maybe he was a little afraid of being with her, afraid of not being able to hide his feelings. But by another side, I think the wish of being with her would be stronger and he would not mind that much with Eric. Yeah, that could give Ryan a problem with Eric. But as Nikki said, let's wait, then watch and see what happens!
@Lynny: yes mommy. sorry mommy. I love you too mommy

Good girl. *hands you a carwash cookie*

Ryan: "We're not obviously standing way too close, are we?"
Calleigh: "No, I think we can pull it off without looking suspicious."
Nikki: "Wrong"

You knew I was going to use that. You stole that! :lol:

*makes up new one*

Ryan: Ain't this cool how it looks like this thing is blended in with us?
Calleigh: Oh shut up and kiss me already.
hello, everyone! i'm carla and i'm a newbie :) been watching CSIM for a while, then kind of got lost, and just got back in like two weeks ago-- first episode i saw this time around was "deviant" and the ryan/calleigh just jumped out at me. wow, i wonder why i hadn't noticed it before? :confused: but i've been catching up on the episodes lately and now i can definitely say the chemistry was ALWAYS there.

i've been reading this whole thread for about the last two hours ;) boy, you guys sure do have a lot to say! i didn't know if it'd be okay to comment on a couple of the topics of the earlier posts, even if they were discussed a while ago? and please feel free to poke me if i do something wrong, i've only posted like once before in this board so i might not have the rules down pat yet.

first off, you guys, i love you for the screencaps & pics. you all are seriously spoiling me :) *singsongs* i know what i'll be doing laaaateeeer... *coughiconscough*

so, what's this i hear about CSIM books? i read the fragments and they sound awesome :D i'm itching to get my hands on some of those (when i'm not broke, that is). does anyone have any recommendations? i read which ones had ryan/calleigh scenes, but from the overall plot, which ones would you guys recommend? if it's R/C that's great, but i don't mind speed, i love him to pieces :D plot-wise, which ones do you think are the best? you can PM for this if you want, so we don't go OT :)

now, regarding favorite quotes/scenes, i have to say mine would have to be when he mentions that he took her seminar. i just went wide-eyed-- THEY HAVE A HISTORY! *whoo!* then again, i loved every single scene in "legal" because that episode is just hilarious. also any scenes where random conversation about sex & relationship pops up between them, because it's just so totally random (think "cop killer" and "nailed," though especially "cop killer" for me because calleigh actually keeps up the conversation for a little bit longer). but one that stands out a lot to me is their very first conversation in "under the influence," when she comes in to check his progress and he tells her to put her hands in her pockets? for me, that was HUGE, mostly because of calleigh's expression. she's really shocked, like no one had treated her that way before, and it just seemed to me like she was thinking "wow, this guy is really different." in my mind, that made him stand out from the rest, show her he's really something, and convince her to give him a chance. and i think that's what makes, and will make, a difference between R/C and the rest of calleigh's relationships.

now, regarding the current spoilers... first off, who's corey miller? (...asks she who is off, lost in a nebula somewhere). is he one of TPTB? writer? i've no idea :confused:

but then, was i the only one who read that interview with adam and actually felt good? i don't know if it's just that i'm that much in denial, but i only saw the good side of it. but then, i think that depends a lot on how i view the R/C relationship. i'll explain:

calleigh is a flirty thing. she just flirts with everybody. i'm not saying it's a bad thing or that she's loose or anything, i just think it's a subconscious thing. i've friends like that, they can't help themselves-- they don't believe they are flirting, but everybody else will tell you they are. i think calleigh's like that, and what's more, even if she's a strong and independent woman, she's looking for love. actively searching for it. she's been with a lot of guys over the course of the series and, well, she can see they're interested, so why not give them a chance, right? none of them have stuck so far, though, but she's not giving up. however, i don't particularly think she puts ryan in the same category as those other guys even if he does flirt back, precisely for the reason i mentioned above-- he's different in her eyes, somehow. first he was just a newbie, then speed's replacement, then her friend, and by the time they got to this point, she can't stick him into the "maybe i can date him" category. she still flirts with him and he does the same, but she acts that way with everyone so it can't be serious, right? she doesn't realize that there's a lot of smiling involved even in regular CSI "let's catch a killer" conversation, doesn't realize that he's in a different category because their relationship is on another level. and it's completely ironic that for such an observant woman she can't figure out that maybe what she's looking for is not in the herd, but it's a sheep that silently scurried off track when she wasn't paying attention.

