Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I havent seen all of the epis with Calleigh and Ryan together, but here's my favs till now:

Fave epis:
Curse of the Coffin

Fave moments:
Cop Killer, the "attracted to bad boys" scene
Collision, the "Big day coming up for the both of you?" scene
Shock, the "I already put your name on the card" scene

Actually, did anybody notice? in Shock, that wedding card scene, after Ryan's "you are fantastic" comment, Calleigh did a small laugh, and then they were supposed to carry on talking about the evidence, but check out Calleigh's face after Ryan's "so what do we got going on here?", she still couldn't take away her grinning, that "fantastic" comment from wolfie keeps that little smile on her face, you can still feel the happiness in her tone. awwwwww :D

PS:I havent watch UTI, but I guess I would love it once I saw it, coz it's the starting of CaRWashing, and definitely holds remarkable importance ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I'm with you! Shock is one of the best CaRWash episodes :D Calleigh looks so good in white and there was a scene, when April Goodwin (the suspect) asked her 'What brand are you wearing?' and Cal said 'MDPD'. It was so cute^^

Oh, and does anyone have DA ( accounts?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I absolutely love that scene in Shock- definately one of my faves. Its just soooo cute!

OMG _Calleigh_ that is such a hot pic from Dark Room! I love how the writers hint at their relationship all the time- although I sometimes wish they'd hint a little more obviously!! :D Still spotting all the subtle little scenes between them makes being a shipper all the more fun!! :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

OMG! :eek: Jue that manip is such the cuteness! :p

and how Hott do they look in that "Dark room" pic from _Calleigh_! awww :p he's looking! mmmm I wander what he is thinking....*mind wanders into gutter* :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey guys,
I watched Collision again yesterday and I noticed that when that man is walking to Calleigh and Ryan, Calleigh was watching something and then Ryan touched her on her back. So stupid that I didn't have notice that the first time I watched COllision... did anyone notice it to?


A few seconds after this picture ... ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Maartje, thank you so much! I need see Collison again. When I was googling for caps, I found Miami Style again. Here are some pics I got :D

I'm sure y'all have seen these before, but Nailed is one of the best CaRWash epis, so.. :p

I loved when Ryan interrogated the suspect and suddenly he sees Cal coming and says 'Excuse me for a sec', like they have something to do :devil: It was a full CaRWash episode. I can't get enough of it. SO, there's more..
discuss about the date :D

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

^^ awww I love those caps^^ :p YAY! "Nailed" ,"urban hellraisers" and "shattered" are on tomorra night on fiveUS here in the uk as well as a couple CSI:NY eps (CSI Sunday!!!) :lol:

Tommora night will be the second time I get to see "nailed" cuz its been bout 4 month or so since they first showed it here in the UK so I can't wait to see it again.

my fave caRWash ep is definatly "Deviant" cuz Calleigh asked him out! *squee* oh I think I only have to wait bout another week before I see "Deviant" again :p this week will probably drag like crazy cuz I want it ToGo fast. :rolleyes:

My other fave caRWash ep is "driven" when she comforts him verbaly bout him freezing up.
I wish she had comforted him physically then we would have got a hug out of them :rolleyes: that scene was a perfect hug scene! :p

:mad:stupid writers not making them hug in at a should-have-been hug scene :mad:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

The writers are stupid, I agree, but they have given us so many fabulous CaRWash epis, why be angry with 'em? :D Still I am angry. They just don't give us enough! And yet I think that hug will come sooner than we expect :lol:
I am also surprised that Natalia has been spending some time with Horatio. Is it possible for those two to hook up? I don't think so, cause Natalia and Delko already are something.
Back to the topic! Yes, at the end of Driven there would've been a perfect hug!! And in Nailed, Cal should've hold Ryan's hand (in the hospital), not Alexx. Really, why did they make the episode THIS CaRWashy, and we did not get a hug or holding-hand scene!? This is so unfair :eek:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Ya, I did notice he touched her shoulder to advise the men was coming.... it's so normal he thought they were a couple because that's such a couplish (¿?) thing!! :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

