Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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A few cases are fine I think, but ya know, the writers can't overdo it w/ them or anyone else for that matter!

I thought i'd share w/ you soemthing I read earlier. My buddy who is a poster on this board were discussing the situation. He referred to Jake "not being a bad boy, he just has a slight redneck flair, the All-American guy, football & mucles cars"!! :lol:
That was just a perfect way to sum up our Jake I thought!!
So very true!! :D

Sorry FLO, but I have to go back to Going Under again. That look on her face when her & the girl were in the office & she talked about being married to an undercover agent. Calleigh just gave that look . I can't explain it, but then she turned & looked at Jake & gave him that forgiving smile!!! Jake has some good in him, definitly. Calleigh's smart, I think she sees past his minor flaws & gives him the benefit of the doubt. To me, if he was just purely a bad choice, a terrible guy; Calleigh would be smart enough to see through that & back away from it.

Jakers can still come around & make it right again. I think the writers have showed there is something deep there & he is a part of her past, someone who she obviously felt like she could fall back on. :)

They have alot of things in common, they just make a very nice couple I think! ;)
Again, it's that "matching" thing.
I read also that in real life Johnny is from South Carolina ? Is that right? Something like that, but I remember thinking it was also where Calleigh is from. Kinda funny.
They both seem to have that southern charm, really natural, down to earth, like I could picture the 2 of them at a Monster truck show or hanging out at a Football game. Out mudding on a 4 wheeler! :lol:
Back in the early seasons, Calleigh wore the little tank tops & stuff, I think maybe when she goes home at night, she goes back into that casual style. That's where I see how nicely they look together! ;)
Cal has grown alot, but I can still see her going home & throwing on a pair of old blue jeans & a small t-shirt, & drift back into that southern girl "way".
Nooo...why did you talk about "going under"? :lol: :lol: :lol:
It was absolutely FANTASTIC. There's something too deep between her and Jake to be blown off :rolleyes:
Plus as you said Calleigh is too smart to commit a mistake with loveaffairs.

Honesly I never thought about them both being from South :p but you're so right.
I so can imagine her with Jake at a Monster truck or a Football game :lol:
I have noticed how she changed her look...I mean everytime in the last two season she's so elegant with suits or blouses :eek: . I kinda miss those tank tops :lol: . But I'm pretty sure they're reserved for Jake. She definetly is the girl who uses to wear jeans and tank tops ;)
And yeah...her with casual look plus Jake with a very tight have hotness all over their house :devil:

Your buddy's sum for Jake is so true :lol:
"Cross Jurisdictions" was on the other night! I was cracking up the whole time!!
Calleigh had on the tank top, yes. Her souther accent just way out there. Horatio's tone made him sound like Norman in the movie "Psycho"..I was like WTF???
They have changed soooo much.
But yeah, Calleigh I can see at a local bar still 2 -steppin' w/ Jake!! :D Thats her bad cowboy!
They would be so cute!

Hagen was a suited up psycopath, but Calleigh at least saw it & RAN!
Jakers is much different. ;) i couldn't imagine him blowing his brains out in front of her or grabbing her arm :rolleyes:
I can see theres a much more gentle side to him!
HELLO SUNBLOCK!! (Is that better, FLO? :lol:)
Him reaching for her hand, her reaching back...the smiles.
Horatio saying right afterwards "at the end of the day if we don't hang together...we'll die alone".
Yeah, she needs Jake to go "home" to, at the end of the day!! :D
Ok I'm officially dying :lol:
OMG yeah :eek: they changed a lot. Calleigh in pole position :eek:
Just looke at her hair :eek: it wasn't normal :lol: :lol:

You know Emily was in an episode of "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" the one with Joey getting in love with a woman (Emily) who works with a variety the perfume division. But he had to fight with a cowboy man to gain her love.
I have to say it cracked me Emily was in country style. Now I so can imagine her with her cowboy Jake

