Broken (Vegas RP)

"Sounds plausible. But right now we're here for the tapes. We can't bring him downtown without feasible evidence."
The manager returned after quite some time.
"Two days ago, right? Here's the tapes. But bring them back unharmed or there's going to be a problem."
"Thank you," Grissom ignored his little 'threat'.
The girls walked back into the kitchen,
"Can we help you set the table or something Nick?" Cassie asked looking around the room for the silverware drawer.
Nick grinned, having always remembered that Sara was a vegetarian, and besides.. Pasta was always good. When he was done making the tea, he went around the kitchen, opening various cupboards and drawers. "Orientation; Cups, plates, pots and pans, utensils, drink mixes-butter-salt and pepper, canned and dried and spices..." Nick was pointing and labelling off the different things to help the three in knowing their way around the kitchen.

"If you want anything, don't be afraid to get it. Just tell me if we run out of anything," he said before looking to Cassie with a grin. "If you want to, sure." Nick pulled a few plates from the cupboard and set them on the counter along with a few napkins. He then went on to getting a pot and filling it with water.
Cassie set the table while Brenda got out Milk and Juice and set them on the table along with some cups.

Then the two girls sat down quietly on the couch, not really sure what else they were supposed to do at the moment.
Grissom took the videos over to Archie to have them examined.
"Make sure to keep me posted."
"I thought Catherine was the lead."
Grissom just gave him a look.
"Okay... I'll page both of you when I find something."
Cath walked back into the lab and looked over some photos from the crime scene. This was wierd, there was an earring that was just sitting in the middle of nowhere, but there was no sign of a woman. No clothes, no purse contents. Maybe they were looking at the wrong crime scene.
(Or maybe it wasn't a woman at all... here's a twist!)

Grissom got an urgent page and responded quickly to it.
"Did you get something?" Grissom asked when he reached Archie.
"Not exactly. I think that someone shut off the camera for a few hours, there's some missing footage."
Grissom was confused.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." He rewinded the tape a few minutes and Grissom caught something.
"Wait. Pause it there."
Archie did so, watching Grissom peering at the image.
"Magnify the manager."
"You think he had something to do with the altered tape?" Archie did as he was told, "Why?"
"Do you see what I see?" Grissom gave him a mysterious half-smile.
"The manager has pierced ears."

(Cue dramatic music! :eek: What? Guys can have pierced ears! :lol:)
(Yeah that's true)

Catherine went to the A/V lab as soon as Archie had paged her. She stood behind Grissom and Archie as they went over the tapes. "That confirms that he had something to do with it, now we just need to get him here for questioning. I'll page Brass." And she did.
"Good. I'll get the warant."

So, the two dragged in the manager for a little interrogation.
"What is this about? Why am I here? Do I need a lawyer?" He sounded mad and nervous.
(this RP has died i think! Drama maybe?)

Brenda shook her head, her eyes were going funny again. Cassie looked at her, noticing that confused look of concentration on her face.
"Hey Bren, you ok?" She asked her sister softly.
Brenda shook her head, the room was spinning worse then it ever had before. She clutched on to the chair tightly, things weren't right
Shut up Bitch! Just be quiet, you are making it worse! Don't move, or I'll kill you both, I said Don't Move!
"No! No! No!" Brenda cried covering her ears. Cassie looked around wildly,
"It's ok Brenda! It's ok! Sara, Nick help!"
(o__o It did die..)

Nick heard Cassie's shout, setting what was in his hands down on the counter and quickly going to find the two. "Cass? Brenda? What's wrong?" he asked, kneeling next to the two, seeing Brenda crying.

Don't speak, don't say a word. I will kill you both. You see this gun? I use it to KILL people. Like your mother, and your little brother. Remember Aiden? This gun killed him. Don't move or you can join him. Would you like that? Would you like that you worthless brats?
"No, No, NO! Don't hurt us, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Brenda sobbed, her shoulders shaking.

Cassie's face was white,
"Brenda! What's wrong? We're ok, we're with Sara and Nick, Brenda!" Brenda shook her head, twisting away from them. Her face was hot, her hands trembling.

Cassie get over here. No Brenda you stay there, I don't want you...yet. Cassie tell the nice men your name. Brenda put her head in her hands, trying to keep the words out of her head, she knew what happened next,
Brenda! I said stay back brat!
**There was a sickening slap, and then silence**

Brenda wimpered and lay limp in Cassie's arms, passed out.

Cassie began to cry, shaking her sister softly.
"What's wrong with her? Nick what's wrong with her?"
Nick's eyes widened, realizing that Brenda was most likely going through something similar to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Nick reached out to Brenda. "Let me see her," he said softly, gently taking the younger girl into his arms. "Brenda? Hun, wake up," Nick called, gently squeezing Brenda's arm.

((Writer's block! And thanks ^^))
(aw I'm sorry, and your welcome! lol)

Brenda wimpered, leaning her head on Nick's shoulder,
"I'm so scared. So scared. Everything I love is taken away, please, don't let Cassie be taken away. That man said, he said he would kill us if we told. Don't let him kill us." Her voice was low and soft, her hands clutching on to Nick's shurt.

Cassie stood there, staring at her younger sister with amazement. What was happening to her? What was going on?
Nick's arms wrapped around Brenda before he picked her up. He swayed with her in his arms gently, mumbling calming things to her. "Don't worry.. He's not here," he said quietly.