Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Dutchie said:
DRIVEN?? :eek: WTF! That doesn't look like a purple t-shirt to me! How can that be driven? :confused: DId Ryan change clothes throughout the episode and did I forget it?

That's a labcoat, you silly! :lol: The shirt is under the coat (unless Calleigh undressed him during the scene change, which I'm pretty sure actually happened. :p)
We all know all you tend to remeber of is the locker room scene, but that doesn't allow you to forget all the rest of the CaRWashness of the ep! *shakes head disappointedly* bad, bad CaRWasher! (Kiddin, hun, you know. ;))
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I should be a bad CaRWasher too because I don't remember that scene either....
And you guys have a really good memory (or you've watched the episodes a lot of times..) because reading your list of *Moments* I can't remember a few.. like those two:
3x16: Calleigh: "Let's go introduce ourselves."
3x21: Ryan: "Making sure Calleigh's okay."
I remember when I saw him "saving" her from the bullet (I think that was one of my first CaRWash moments..) but that sentence??

Or those followings.... (are from episode Nailed??)
4x08: Calleigh: "You. In the elevator. With me. We're leaving now."
4x08: Ryan: "So I guess you can take the girl out of firearms... But no you can't, cause it's you."
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Well it's me again. This connection sucks. It keeps disconnecting me.. :rolleyes:

Well I like to hide out in the garage of the crimelab. Yup, Luna, you're right. I guess they make it a habit of going in there together. :devil: :p

Welcome to the thread netartemisa! :) Yes, you're not alone!! Oh and Ryan never said the words "Making sure Calleigh's ok".. (why is it in quotation marks? :lol:) But after he "saved" her from the bullet, the blood from the tube he brought to court got on Cal's pants, and it looked like she was shot. :eek: Of course, Ryan gets all worried and is like "Calleigh! Calleigh! Oh my god, Calleigh!" and then finally she gets up and says she's okay. But gosh Ryan was so cute when he thought she was shot. :D

And yup, those quotes are from Nailed.

Ohhhh! I remember that scene from Driven. I was wondering if their hands touched... It probably took everything in them not to react to it. :p (Yes Nikki, I'm pretty sure you used those lines. :p :D)

And I'm off. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Luna I KNOW it's a labcoat, but since when does a labcoat have blue/green stripes? :confused: Oh wait that's shadow! Duh! That threw me off! I hate that shadow :lol:

Me a bad CaRWasher. Do you know who you're talking to? ME. With a few others, (including yourself) I'm one of the most constant posters in this thread. I do a CPOTD (damn have to cap one for today :eek:), write stories (*runs from people chasing her for chapter five* :eek:) and know almost all quotes by heart. (At least a quarter of that list was filled by me. :eek:) And you call me a bad CaRWasher. You, who's heart is 10% CaKe and has been HH and Ducaine in the past. :rolleyes: (kidding :p)

Aww Katie, that sucks. But yeah, Ryan was silently praying to God she was ok. "Please let her be ok, please please please...Delko will kill me if she's not. If she's okay I'll jump her!" Let's hope God is a CaRWasher. :D I'm pretty sure too Kat, in fact I'm sure, because I looked it up in my fic.

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From One of Our Own)

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Oh!! I haven't seen that episode yet, i want to finish season 4 that bad... except for the fact of having to wait for months till I can see season 5..
Anyway... episode 3x13 in on TV now and I've just watched THIS scene:
Ryan: "Some women are just attracted to bad boys." Calleigh: "Oh really? Do tell." Ryan: "Come on, like you've never been tempted."

I think that was totally CaRWash (more flirting from him you have to admitt it) but anyway.. I dunno how i couldn't realize before :O
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

That was one of the most evident flirty scenes... Ryan was all like "I'm no bad guy, but I could be for you!", and she had that HUGE gigglish smile, that I would never wear with someone whom I'm not attracted to. Besides the subject was pretty explicit, and so was his tone. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hehe, yeah, she had that huge smile, pity she was giving him her back and he couldn't see it...
Well... i wanted to thank everybody for the wellcoming and make some contribution at the same time but I still can't control photoshop and all I got was a pretty simple banner.. anyway i'd like to share it with you crazy CaRWash..