They act couplish (lol!) all the time! And the funny thing is they don't even realise they're doing it- cos its so natural for them! *squee* :D God, they are just soo perfect....
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

My dear God, I just watched Blood In the Water and capped a sweet little CaRWash moment.. They are standing this close to each other, it's so cute! It's just sad that there isn't any touch-scene here. Only the 'good luck on your test' one. SWEEEEET!
Here are some more:
and more
and more,
and more.
Oh, and sorry about the subtitles, I'm Estonian so it's easier for me to learn english. :D

Edited to change the image to a link because it was stretching the screen
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Do you see how close they're standing in the first one..they're like plastered to each other. I love it :D

I somehow found my way back to the love that is Calleigh and Ryan, they're just so darn cute. I used to ship them, then stopped watching Miami but now Im back. And that's my life story :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Yeah, okay, so there've been a few little problems that held me from coming online, but I'm here now.

Glad to see that you've all been posting pictures so the CPOTD isn't missed too much, but I have one for y'all today. ;) That, and the message that chapter six is up! Wow. :eek:

OH and the CaRWash RP is coming to an end, but of course we can't end it until after the...yeah go check it out :p

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Shock)


I love this for 2 reasons. 1) major flirting. 2) more major flirting, over my name. (victim was called Nikki :D)

OH in Collision he touched her lower back, not her shoulder. Yeah I'm a freak when it comes to details.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Love all of the pics guys!! Makes my days happy and CaRWash-filled! :D

That first pic from Blood In The Water is amazing! They couldn't be any closer!! Notice you can't see either of their other hands.... :devil:

Ahh, Shock... "You're fantastic!" :D :D Love them.

I watched Crime Wave the other day and picked up on something slightly CaRWash-y and wondered if anyone else noticed it. Its just after Ryan goes off to check on his uncle and Calleigh tells him to be careful, or something, and then he leaves. After he's gone Calleigh just stands there for a little moment before she walks off; i like to think it was because she was worried about Ryan!! Now, is it just my over-active CaRWash imagination or did someone else notice that too???
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I wrote a long post but then it got deleted :mad:

sandle_yobling said:
I watched Crime Wave the other day and picked up on something slightly CaRWash-y and wondered if anyone else noticed it. Its just after Ryan goes off to check on his uncle and Calleigh tells him to be careful, or something, and then he leaves. After he's gone Calleigh just stands there for a little moment before she walks off; i like to think it was because she was worried about Ryan!! Now, is it just my over-active CaRWash imagination or did someone else notice that too???
I always noticed that too! I think she did it because she was worried about Ryan too. Why else would she stand there? There was stuff to be done. Aww she was worried about her Ryan. :D

Ahh Shock! I love that scene. I wish Calleigh was gonna go to the wedding because Ryan totally would have asked her to go with him. :D I love how Calleigh put Ryan's name on the card before he even asked her. It's like they're a package deal. 2 for 1. :p What? They're always together. :lol:

Favourite Episodes:
Deviant (I love how the whole lab was concerned that they got into a fight. "Oh no! The couple is in a fight. I hope they make up!" :lol: :rolleyes:)

Favourite Scenes:
Driven - When she comforted him, even though she wasn't on the same case. Awww.
Deviant - When Cal asked him out for beers, and when they stared at eachother for like 10 seconds or longer. :devil:
Legal - Pretty much the whole Ryan/Cal case, especially the "That's hot!" moment. :lol:
Recoil - When Ryan saved Cal's life, and when he thought she was shot. Awww!
Cop Killer - The bad boy part. :devil:
Nailed - The "ever pushed aside the dinner plate to get some?" comment. I don't even know why he asked cause he knows. :devil: ;)

There's probably more but I forget em. :rolleyes:
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