I could imagine the huge smile on Alexx's face if she found out her baby got married..& was pregnant! Too cute. I picture Cal in labor...Jake & Alexx by her side of course. Calleigh would be panting & emotional; Jake would somehow mannage to irritate Alexx, they would have a little tif. I could see Alexx being like "get away Jake, your doing it wrong, you rub her back this way"... arguing. Calleigh would then freak out & start yelling telling them to both shut up!! :lol:How comical!
New ?: Where/when/how/ will she deliver the baby?
Oh boy, I just flashed on her stilletto heels up in stirrups....ahhhh scary!!
New ?: Where/when/how/ will she deliver the baby?
Oh boy, I just flashed on her stilletto heels up in stirrups....ahhhh scary!!