Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

CSI_Watcher_8 said:
Ryan: Hey, are you okay?
Calleigh: I told you not to come... What the hell are you doing here?
Ryan: I'm saving your life, I suppose.
Calleigh: Remind me to get mad at you after I'll have thanked you.

That's sounds like the perfect way for them to interact afterwards. You should write a fic. Sorry I have fics on my mind. ;)

LOL. She really should write a fic outta that, but it'll be cool to see it too.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Quick question: Call me stupid, but what EXACTLY does CaRWash mean?! I mean, I get the CaR part...Calleigh and Ryan...but what's with the 'wash?' Every freakin' site I go to that has anything related to CSI: Miami makes mention of it. AGAIN!!!: I know the CaR part, what's the wash-part?

Confused as heck...

PS. I do agree though...they make a BEAUTIFUL couple!!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

CaRWash means:


Hope that helps. ;) And we wouldn't call you stupid. Welcome here Annie!

IHNC you changed your name! I was like: who is...ooooh. :rolleyes:
Lunsie you really should write that. After you finish the other two. :lol:

Sorry for my abcence, I have been busy and uh...well not in an all too good mood. I'm missing more CaRWashers though. Where is everyone? :confused:

ETA: back from school and still no new posts. :eek: I miss my CaRWashers! Don't leave me here! (hey, that reminds me of the RP)

Okay, I think we need something to talk about here. Since the last episode was a re-run of Rio, and we don't really know something about the new episode yet, we need to go back in time.

I was thinking about Ryan's OCD. Eric knew about it in 'after the all', and Calleigh mentioned it in 'payback'. In recoil though, he was rearranging her evidence and she told him she didn't like that. She must've known he had OCD by then. By the way, she did say she really appreciated it, which makes me smile. :D

But as far as I know, Ryan never told anyone except Horatio about his ocd. I'm wondering how Eric and Calleigh found out. Just by noticing, or did he tell them, or did Horatio tell them?

I think he might've told Calleigh, I mean, they're close, but Eric... I don't know. They weren't exactly friends in season 3, so I don't see Ryan telling Eric about his OCD. Just wondering. I could see Ryan talking to Calleigh about it though.

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Recoil)


This is that scene. The look he's giving her, I'm not sure what to think. He's obvisously kinda irritated, but they were argueing the entire episode. :rolleyes: I liked that scene though:

Ryan: It's really no big deal, I was sorting it by date.
Calleigh: I usually do it by file number. I'm sorry, I appreciate it, I really do, it's just I like to get all my ducks in a row before I go to court.
Ryan: *see CPOTD*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Firstly, excellent picture Nikki. :D

As for Ryan's OCD, I'm pretty sure people would have found out on their own. But I like to think Calleigh knows because they're so close. They do spend a lot of time together, and they've probably gotten to know each other pretty well. And in that scene that you're talking about, Nikki, it does look like he's kind of irritated with her. :lol: But that's okay because it's more of a lover's quarrel. Besides, like I've said before, at the end of the day, they're still great friends.

Hopefully one day they'll be more. ;)

I think the fact that they're arguing really creates a lot of good tension between them. I've always liked to see them argue, especially in 'Death Pool 100'. And I'm still trying to figure out why there was an exchange of cash and an Ipod was bought. :lol: (It was for Ryan's niece right?) Obviously this shows that they're pretty close.

Erm...Ryan and Calleigh, not Ryan and his niece. :lol: (Well, I'd assume they're close because they're family, but this is the CaRwash thread not the 'Ryan's Family' thread. :p)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Nice CPOTD! I love Recoil. *sighs* Angsty, but at the end it's so cute. I love that scene too. :D

As for Ryan's OCD, I think he told Calleigh about it. They are really close. I think they tell eachother alot actually. Remember when Calleigh told Ryan about why she quit bullistics? That was really sweet cause she didn't really tell anyone else. I don't know about Eric though. I don't see why Ryan would tell him. Maybe H told him? :confused: But I don't see why he would. Now I'm confused. :p

'Ryan's Family' :lol: I like Cal and Ryan's fights, too. (That sounds bad :p) But in every one they made up. In Recoil, they stood together at the end. In Deviant.. They stood together at the end.. And Cal asked him out for beers. :devil: I know in Death Pool 100, we didn't see them make up, but in the next episode they were fine. And I heard Going Under was supposed to air after that, so Calleigh called Ryan "babe". :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

speed_cochrane said:
And I'm still trying to figure out why there was an exchange of cash and an Ipod was bought. :lol: (It was for Ryan's niece right?) Obviously this shows that they're pretty close.

