Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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JenP: Hey! I've been here on the 1st page actually.

*Glares at Lynny*

Lynny: Oh you so should be scared. :eek: I'm s-c-a-r-y!

I love the chemistry between Jake/Calleigh... There's just so much... HEAT! And seems natural, more than some ships. :rolleyes:
mjs when'd you creep into here? I didn't pay attention to CaKe in Going under.. I payed attention to the DuCaine. I need to rewatch that ep for that. Thanks :)

ooh she glares, do it again!!!... *laughs* Your a whimp!

They do have that spark about them, I'll give Jake that much. And bad boys are hot, I'll give him that too. The kiss, definately a bonus for him. I dunno, they just need to give me that something next season for me to be a "shipper" Right now, I'm just a follower at this point.
^^ Oh so true, bad boys just have... it. :) They're totally hot. The kiss was really hot too! I thought that was when things really heated up!

:lol: At least, I glared. rofl. Nah, I even suck at glaring. :( Aren't I pathetic?
kissmesweet said:
:lol: At least, I glared. rofl. Nah, I even suck at glaring. :( Aren't I pathetic?

Well, although I'm very tempted to say something, I wont...just not yet! :lol: But you're right, bad boys somehow have so much attraction, you just can't stand them!

I like it when the pretty girl gets the bad boy, so I'm looking forward to seeing where this ships takes us. I finally have a reason for watching, 'cause the last few weeks didn't do that much for me. But hey, that's just me.
These two should be together. It be even better if it was me & Jake!!! haha. Johnny Whitworth is like the hottest guy EVER!! Besides Johnny Depp of course. I love my Johnnys!!!
haha I found someone else to help me annoy the heck outta Cordy, JenP I think I like you :)

I think the last few eps of that season just lost its edge, Yelina came back so that was a great touch to it all and then the kiss between these two, so.. Hopefully, this season just perks up some.
mjszud said:
i think the only reason it seemed akward for cal was because she was at work & she may have known eric or someone else saw them do it but she didnt seem to worried about eric's feelings when she was all smiley on the phone w/ jake or the fact that she even mentioned how he was doing after the accident. i don't think she is in LOVE w/ eric, i think its more like a concern & care for him & the idea of losing him in the shooting- that doesn't always mean 'love'. i personally beleive the triangle wont last & eric will move on leaving cal to have her "thing" w/ jake.


:)I hope thats true because Calleigh and jake are so cute together :)
:eek: JenP: DON'T JOIN THE DARK SIDE! (Aka. Lynny!)
I hope thats true because Calleigh and jake are so cute together
I like both ships: E/C and C/J... but I have a feeling that C/J is only TPTB's ploy to get E/C back together after an obstacle.
The franchaise likes their canon pairings, now don't they? GSR, D/L... :rolleyes:

I don't want Jake to be used as a prop!
kissmesweet said:
:eek: JenP: DON'T JOIN THE DARK SIDE! (Aka. Lynny!)
I like both ships: E/C and C/J... but I have a feeling that C/J is only TPTB's ploy to get E/C back together after an obstacle.
I got the same feeling. The look in Calleighs eyes told me everything!
sorry, i dont think thats the situation here. only cause she never made an attempt before to hide her feelings about jake. i dont know but to me if jake was just an "obstacle", they would have played it like she was just all about eric & just kinda being harrassed by the ex-boyfriend. she obviously really likes jake, i think she just didnt want to hurt any feelings. besides why would eric want to be sloppy seconds (no offense cal)?. Or cal for that matter, hello, im sure it would be a bitter pill to swallow to have to watch your boyfriend w/ his ex-girlfriend (nat/eric) EVERY SINGLE day. the writers need to stick w/ cal & jake !
^^ About your sloppy seconds comment: does that mean every person who has dated someone before, would be called that? :eek:

I do like Cal/Jake though... I'm just convinced that TPTB want E/C together, since they have been really great friends since the 1st season.

Jen: DON'T DO IT! Don't join Lynny! :p
Cordy said:I like both ships: E/C and C/J... but I have a feeling that C/J is only TPTB's ploy to get E/C back together after an obstacle.
The franchaise likes their canon pairings, now don't they? GSR, D/L...

I don't want Jake to be used as a prop!

I don't want Jake used, He may have his moments, but he doesn't deserve that.

If its just an obstacle, find something else, damnit.

Or I could just kidnap both Jake, Eric and Ryan... hey! that sounds like a good one, remind me to pick up Flack and Nick on the way ;)

mjs said:
hello, im sure it would be a bitter pill to swallow to have to watch your boyfriend w/ his ex-girlfriend (nat/eric) EVERY SINGLE day. the writers need to stick w/ cal & jake !

Its just one big huge triangle they've got going on right now, they really need to just stick with one or two and be done with it, before it turns into the way GSR and the ships that Cordy ships are. xx Its always hard to work with someone that you've been with, and this triangle route is gonna get old real quick.

Crazy!Cordy again:
^^ About your sloppy seconds comment: does that mean every person who has dated someone before, would be called that?

Well it depends really, would you want someones sloppy seconds? after they've used them?...yeah, i'll let mjs answer that one, though.


I do like Cal/Jake though... I'm just convinced that TPTB want E/C together, since they have been really great friends since the 1st season.

Crap, you know the answer I have for that, knocks CatNip, damnit, You knew that one I can't reply on, damn you!

xx But I can use Ryan... We thought they were gonna hook up for awhile {{although I still believe in you CaRWash}}

Jen join me, join me!! :D
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