Broken (Vegas RP)

Nick shot a glare at Greg. "Watch yourself. I'm doing better than you at the moment-" Nick stopped himself and remembered various past 'one day' relationships. "On.. second thought..."

Nick turned his attention back to Zoey, seeing her expression. Almost reading her mind, he stated simply, "Happens at least three times a week. Friendly." He smiled before he leaned toward her. "On that Ecklie note.. Reason being is because Ecklie isn't a 'favorite' around here. Where the real money's at is Grissom." Straightening back out, he smiled once more. "But don't let that get to you, he's.. A good guy when he wants to be, per say."
"Ecklie, thats anothing story." Greg chimed in, "Sure we don't like him. Ever asked yourself why? Because he makes us 'kiss ass' and the only reason he's at the possition he's at now is because he's a major suck up to authority. Truth is, he sucks in the field. He probably doesn't even know the deffinition of DNA."
She smiled shaking her head. Men! She'd never get them.

"Well its a shame then. Ive heard a lot about Mr Grissom. Gone to a couple of his confrences too." She smiled thinking back to how he didn't present like a leading authority in his field, but more of a guy just chatting about what he thought was really cool about his bugs.

"But I am Ecklie's" she said shrugging. She knew the guy had been up to something, and it was starting become a little more obvious now.

The two hour speech on hisLab. The questioning about handling odd hours. Different then the regular shifts. She was hired on to be a switch hitter.

This was going to suck.

She frowned. And making friends with these guys, was going to blow up in her face.

She let out a sigh.

"I better get myself down to Ecklie's Office. Down this hall here, to the right?" She guestured, moving away from the group.
Nick looked at Greg as he added the bit onto the end. He nodded in agreement before laughing. "So, so true. Not to go against you or anything, Hodges." he looked over at Hodges with a smirk before looking back to Zoey. "I'd try to get into Grissom's good graces and see if you can get switched." Nick winked. "Yep, he's that-a-way. Just look for the sign that say's 'Ecklie' and you should find him milling over paperwork."
"Hi Cassie I'm Sara Sidle and this is my partner Catherine Willows. We'd like to as you and Brenda some questions is that alright?" she says to the little girl.
Zoey walked down the hall, clutching her file between her arm and her bookbag.

Passing the small interrogation room, she glanced in the direction of the two girls seated at the table. Two Women across from them. The one girl looked ready for anything. She hated that look on children. Like they'd already seen so much, whatever you could throw at them wouldn't phase them.

She didn't allow herself to wonder at why they were there. She'd learned in the past just how endless the possibilities. You could come up with the worst case scenario, then life would blow it out of the water.

Up the hall was the office she was in last week. The door closed, she could hear voices, raised behind it.

Nice. Her timing was always impeccable.

The door opened, and a fuming man in a labcoat walked out. She turned watching him walk down the hall. Then peaked in the office, seeing Ecklie reorganize some paperwork. His face still red. Maybe she'd just...

"Ms Micheals. Its about time you got here. I said 9 oclock didnt I?"

She looked around in the hall, stepping into the office quickly. "I.. Well, you said to meet with..."

Ecklie frowned. "I won't tolerate lateness in my lab. I hired you because of your work record. Is there anything you need to tell me?"

Zoey's eyes flashed as she looked down. She could see why this guy was so popular.

"No, Sir. A misunderstanding is all. Just point me in the direction of my Lab, and Ill get right to work."

He dumped two huge casefiles in her arms. She looked down noticing the dates. 2001. "The sherriff wants these workups reviewed. A good place to start. You'll find everything you need just down the hall." And with that he turned back to his desk, opening another file, and sitting down again.
"I'll see you later Greg, got a case to attend to." He smiled grimly before waving to Greg and Hodges, walking back towards the interrogation room. Nick let his mind wander a bit and he was curious as to how Zoey did with Ecklie, but he shook his head. Casting the thought aside for now he gently tapped on the interrogation room and opened the door, joining Catherine and Sara with the two girls.
Greg looked at Hodges who glared and went back to work. Again Greg had nothing to work on, maybe Grissom had a case for him. Or maybe he could hitch a ride on the other case with the two little girls. Greg walked down the hallway where Nick was heading, and went into the otherside of the intergigation room to watched through the window, just as Nick entered the otherside.

