Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"
I was estatic over thier scenes. 1- they painted Jake as a good guy. He was looking a little rough, like the job was getting to him but for the most part he did the right thing & he did it for Calleigh. :adore:
I thought it put quite a bit of emphasis on how they feel for each other.
Well he looked hotter than ever :drool:.
Anyway, yep it was finally time to show him as good guy the whole time.
The first scene wasn't that much except for Calleigh's "is that why you couldn't pick up the phone'"

The second scene just showed that he loves her so much that he would do everything also risking his carreer/life.
He did it, he was still UC in the Crypt King, but, still, he went to the firarms lab just to give the weapons to Calleigh, just for her.
"I didn't do for the case, I did it for you" :adore: This sentence explains it all.
On the other side, Calleigh showed her feelings...she clearly told him that she wants to wait him but she's scared like, IMO, every woman w/ a man UC would be. It was understandable, you can see she wants to stay w/ him, she loves him.
The only problem, now, is that she's scared.
The actual "break up". Well, I don't call that a bad break up at all. To me, it was left hanging because I think it was very obvious that they BOTH deeply love each other. Who says Jake won't change his mind & leave UC, or if Calleigh has waited this long who says she still won't be sitting there hoping he'll come back.
I, still, have hopes 'cause that kiss & caress spoke for themselves.
Also the way she closed her eyes during that moment showed she loves him deeply almost as if she regretting telling him she's scared.
I don't know if he will decide to give up UC, I can't picture him like this, but I do trust he'll be more careful while UC just to be there for Calleigh.
I also think they're gonna place him as a normal detective, like in the other seasons...maybe it will happen towards the second half of the season.
I loved Calleigh saying she was terrified that something would happen to him & she would never know. It was almost sad, cause you could really see she loves him. Apparently also she's been trying to reach him all this time that he's been MIA - "is that why you couldn't pick up the phone"
This part was very sad, but, IMO was the best way to show her love for him.
She never showed her feelings for a person like this. It was her first tim to show them. I think this is character's development. I was waiting for this moment for ages.
They also filled just a little bit of explanation for his absurd absence, Although I still can't understand the kidnapping stuff.
I thought maybe tptb would make it a bad break up with Calleigh upset with him, & it was the complete opposite. I just don't think it takes a brainiac to see how strongly she feels about him...her being able to wait or not....break up or not...she clearly has feelings for him & he does for her as well. To me, that was the emphasis put into that scene & not the actual break up itself.
Trust me this was the best way to show their feelings & I'm pretty sure that lots of people understood it.
I don't know if it will be a break up, but I do hope & I do think it was just to let people wondering.
Obviously, Calleigh will be thinking about it for a long time. I can't picture her forgetting it that easily.
From the way she closed her eyes when he kissed her & caressed her I'm thinking she'll be waiting for a littl bit longer
Now for the bad part. Yes my wonderful predictions. You'll hate me for this.
But now this is the 2nd time "death" is mentioned with Jake. Call it just a hunch, or call it typical 'Miami' ways to push a story into the continuity hole, but I think Jake will be killed by one of the Crypt Kings.
Based on what we saw last night, I think it's clear that if anything happens to him, Cal will be heartbroken & feel awfully guilty since the reason he did it was for her.
That was all that kept running through my head after watching that scene & the kiss goodbye, was that this might be the last time she sees him alive

*runs from Florry's bullets*
**starts shooting mjszud**:scream::scream::scream:
Why?? Why do you always have to hurt me like this?

I know what you mean & I slightly agreee, but I think that this part was just a way to say "hey let's see if people like him or not".
If people liked this scene, they would make Jake survive & he'll be a normal cop even without a relationship w/ Cal.
If people didn't like this scene (I find it impossible), they'd kill him.
This was just a way to show the real Jake, the one they weren't able to show for more than 2 years. I think that the first Jake's episode was this one. You can see that something was missing for 2 years & that "something" was added today. I've been reading all over the forum that it was about time to show this Jake & I fully agree.
Now, that they showed it, there are very good opportunities to play w/ his character also avoiding his death

...if they want this triangle to deepen, although I think it's pretty impossible to see a triangle after this kind of revelations