I don't know how to post the image so I put the link :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Awwwwwww *melts* :p I love that "Big day coming up?" scene! :p it was soo cute how they breifly looked at each other and they where both thinking the same thing. :lol:

BTW: netartemisa you have to post 100 times before you can post images. :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

netartemisa said:
Hehe, yeah, she had that huge smile, pity she was giving him her back and he couldn't see it...

Why do you think she was? Cause she knew if she had turned back to him, she wouldn't have been able to resist him.
Y'all know how they are... All afraid someone may jump in and catch them snogging over the mincroscope. :rolleyes: They're so friggin' overcautious. :eek:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Just watching "A Shark Tale" Yeh I know :eek:, but I can't be bothered to get up and change channel :D and the remote has gone walkabout :mad:, anyway, they gave a few mins of 'Carwash' (Oscar's Whale Wash) had to smile, then everyone looks at me funny :)...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

_Calleigh_ said:
Y'all know how they are... All afraid someone may jump in and chatch them snogging over the mincroscope. :rolleyes:

Hahaha, I have soo much fun reading all your posts.. that would be totally hilarious.. and they would be like.. "We made sure evidences didn't get contaminated" xDD
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Since I haven't posted any pic in a few days (well, two :p), here's a cute *cough*highly flirty*cough* one. :D

CaRWash Pic Of The Day
(From Sex & Taxes)

For those who wonder, it's from Sex & Taxes, though their own episode version (kindly written by Nikki :lol:) was Sex In Taxis, but it was changed due to major mature contents. :devil:

ETA: I made the pic a CPOTD, as Nikksy wished. ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

:lol: :eek: OMG how did you know that! Oh right I told you. OMG you crack me up. I love you.

They´ll drop the cautioness eventually. Trust me, I´m working on it. *turns right* OK maybe a bit too much. :eek: Get a room! (but one with cameras please :D)

Consider Luna's pic the CPOTD.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Ladies and gentlemen, after about three weeks of wearing (as if) waiting, I finally finished OOR! :eek: Here's the last chapter. I was in such a fluffy mood, you can't imagine... :lol:

But whatever, me being not me is scary enough, so I won't ramble about the weird behaviour I'm having because of the lack of sleep. On the other hand, since I can't sleep, I watch CSI Miami, and since I missed S3 (there's a whole S3 marathon here tonight, btw!), I've watched a few eps and CaRWashed myself to sleep with Under The Influence, Legal and Recoil, this all after midnight. And that did bring CaRWash dreams, though I don't exactly recall what happened, but never mind.
Next time I can't sleep I'll watch S4, and next again S5... Until I'll have to watch the three of them all in one night. A real CaRWash overdose. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Finally got through this network connection...just in time to wish you all a happy CaRWashing year ahead! :)

To kick off a brand new 2007, I've done another wallpaper--> just a little CaRWasher wish for 2007...

Luna , read your OOR, the ending's *warning, spoilers ahead :p* sweet, sweet, and sweet :D. Thanks for making 2006 a more CaRWashing year *huf Luna* , do write more in 2007, for all your know, our "hungry appetite"for more CaRWash scenes can never be satisfy... :lol:

Nikki, you too, will be waiting for your next chapter :D...also, this is the no.26432042 reminder from me to you: don't let the non-CaRWash pair get married...I will continue to bug you till you are done with your next afraid, be very afraid... :devil: meanwhile, let me huf you so you will remember...*huf Nikki* :p

Didn't forget you too Lena, I wish you a very happy, prosperous and peaceful new year...*huf Lena* :cool:

Love you all, huf you all :lol:
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