[Since I got nothing else to do.]
csi_fanatic said:
"Hi Cassie I'm Sara Sidle and this is my partner Catherine Willows. We'd like to as you and Brenda some questions is that alright?" she says to the little girl.

"Yes Ma'm ask away." Cassie said looking straight at her, daring her to look away. Brenda sat quietly, staring at the floor.
Nick watched Cassi and her bravery against Sara. Soon he looked to Brenda and tilted his head to the side, brows furrowing together some. This is quite a contrast.. Brenda is so quiet compaired to her foster sister. He thought to himself. Leaning against the wall, he just listened to the four of them with the questions and answers.
As Zoey walked up the hall, the direction Ecklie so curteously aluded to, as the direction of the lab. She let her mind wander back to the 2 girls.

Letting out a sigh, she shook her head. How is it, she was attracted to a carreer that depressed her so. That she felt so utterly repulsed, and acomplished at the end of a workday? It just wasn't normal.

She turned her back to the door, not having a free hand, pushing against it, to open it to the 'shared lab' that was utilized in Ecklie's department. Not nearly as nice as the one she had briefly 'hung out' in.

Another worker looked up, rolling her eyes.

"So your another minion huh?" she said into her microscope, more than to Zoey. "He's got them lined up out the door this week!"

Zoey looked for a spot to drop her load, amongst the throw away coffee cups, and other takeout containers littering around the lab.

The equipment in this lab was more standard. Basic machinary that she was familliar with. No Dexitron 3000 here.

She sighed, flipping open the first file on the stack. Incomplete evidence slips, and inconclusive followups.

Yay! She groaned inwardly. So much for accomplished.

The other woman in the lab sighed.

Snapping off the light on the scope, and grabbing her bag, leaving the slide under the scope.

"Well, Im outta here. Put in my 12.. Im not giving that bastard any more than that. Toodles!" She said dryly. And walked out the door.

Zoey made a face watching the woman leave. Evidence of her being there, strewn all around. She walked over to the scope, switching the viewer on, and peaking in.

So they just leave arsenic slides lying around... no wonder half this shit's inconclusive... she mumbled to herself. Grabbing a pair of gloves, pulling the slide off, and situating it back in its evidence box. As she pulled the file closer to her, that the woman had been working on, she noticed the work up.

Unknown substance. She had to be kidding. One glance, and Zoey KNEW it was arsenic. She flipped the page. Case purged. Inconclusive evidence.

So much for working for the number one lab in the country.
Taking another file off the stack, Zoey opened it, seeing more of the same.

She let out a breath in frustration. Grabbing the takeaway containers, and cups, and throwing them with more force than neccessary in the trash.

She turned on her heel, heading for what looked like a breakroom she had passed earlier with Greg.

When she found it, she spied the pot full of coffee.

"There is a God.." she said to herself, grabbing a cup, and pouring herself some. Black.

Leaning on the counter, she thought of the girls again. She just couldn't get them out of her head. She saw the younger one, in her mind. Her face kept coming to her over and over again.

But it couldn't be...

Zoey's eyes grew wide, as a sliver of connection started in her brain.

Walking down the hall again, to the room where the 2 girls were, she stood back, as not to be seen, and peered at the girls through the glass.

That couldn't be Cassie...

She looked around for any familliar faces of the people she'd met earlier. Someone had to know something.
(ooh exciting! I don't know if i can talk right now...after all the girls are just waiting for you all, but feel free to keep writing!!)
"Whatcha got there?" Catherine asked Cassie when she saw her pull her jacket closer. She looked back at Nick with defeated eyes, she didn't know how much longer she could handle this, but she appared strong for the girls.