Broken (Vegas RP)

Nick gently squeezed Cassie's hand, looking to Brenda when she whispered those things, trying to suppress the laugh he had. She had a point on one hand, but on the other, children say the cutest things. "Just wondering, how often will that be?" Nick asked the social worker.

(>.< Oh bite me. I'm lurking)
Catherine glanced up at him, now she was blushing uncontrollably. "Hi." she told him as she flipped through a magazine, trying to make it look like she wasn't in deep thought.
The social worker gave the two girls an almost amused look.
"Well, they wouldn't be surprise inspections if I told you. But I can definitely say that either my colleague or myself will be stopping by within two days. Hope you have some clothes ready for the girls before then."

She headed for the door before quietly saying, "I probably shouldn't wear some perfume my ex-boyfriend bought me." :)lol:)
"Good night." She left.

Grissom filled a mug with cold water and looked around for some sugar packets. Seeing that they were on the table beside Catherine, he walked over to her.
"All right, buenos noches," Nick replied with a grin, shutting the door after she left. He had to bite back a laugh when the girls and the agent said that. "Well.. A couple days.. I don't suppose anyone from the station went and got you girls clothes did they?" Nick asked, gently setting Brenda back on her feet.
Cath inched away from him as he walked over to her. She looked up at him. "So, uh, how's the case going?" she asked, not really sure of what kind of case he was working on right now.
ShuriyuCSI said:
"All right, buenos noches," Nick replied with a grin, shutting the door after she left. He had to bite back a laugh when the girls and the agent said that. "Well.. A couple days.. I don't suppose anyone from the station went and got you girls clothes did they?" Nick asked, gently setting Brenda back on her feet.

Cassie shrugged,
"We didn't have many." She said quietly.
Nick went over his mind about what day it was and realized he'd been working overtime a lot the past month and just got his pay cheque today. "Well.. How about we get some tomorrow, hn? Sound good?" he asked.
Cath inched away from him as he walked over to her. She looked up at him. "So, uh, how's the case going?" she asked, not really sure of what kind of case he was working on right now.
Grissom gave her an innocent smile.
"It's going good. At the moment I'm working on another case, but I'm sure Greg is running with a few things on the Leurcman case."
He grabbed almost all of the sugar packets before quickly asking Catherine, "You're not going to need any augar, are you?"
(I am leaving tomorrow guys, for the whole summer, with no computer. So sorry to leave you all without someone to take my part...anyone who wants them go ahead and take the girls. I will be back in the fall if you still want me to be a part of it. Have a great summer!)
(Awww, well have a great summer csiadict11. Now what? Anyone want the part of two sweet, yet precocious little girls?)
Cath looked away from him and shook his head. She wondered what he needed the sugar for since his mug was filled with water. "Uh, no." she said. She was uncomfortable with him in the room since they seemed to be at each others throats lately. She wanted to apologize for all of it, but then again, she was too headstrong to do it.
((I will def. miss being here! I might suggest Zan for the part, but she might be way to busy to have a chance to do it. But it would be worth asking her. She is an outstanding writer. Raven is as well...but I think she is pretty busy too. Those are some suggestions though. And of course we have tons of other great writers on this site, I just don't know them as well. Good luck!))