now, ryan and his OCD are a bomb just seconds away from exploding. i can just see him as the kind of guy who would go over each of their conversations in his mind, again and again and again, picking out glances and gestures here and there, and completely falling head over heels with her more and more with every day they're together (and we KNOW he's had a crush on her since that seminar. it's just undeniable). and then he'd go over all of it again and convince himself that he's imagining things, that she doesn't feel anything like that for him, that he shouldn't make a move for whatever ridiculous amount of reasons, and then he just wouldn't make a move. he'd stick to friends, because she acts that way with anyone so why risk it, right? so he goes through that whole erica sykes thing, and then natalia, because he's convinced he and calleigh are only ever meant to be friends. he's gotta find his own happiness, right? she's obviously looking for hers.

and then... (forgive the multiple spoiler tags, apparently i can't put paragraph spacings within one tag, and i hate runoff paragraphs... so i just separated them. they're all re: the interview, anyway).

...then the adam rodriguez interview came out and made my week. why? because like i said, ryan's a second away from bursting and that could be the push that does it. if eric & calleigh have a thing, ryan will DEFINITELY feel something about it. it really jumped out at me the way adam phrased it. i don't have a link to the interview at hand so i might be wrong on this, but i believe he said "a lot of people will have something to say about it"? he mentioned horatio would, because he's their boss. and then he said ryan would have something to say about it. notice the absence of anything work-related in that sentence. i get, from that, that it's not the fact that an E/C relationship might affect their job that would worry ryan.

what i think could happen, is that calleigh having something with eric can bring down a couple of ryan's own objections to having a relationship with calleigh. they're co-workers? so what? if the E/C thing works even if they're colleagues, why wouldn't a relationship between him and cal work? and if it doesn't work but things are still fine between them (as they will be, because neither eric or calleigh are going anywhere without the show sinking), why can't ryan and cal give it a try as well?

second thing, he'll start to realize that calleigh has him set in a separate category. because she's been with so many guys, but hasn't turned to him, really turned to him, once. why the difference? just his natural desire to understand, as well as maybe his own personal rivalry with eric, might be enough to make him act on it. why delko and not him? he'd resigned himself that she didn't feel that way for him, but maybe that can change, if he tries... like delko did...

and that might be enough to make calleigh realize that she should've been looking his way all this time. if he starts acting different around her, she won't be able to deny that it's a possibility anymore. she won't be able to get out of the heat with a plead of ignorance.

if i'm not mistaken, adam did say eric's relationship with ryan would go through another low soon? indeed, this E/C thing could be very good for us :D

anyways, i don't particularly think the E/C thing would last long. i think they just need to get it out of their system-- cal because, like i said, she's looking for love and after what happened to delko it might just have made her realize how deep her feelings for him run, and that she owed it to herself to give that one a try, to check to see if maybe those feelings are more than friendship. and eric, he's just a man-ho :lol: and i mean that in the nicest way possible, because i LOVE eric, but you gotta admit he's a bit of a player. "killer date," anyone? :lol:

i just don't think they're going to go that way, mainly because of natalia. i love her so much, maybe even more than i like calleigh, but ever since the first time she spoke to eric i told myself "that's what she's there for, to be a part of eric's development." sure she was the mole, but she was a good mole and after that particular plotline was done, what's her purpose? i just think her character revolves around eric and it would be completely weird, at least to me, if that relationship was pushed aside for E/C. not that i like E/N more than R/C, just that without eric, i don't see any purpose for nat, and i'd hate to see that happen. that's why i really think if E/C does happen, it'll be temporary.

and WHOA... *reads the whole thing* that was a LONG post. i hope i didn't bore you guys to death, seems i really did have a lot to say. well, now off to write...