It went more or less like this (yeah, I was there :lol: I'm their housemaid and soon to be nanny :p):

Calleigh: Honey, I'm going to the mall... Need anything in particular?
Ryan: Yes, dear... Would you please buy an I-Pod for your future niece?
Calleigh: Will you give me the money back?
Ryan: Sure.
Calleigh: Okay then. *goes out*
Ryan: Heck, now I have to find that money. *goes gambling in the wrong place* :rolleyes:

I love it when they argue. Like in Deviant, when it seemed like everyone was gossiping around those twenty seconds of not exactly friendly chat... I mean, nobody would do that if they didn't think there's something juicy behind. Only lovebirds' argues are worth a gossip spreading labwide. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

For me it's really a big deal that he asked Calleigh to buy a present for his niece.
you only ask a very good friend to something like that. He trusts her enough to aks her to do that. or maybe he thought it would be better when a woman will buy a present for his niece. but what can you mess up with a i-pod?

about the OCD: hm, Calleigh and Eric are smart people (you know, a CSI knows everything ;)). maybe Calleigh founds out by his actions and carefully asked him about it and they had a long talk. :D
with Eric it could be slipped out, like with Horatio. I had the feeling he didn't want to tell Horatio about it in 'UTI', but he had the feeling he had to tell him about it. the same could have happened with Eric. I don't think that Horatio told them. He wouldn't do something like that.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Ryan was in patrol before becoming a CSI, his OCD drove the watch commander (or somthing else, can't remember the exact term) crazy, he told Horatio in a fairly open area, so I don't think it was any great secret. Eric and Calleigh probably have contacts in uniform, and there's Frank.
He's such a private character that he wouldn't openly broadcast it, but he doesn't hide it either.

*By the way, Ch13 of HiStory now up*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Ryan: I'm a little OCD. Drives the watch commander crazy.

Annwn, that was it, you were right. I reviewed it btw, loved it as always. :D

Inge, I can believe that, she found out by herself and then asked him about it.

Ahh, Luna, so you're that woman always drooling in the kitchen pretending to clean. :lol: I'm that woman drooling in the living room pretending to be the script writer. Or maybe not pretending. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Eric probably watched Ryan because in one of the epic (Where the girl got killed after she slept with a judge) Ryan mentioned that the judge was pratically OCD and Eric said something like - just like someone i know. Eric is pretty smart.

Does anyone know any fan fiction sites for Calleigh/Ryan or any more fan fiction of them, i've read the ones at Fan Fiction net and i would love to read some more.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Come on, CaRWashers, this has slipped to the second page. Get a grip, people! Where are your priorities?
I think tptb have lost a great opportunity with the OCD thing. It isn't mentioned now (we're still on Series 4 here in the UK), but from what I've read it can take up a large slice of a person's life, but he has somehow learned to balance life/obsession (which is more than we have been able to do :lol:)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hehe, true Jean, true. :lol: I'm here, wondering where the rest is.

spacegal, Eric said: "Sounds like someone I know." Which means he definitely knew by that time.

Fics for CaRWash not on can be found here and here
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Thank you Dutchie.

BTW - has it ever been explained what Horatio meant by 'It's in his blood'? when he placed Ryan on Calleigh's case in 'Under the Influnce?' I've always wondered what that meant and i haven't seen in reference to it yet.

I think the OCD will come out later in the series - they usually hint to it first in the beginning then show it in a major way - directors do that all the time.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey y'all, I'm back! And I've updated my fic! :D *is all proud*

Hi to all the newbies around, I'm Luna. :) It's always nice to see new CaRWashers. I've always thought everyone is a CaRwasher, cause you just can't help it... You just need to open your eyes and realize you are. :lol:

I've been talking about Recoil in another forum and I think we need a new Recoil in this season... I want to see them dealing with a serious shooting. Something like what happened to Eric in Urban Hellraisers... I want to see how they'd interact, and maybe see one of them getting injured... I know, I know, it's angsty stuff and would probably turn into a soapy thing, but I seriously would love to see that.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey it's been a while since i've popped in here but I find it hard to come up with stuff to say..yeah I do.
Anyways Nikki I love that pick from recoil. When Ryan's hair started getting long I liked it that ep I think it was perfect, gosh he's just adorkable. That was an interesting scene and I think it was all about his ocd, the way he was putting it in order. I think maybe Ryan did tell Cal about his ocd but how Delko found out I'm not sure. I couldn't see Ryan telling him because they weren't too close.
I'm with you Calleigh about the angst on the show, I love seeing one of them get hurt. Even though it was hard to watch Ryan get shot in the eye with the nail, I have to admit it was one of my fav ep's ever. Just because it was sad and he was Jon's acting was amazing. I just wish they would have showed Cal with him at the hospital or something. I mean it's clear they are the closest of all of them, well him and Alexx are tight but I think Ryan and Cal are closer then any of them.
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