Nahhh Jake blowing his head off in front of her. I really can't imagine it :rolleyes: .
Same thing with with grabbing her arm :rolleyes: also because of what you told....OOMMMMMMMMMGGG "SUNBLOCK" :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I'm dead :lol:
*speaking directly from heaven* aaaaaaaaawwwwww it was so CUTE :D :D :D
I loved it :D
Awww Horatio's phrase :D :D :D too cute :D
She definetly needs him to survive every day :D
I'm here in tears...cause it's so true.
OMG!! I hope we get more cake the rest of the season and learn all about their history at the academy. =) Emily is from Raleigh, North Carolina, I think. Johnny is from Charleston, South Carolina. I can't wait because I'm going to Charleston this summer!! =) <3
It is so cute that they match also for their origin :D :D .
I so can't wait for new episodes :eek: I want new CAKE episodes....possibly with a little bit of their academy past :devil:

uhh Charleston :D Lucky girl :devil: please go and look for Johnny :devil:
Ok I was close!!! I knew it was some kind of Carolina's they were both from :D

Still, I think it's great how much they have in common.

Ahhh yes, new epis w/ CAKE!!! It's a must.

The writers are so guitly of NOT providing us w/ good background stories, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't ever get to hear or see what happened in their past.
It would be nice to know, but I really care more about their future together & hope Jake comes back to turn things around ;)
I think he'll do what's right! :) Ive got faith in him.
Well their past is not a must but still would be interesting to see...although I'm pretty sure we will never know it :rolleyes:

I'm looking forward for their future ;)
I have always got faith for him :D I know he's a good guy....if only TPTB could show it better :D
Florry, did you have to go there on his tight T and her tank in togetherness? :D Getting risque visuals about how they should unshed it.

All I want is Cake to reconnect and have progress in their relationship, and of course some sexy kissing moments they bask in.
Ops I'm sorry :devil: it won't happen again :D

I can't wait for new CAKE episodes...I want to see them back together :D
So...Calleigh will get kidnapped. She will be held in hostage and she while in hostage she will give a lot of clues to her friends :D . Yeah I want to see it although it sounds too fanfic :rolleyes: . Anyway Jake must be in this episode. He MUST help her. I think our TPTB must show his good side. They already showed it but I think they have to show it better...and to me this is the best occasion to do it. I want the final scene with Jake cheering Calleigh up :D . She deserves it.
It's hard to say how that epi will come outh though, it may not be as serious as expected, but it would be perfect oppurtunity for Jake to come in now, even if it's just at the end or him calling to see if she is alright.
Depends really on how much real drama they'll put into it.

SYG seemed like a huge thing; in real life if this happened you know everyone & your grandma would be all over you, checking on you, but for some reason TPTB for Miami don't enforce too much of that,unfortunately.
We'll see how it's actually played out.
Its definitly time for some CAKE though, if their going to do this (which im not crazy about anyway) Jakers must appear & show that great side of him that we all know he has! Whatever it is that keeps Calleigh coming back for more ;) ;) :D
to me it all depends on how TPTB want to develop it.

but to be honest...I'm pretty sure it's nothing serious. I mean in the same episode there will be Calleigh kdinapped and Kyle missing. I mean to be serious there shouldn't be Kyle missing. It makes me think they wont't develope Calleigh's kidnapping very well...and probably it will be fanfinc (cause to me it looks like a ff.) and probably our CSI will be distracted by Kyle's disappearance. I really don't know what to think about it :confused: . This is the best occasion for Jake to appear and showing Eric (cause to me he has to show it only to Eric) that he's a good guy..that he truely loves Calleigh. HE MUST BE IN THE EPISODE!!!
It all depends on TPTB :rolleyes:
The only person should be proven to is Calleigh. What really matters is Jake being protective of Calleigh, and how he loves her.
Exactly! Look how it went down w/ Alexx when she was "kidnapped", no one even gave the poor girl a hug. This is still going to revolve around solving a crime & Horatio will also have his son's issue, so I don't think it will be anything as powerful as when Sara went missing in Vegas. It was all about finding her & really nothing to do w/ solving a crime, so it may play out as a no big deal thing, but it would be nice for Jake to step in.

I agree KIANE, Jake really needs to prove it to Calleigh mostly, but on another note, it would be nice for Eric to at least see this so he can understand the difference in how she feels.
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