P.S.: in which episode does the laptop thing happen? i've seen the clip, but i haven't seen the whole episode and i really want to now... :D
... Wow. *speechless* Now THAT is a good on-topic more than 3 lines post :lol: I think I've never posted anything quite that long! Carla, welcome to the CaRWash thread. I'm Dutchie, but call me Nikki, and I'm the one that posts those pics usually, feel free to snag for icons/banner/anything. As for your questions/thoughts, here we go, from top to bottom:

My favorite CSI:Miami book would have to be Riptide, because of the CaRWash in it, but I also liked the plot. But if you get any money on your hands, I'd just pick a random one. If you also like Speed, they're all pretty good. I have the collection and I haven't yet read one that I hated. I'm less interested in Speedle but those plots are good too. So much for off-topicness ;)

Corey Miller is one of TPTB, so yes he writes for CSI:Miami. I send him an e-mail regarding the Adam Rodriguez interview, and well you probably read his answer if you read through the entire thread.

Now you have VERY good thoughts about the show and the upcoming spoilers. I won't comment on them much but you've really given it some thought and that's really good. I must say that after the reply to my mail, I have slight hope it's not gonna be as bad as we think. But I'll still watch and see.

The laptop thing happens in 5x06 Curse of the Coffin. It's a really good episode, if you have it on DVD or can buy it off ITunes, do so! The whole episode is just good and hilarious.

Guys, the caption I posted beneath my pic was just for fun. Of course you can cap it too, but this is not the caption the pic thread. If you caption it, you do have to add some more content to your post ;)

*hugs Dani* You cute little thing! (no offense :lol:)

Lynny: Duh, of course I stole that from you. *snags cookie and runs* I like yours too though!
I'm green with envy at the Season 5ness you guys get to partake in. Even my brother gets to watch them. Boo. This is what comes of having only 5 channels.

Anyway, I'm not a particular shipper in CSIM but I like this thread, I've been reading along for a while. Calleigh and Ryan have...chemistry. And, really, it's all about the chemistry. And the forensics, obviously.

Ok, my two pennies on the interview thing (my first go here with spoiler tags, bear with me:

Right, E/C. I agree with Carla, it's almost definitely not going to last long. Eric...hasn't been in the frame of mind for serious relationships previously (remember Season 1's Dispo Day, and Horatio's comment? 'No girlfriend this week?') so why would he be there now? I wonder if Natalia will be jealous.

Second, Calleigh's an old-fashioned girl. And while they're great friends, Eric strikes me as a bit...flighty for her. In personal terms rather than work ones, because he is a great CSI and they work very well together. But...friendship is a great base for relationships, but there's more needed. And they're good friends, but probably not the most compatible of couples. Plus, I'd rather Eric with Natalia, really.


Edited because I didn't manage to say everything.
I think that if E/C DOES happen for some reason, they will quickly realize theyre just great friend's and nothing more. 'Sides, I think Natalia and Eric have very good chemistry. :D
Carla :eek: Welcome to the CarWash thread! That's a really interesting and good post ;) Welcome JillieRose, too! It's so nice to see some new people here in the thread, seeing that CaRWash is being spreaded(?) around.

Nikki, I don't take that as an offense. Not at all. *hugs back*

You have really good thoughts about the whole interview thing, the consequences that those things mentioned by them could have in CaRWash...I always tried to think positive about all this, I agree with you, Eric and Calleigh wouldn't last that long. But that's our CaRWasher's eyes :lol: I am confident, especially after the email/answer Nikki received. The important thing now is not having Ryan and Calleigh together (like a couple, love meaning), but do not have Eric and Calleigh, because that would be too hard for us, and too sad, and would ruin our hopes and expectations (no offense for every E/C shippers, ok?)
I SO agree with you CSI_Dani. Us CaRWasher's would me traumatized to see E/C, again, no offense to all you E/C shippers, but it may create a good team conflict if it DOES happen.
i totally agree!!!!! if there is an E/C relationship and it works out that would totally ruin CaRWash. but if it doesn't then Ryan can make his move and help her pick up the pieces and then who knows what that will lead to?? :D i'm hoping for the second one :D
Well, I don't think E/C will work out, but when it's over, I don't think it will be that quick for CaRWash. I am guessing that if Ryan knew about E/C, there may even be some personal trust issues between them creating some "good" Ryan and Calleigh conflict.

Who knows? I could be totally wrong. :D

Still, I can't see really love chemistry between Eric and Calleigh...... :rolleyes:So I will keep waiting for CaRWash.S5 is indeed lack of CaRWash moments. :eek:
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