Broken (Vegas RP)

Nick rummaged around his kitchen, pulling out at kettle and starting to heat some water. He then went over and grabbed the box of tea and the fixings to go with it and a cup. "I have two weeks to get a good night's rest, Sar. I earned myself a suspention remember?" Nick grinned. "You arn't gonna win. And what would you like in your tea?"
"Nothin right now. 1st What are we going to feed the girls tonite? and second why don't we just share the bed. It's big enough for the two of us and were both responsible adults." she told him.
The girls wandered around the hall way and rooms quietly.
"Cass, y-you know that feeling when you know you shouldn't be feeling or thinking something but you do anyways?" Brenda asked her sister softly. Cassie turned her head slowly,
"Yeah?" Brenda sighed, chewing on her lip,
"Well...I kinda feel safe here. And happy. I know I shouldn't but..." Cassie sighed and wrapped her arm around her sister's shoulder.
"I know what you mean Bren."
While Nick was finishing making the tea he thought about Sara's question. When he looked up, he tilted his head to the side. "I could make some pasta or something like that," Nick suggested. He was one of the few guys that actually made a meal instead of usually having TV dinners. "Okay, okay.. I surrender.. We are responsible adults."
(Yes... "responsible" - famous last words! :D)

Grissom lead the way as he walked to the receptionist of the Stardust hotel.
"May I help you?"
"I'm Gil Grissom, this is Warrick Brown and Catherine Willows, we're from the crime lab and we'd like to ask you a few questions."
The receptionist looked nervous. "About what? Do I need a lawyer?"
"Hopefully not."
Warrick soon spoke up; "Were either of these two people here three days ago? Around night time?" He removed a picture of the foster mom and dad from a folder, showing them to the receptionist.
The receptionist grabbed the picture, squinting at it.
"I'm not sure. It might not have been my shift. I start at seven."
"There's no time on the date." Grissom stated.
"Well, we have cameras stationed by this desk." She pointed behind the CSIs at a small sensor activated camera.
"But you have to talk to manager," she said, trying to be helpful.
"Then can you, please, get us the manager?" Warrick asked, trying to be as polite as possible. Warrick knew he didn't need any attitude, nor did he know where it came from.
She hesitated and asked a co-worker to cover for her while she paged the manager. Within minutes he appeared from the back room.
"Is there some sort of problem here?"
Grissom looked at him.
"No. We just need the footage from your surveillance camera. Two days ago."
The manager didn't look happy.
"What for?"
"There is an open murder investigation going and we need to confirm if someone was here. Either of these two people," Warrick showed the pictures to the manager. "Beyond that, we don't have rights to discuss the case."
Grissom flashed his ID for good measure, "Now, will we be needing a warrant or will you hand over the tapes?"
The manager grudgingly complied.
"Alright. I'll be right back."
Catherine watched as the manager went to the back. "Is it me, or did he look kind of scared when we asked him for the tapes. I think we need to ask him what his relationship was with the manager, maybe he helped, or knew about it somehow."
Sara smiled. "Pasta sounds great, I'll help." she stated. "And if we can take care of two girls then we are responsible adults."