"Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

oh, my god. genius. i loved this episode. the acting was amazing and well played. it was emotional, articulate, and action packed at the same time.

who knew the episode with danny bonaduce could be this good?
beccablue said:
can someone explain the ending to me? whats the green eye suppose to mean?
Not sure...Green Eyed Monster= Envy...

Could anything else bad possibly happen to Catherine?! I'm glad everything with her and Lindsay worked out okay. Did anyone else find the car crash reminded them of those commercials for that car with the new safety stuff- they're driving down the street and then BOOM!...maybe it's just me... :p

Yay for all the Greg in the epsiode! And I was happy it was Warrick first on the scene to see Cath :)
Nick was hillarious with "Well what about...wait, where's your shirt?" or whatever it was he said. The delivery was great! :D
I'm really confused. Who killed Izzy? At the end didn't say to be continued....
i love the episode, poor catherine...gotta say her acting was great, i really feel for her when lindsay was kidnapped...i was glad that sara was there to help her and it was nice seeing warrick with her
I really love this episode especially Greg, he is so adorable, when he try to find the safe and use the remote control to turn on the tv instead he find the safety.

I don't know who killed Izzy, it will going on case, just like Paul Milander, blue paint killer and don't forget about Dr. Lurie, he got away with murder.
I think the green eye may be linked to the nanny. Annie, I believe her name was. It really looked like her; to me it did, anyway.

I didn't like it when Warrick was taking the tape off of Lindsey. He wasn't wearing gloves! :eek: And how Sara told Catherine that anything she collected would be inadmissable, yet later in the episode Grissom told Catherine that they got the suspect because his fingerprints were on the polariod film strip. The strip that Catherine had collected during the first episode. :rolleyes:

Other than that... it wasn't a bad episode. I felt bad for Cath and wanted to give her a big hug. Poor woman; she's had enough drama to deal with. :(
Fantastic episode! The green eye leads me to believe the killer is the wife. Or maybe both wives. The alibi of their meeting together is a little too convenient.
Sam blinked before they cut away. I kind of hope he's not dead. He adds spice to the regular cast. However, the way they tied things up tonight — him saying he really loves Cath's mom, Cath protective of him at the end — I think he's dead.
I like the new Lindsey OK, but I miss the original.
So let's start picking this apart....

Griss is going through the model very carefully. Clearly he thinks it will offer a clue. Makes sense.

Why does the pic of Izzy and the baby interest him? It looks the same as the other 3 pics on the kitchen island except when he moves to the side, he can see that it has some thickness to it. There's something white on the back. So he pics it up, turns it over, and immediately stares away as if he's on to something. Looking back closer, it's clearly a doll with a green eye, and what appears to be a red blood stain above the eye.

BTW, the front-side pic of Izzy and the baby is actually Izzy and Sven, not Izzy's new baby. That same pic appears in the "After The Hits: The Izzy Delancy Story" special.

The pic of the doll with the green eye looks stuck to the back of the izzy pic and appears offcenter. Could it be a mistake, like it was stuck to the other pic by accident? Was it left there as a clue by the murder?
This was a great tonight. Had me on the edge of my seat for the whole show. I think Sam is dead so I'm thinking that Catherine will come into some serious money. Loved seeing so much of Greg and finding the safe was so funny.
I do have one question and hope someone can answer it for me. Why did Nick shave his head again? I loved his hair when it all grew back.
BethAnn said:
I do have one question and hope someone can answer it for me. Why did Nick shave his head again? I loved his hair when it all grew back.

I was wondering the same thing. I didn't think the look was flattering on him the first time he did it a couple seasons ago. Maybe he prefers the low-maintenance aspect of it?
Ok...just want to clarify...

So Catherine wasn't raped, right?!?!?!?!? Then what was the whole purpose of giving her a drug, and then taking a picture of her naked? I know the picture was given to her dad, but wouldn't just kidnapping Lindsey be enough?!?!?! Does anyone else feel this whole story is kind of confusing.
Waiting said:
Ok...just want to clarify...

So Catherine wasn't raped, right?!?!?!?!? Then what was the whole purpose of giving her a drug, and then taking a picture of her naked? I know the picture was given to her dad, but wouldn't just kidnapping Lindsey be enough?!?!?! Does anyone else feel this whole story is kind of confusing.

Everyone has their own fetishes and quirks that no one else understands, and this was obviously his.