Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Luns, where are your 3 lines?? We really should try to work on it, because I don't want Rhonda coming here all the time (unless I converted her, lol :D) to warn us. Let's all post a minimum of 3 good ON-TOPIC lines for the sake of CaRWashness. Ok?

That is one hell of a point you got there Lunsie. And it's a UTT pic. Oh my... :devil:

Katie, I have NO idea what will happen. I really hope Calleigh won't end up with Jake in the end, wasn't it a POSSIBLE new love-interest? I would love for this to happen: (and excuse my AW heart :rolleyes:)

Everyone thinks Calleigh is seeing Jake, and Ryan kinda gives up on her because he thinks he has been trying for 3 years without a result, and then somehow (maybe through a nice abduction or shootout :devil:) he finds out Jake isn't Calleighs BF at all. Then he decides he should wait no longer and tells her he's so relieved because he loves her. She tells him she loves him too and they live happily ever after. (and Angsty of course :p)

I'll edit my four seconds quote.

Nikki: *viewing from side line with script**to director* You know what, I wanna do that again. I want to make the scene four minutes longer."

There we go, icons for everyone. :lol: *squees with Alex*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Man, at least CaRWash has to work now. Or I will do something really really....well I don't know, but it will be bad -.-

Please, put them together!!!!

ok, that was it. I will go away. I hate guys with the name Lars ;_____;
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Dutchie said:
That is one hell of a point you got there Lunsie. And it's a UTT pic. Oh my... :devil:

Nopes, that's not a UTT, cause Ryan's hands are quite visble, but still it's pretty explicit. :lol:

I'm still fighting to watch GGG, but I'm sure I'll sooon manage to. By the screencaps I can say there's not much CaRWashness (*cough*lots of CaKe though*cough* :p), but I still have high hopes for this season. You can't call someone Beautiful or Babe, nor rub their shoulder in such a flirtatious way and get away with that so easily. :devil: I want a Deviant for S5 too!

P.S. about the three lines... I thought pics counted for that, but apparently I was wrong *goes back to read rules*.
I always do my best to be a good girl. (Pfffft, as if! :p)

ETA: sienna, I totally adore your banner! :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Whoops, those are two hands on the table there from Ryan. My bad. Sorry. :(

*whacks Luns* NO talking about CaKe in the CaRWash thread. Shoo, shoo. :p Don't you dare, especially with a cliffhanger on OOR. :devil:

Season 5 will get a Deviant, and more! I know it :p

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From The Score)

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Luna, that picture is very explict. :lol: :devil: "Oh, RYAN!!" ........ :p :lol:.. *cough* Sorry bout that.

I wanna Deviant too. "Dear Santa, I have been a good girl all year long. All I want for Christmas is a s5 Deviant, or to see Ryan jump Calleigh. Thanks Santa!!" Yup, i've already wrote my wishlist for Christmas. :D ;)

Woohoo!! Icons for everyone! :lol: Thanks Nikki. :p

^^Aww, look at how he's staring at her. *sighs*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

:DRyan always stares at cal :devil:He just cant help himself :lol:

But back on on-topic ;) i think s5 will get a deviant heck maybe even 3...or 4...or we could may get enough rename season 5 'deviant'!! Now that would be awesome. I think that calleigh will end up with Jake at some point,in the season but i also think that H didn't mention the dug use thing in GU for no reason. There is definatley a side to him that we haven't properly seen yet. And i think its that side that will split him and calleigh up, or *angst whore in me breaks out* will endager calleighs life and Ryan will rescue her :)*squees* now that would be awesome :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Calleigh and Jake...that would suck so much. But there are two ways to look at this.

One, TPTB are trying to give Calleigh a love interest since her last one self-treated his woes with a bullet.

Two, they could be setting us up for a love triangle. Let's be honest, we really don't know how either of them feel towards one another. This is the perfect way to get some feelings to surface.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

i like that pic. well, looks like they are made for each other. well, did u have email addres of both jontogo and emily? if u have it, pliz send it 2 my email at
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Uh...onetogo, I wish I did. But noo, of course I don't. We're just a bunch of obsessed fans. I do know there's an address you can mail them on, but that's the CSI:Miami contact address or something. Welcome here. ;)

Kyle E, I am against love triangles. but a CaRWash/CaKe triangle...bring it on! I can SMELL the Angst already. :devil:

Katie, we have a maths teacher that looks like Santa, though he has dark hair...shall I...

Me: "Mr. De Keyzer, can I have CaRWash for Christmas? :D

I think he will look at the strange, then send me away. :lol:

Going, going, gone is on it's way to me so I will talk about that later, for now all I can say is that I am writing the Nailed missing scene. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hi all! am a CaRWash newbie (I think it's the chemistry btw Calleigh & Ryan that "SHOW/LEAD/LURE" me the way :p)

b4 Ryan came into the picture, I was kinda thinking Calleigh and Horatio make a gd pair, both were cool headed, clever, brave...the list goes on...but things changed (little by little) when little wolfie came along... :D

well, meanwhile, things are looking so "inevitable" (I am not the one who's seeing *things* am I??), so much so I can only have two guesses, either the scriptwriters are set on making them a pair (thus the flirtous dialogue etc), if not, these two are just really a chemistry hit-off pair! Yeah! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

hey jue and welcome to the CaRWash thread :D no you are not seeing things things are inevitable ..
i personally think they already are a pair .. they just don't schow it on screen :p

i know i'm late but great CPOTD nikki just watched that eppy but didn't notice that little CaRWash moment .. shame on me :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

its long ago that i posted in here. Im still looking for the good carwash moments and right when i thought i could find them the start airing old epis again. I have them on dvd.. poor me.. But i like Nikki CPOTD she post in her and i didnt had the change to read all the fics you all wrote. There are to many. But keep it up you all. I love it.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

hello to you too sienna! :cool:

it just occured to me, in DeathPool 100 ep (ok, I was bit slow.. :D)... did anybody have second thoughts when Calleigh angrily says she will take the heat when Ryan offer to come clean about the supernote thingy? ..I suspect there's a bit of carwashing there...

firstly, have you seen her so flareup and raise her voice before (not to criminals, but to her beloved colleagues)? secondly, she sorta "ordered" Ryan to keep his mouth shut, and she will take the blame...for the sake(?) of the lab...

Cheesy and for whatever glamour reason she put it..I just cant help but felt there's a sense of protection when she is trying to do the cover up for Ryan, I meant, PERSONAL protection *Wink Wink :D*, would she do it too if it's someone else? Didn't she realise if she coverup for Ryan, and if the thing got expose, she+lab will be in bigger sh*t? It's just not very "her cool way of doing things", and what exactly make her wanting to take the blame?

Remember what eric once told her? "you are always defending him" ...and now, she's protecting him...and she didn't even knew it...yet :eek:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I've always had your same thoughts about their little discussion in DP100, jue (welcome, btw! ;))... She's never been so mad at anyone, not even at Speedle in Dispo Day, when he nearly had himself killed (if only :p).
I've been thinking all along that she kind of overreacted, but it was good she was so furious, cause it means she cares, and a lot. Furthermore, I seriously doubt the gambling thing itself made her act like that... She was only pissed that he could have compromised his own career, and it was really admirable of her to cover him, cause it proves she was only very worried. You don't do something like that if you're so mad at someone, unless you really care for them.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

In DP100, when Ryan told Cal about the gamblings, he looks like a child who is just caught redhanded by his mother, while stealing cookies :lol: I loved that scene. And yes, Calleigh just wanted to protect him, because when he would lose his job, they had to stop flirting at work :lol:
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