Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

*bows down* Thank you, thank you very much. No, no, don't kiss my feet, it's nothing really. :p Is this 13? :eek:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Am I the only one who can see that huge "WARNING: MAJOR FLIRTING IN PROGRESS" blinking on the image? :lol:
That scene was a total CaRWashness... Ryan was all sexy and teasing and Cal had that enormous grin on her lips... They were so busted! :devil:

Btw, here's an old icon I made ages ago... But still so significant. :D

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Well I realized about that scene the day I posted the CPOTD, but I couldn't make a really good cap as you did :D so I forgot about it. That's the one when Ryan is asking Cal about the bad guys right?

Oh yeah, you wrote the dialogue :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

uh oh 13. RUNNNN

In other words, Ryan is really asking Calleigh out, but Calleigh hasn't picked up yet. Give her time. She will. ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

OMGOMG. I totally forgot about that scene in Cop Killer. How the hell could I forget about a scene like that?! *slaps self and runs off to watch episode*

*runs back in* Nikki, that's insane. :rolleyes:.. Oh and i'm not bringing the cookies over until I see them kiss. ;) And welcome to the thread Nohope!! :D *runs out while chanting Cop Killer*

(I voted for CaRWash as my OTP ;))
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Welcome butterflygoodbye. Please don't double or triple post. You can edit your original post for up to 24 hours by hitting the "edit" button in your post.

Also, here's a link to the Shipper Central rules: Shipper Central Rules

Also a reminder to everybody...back on topic...3 lines minimum of on topic posting. thanks
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Thanks Dutchie i missed y'all too!
I almost got on during english today but i didn't... :(

So anyway! uuuuuum... not much else to say... i know sad... but ya know how it goes!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey TheCoroner Katie told me you've updated your fic, but you changed your name in ff, right? so what's your name now, I want to read it :(

Welcome to the thread nohope I hope you don't have "nohope" of CaRWash getting together :p

Edited: oh well, oops I did it again, sorry 1CSIMfan I didn't read your previous post, I just read TheCoroner's one and posted *blushes*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Guys, did you not see my post just 3 posts up? I asked you politely to get back on topic and then I am totally ignored in the next 2 posts.

If you have no on-topic discussion to post, then please don't post until you do.

Again, get back on topic or start a new topic. If you're gonna talk about updated fanfics or where to find still need to contribute to the conversation.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Sorry 1CSIMfan. :(

Awww we didn't really get a scene tonight.. Well at the beginning she told him he did a good job with taking that picture of the hand. (How romantic!! :lol:) And she smiled at him. Aww. :) I feel kind of sad because the whole 'Calleigh getting "shot"' scene reminded me of Recoil. Especially when Jake was like, "Calleigh! Calleigh!" Aww I miss Recoil now.

Calleigh so wants Ryan. She'll realize it soon enough. I'm off to bed now. :) *Prays I will have a CaRWash dream*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

welcome to all newbies here =) (omg nikki this IS 13 ... you're fantastic :p)
i love yesterdays CPOTD

i'm having class right now .. so boring ... much better to read this thread and stuff *runs off to read RP*:p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Just rewatched "Payback" and I love it when Calleigh pops into the lab to see Natalia. She looked absolutely beautiful with the jacket and the pale shirt. And her hair was just stunningly well done. But I want to see the return of the pigtails from "Golden Parachute"! I demand it!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

^^ Haha the pigtails will snare ryan...they have to!

Especially not now.. (Hellooo! Anyone out there?)
Here's ALEX :lol:, not been round much ..sorry...i am stressed with all these mock exams coming up :(
But i bought brownies *hands out brownies* :D

I love the little touches, and smiles its like a little thing just between them. Very couplish if you ask me. Even if there is 5 years or whatever between them look at ashton and demi etc
Age doesn't matter when it comes to love and i think calleigh and ryan will prove that when they finally get together ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I agree wholeheartedly. There are tons of couples together where the woman is older than the man. CaRWash RULES!!! ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Butterflygoodbye, would you please post at least 3 on-topic lines if you post here? We don't wanna make Rhonda mad, because we love Rhonda. :D So please post a minimum of 3 lines, ok? Thanks!

I made my first icon today, CaRWash, and it's in the Miami icon thread. Go check it out! I'm kinda proud of it.

Age doesn't matter at all, I mean, what's 5 years? Nothing right? ;)

*takes brownie* Thanks!

Okay, for a good discussion, how's this. We've talked about who made the first move, who was the first one to confess his/her love, who would kiss the other my question is: who would be the first COLLEAGUE to know about them?

I'm thinking either Horatio (just because he's Horatio and it's his lab :lol:) or Alexx, because I can just see both Calleigh and Ryan talk to her. She's like the 'mom' of the family.

I'm in such a season 3 mood...must be because they're rerunning it. No Ryan tonight though...Pro Per. :(

Calleigh: "If I'm not mistaking, that's a cosmopolitan."
Ryan: "Total chick drink."

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Legal)

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