Broken (Vegas RP)

"You never know when a friend or relative might stop by unexpectedly, or when you invite friends over for dinner," Nick replied with a smirk. Nick's arms held on to Brenda a bit tighter, looking to her. "You're fine.. Don't worry," he said softly.
She noticed how tense both of them looked, and quickly scribbled something down.
"How are the girls doing? Have they experienced any signs of post traumatic stress disorder or any negative feelings of any kind? Any tantrums or unusual displays of sadness?"
(Yeah......... I have no idea where Catherine is. I know that she was chasing after Grissom, who is being such an ass to I know she chased after Warrick, who I think was a crap load better than Griss lol, other than that, I don't know where she is.)
"They're doing all right. Slight PTSD, but that's to be expected," Nick replied calmly. "Before you go further, for the record, I do know how to handle children and I do know how to deal with post traumatic stress disorder."
Cassie stepped closer to Nick, and the two girls looked at the social worker quietly,
"He really does." Cassie said softly, "He helped Bren"
(Catherine was flirting with Warrick *coughShuriyuCSIcough* and if you want Grissom to create some more angst for her, i'll be glad to bring him back in. :lol:)

"Helped her with what, dear?" she addressed the question to Cassie.
(I realize I'm Warrick.. *sticks tongue out*)

Nick chose to stay quiet, letting the agent ask her questions. As long as she wasn't crossing any lines, it was okay.
It was clear that the little girl was hesitant to answer.
"Well, maybe you can tell me a little bit about my Brenda's eyes look a little red. Almost like she's been crying. Cassie as well," the worker noted.
The social worker nodded slightly, but jotted a few things down before looking around.
"May I ask where the girls will sleep? Do they have any other clothes to wear, and where exactly is your other co-worker?"

(That would be Sara aka csi_fanatic ;))
(sorry guys, I didn't realize that was my cue! *hits self on head*)

Cassie looked at her sister,
"Nick helped her stop crying. He made her feel better. Which almost no one is able to do." She was trying to sound professional, but her voice was shaking.
"My co-worker is keeping an eye on dinner for me," Nick replied with a slight smile. "And the girls will be sleeping in a spare bedroom I have." He paused, thinking about the second question before he looked to the girls. "As for clothing.. I'll make sure to get some when available," he finished. Nick's eyes drew down to Cassie again, reaching over to lightly set a hand on her head for a moment.
(Alright, since Lauren left me :p and I have no clue where Catherine is.....)

Cath was still so confused about this whole thing with Grissom. She didn't know what to make of it. Why was he acting so angrily towards her? Was she just over thinking it? Was she the one that was overreacting? She didn't know. She wanted to talk to Grissom about it, but she was too afraid to. She hoped that he would come to her, but she highly doubted it. For now, she would keep herself out in the open, in the breakroom.
ShuriyuCSI said:
"My co-worker is keeping an eye on dinner for me," Nick replied with a slight smile. "And the girls will be sleeping in a spare bedroom I have." He paused, thinking about the second question before he looked to the girls. "As for clothing.. I'll make sure to get some when available," he finished. Nick's eyes drew down to Cassie again, reaching over to lightly set a hand on her head for a moment.

Cassie reached up and took his hand.
"We are ok here. I really think we are gonna be ok." Brenda picked her head up quietly from Nick's shoulder and whispered something softly in his ear,
"Nick, make that lady go away. I don't like social workers. They are mean and they smell funny!"
The social worker didn't know how to react to all the whispering. She gave the girls what she hoped to be a friendly smile.
"Alright, I can see that you're both doing okay here. Just a reminder that we'll be checking in every so often, hope it won't be a bother," she stated the fact in a way to suggest that she didn't really care if she was bothering him or not.

(And now to play Grissom. ;))

The bug man was currently working on an experiment related to a different case. He decided he needed some more sugar water so he made a quick trip to the breakroom.
"Oh, hello Catherine."