Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!
Butterflygoodbye, would you please post at least 3 on-topic lines if you post here? We don't wanna make
Rhonda mad, because we love
So please post a minimum of 3 lines, ok? Thanks!
I made my first icon today, CaRWash, and it's in the Miami icon thread. Go check it out! I'm kinda proud of it.
Age doesn't matter at all, I mean, what's 5 years? Nothing right?
*takes brownie* Thanks!
Okay, for a good discussion, how's this. We've talked about who made the first move, who was the first one to confess his/her love, who would kiss the other my question is: who would be the first COLLEAGUE to know about them?
I'm thinking either Horatio (just because he's Horatio and it's his lab :lol
or Alexx, because I can just see both Calleigh and Ryan talk to her. She's like the 'mom' of the family.
I'm in such a season 3 mood...must be because they're rerunning it. No Ryan tonight though...Pro Per.
Calleigh: "If I'm not mistaking, that's a cosmopolitan."
Ryan: "Total chick drink."
CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Legal)