Broken (Vegas RP)

For the first time Brenda found comfort in someone else, an adult, when her world was spinning out of control. This had happened before of course, and she had always clutched on tightly to Cassie.

Cassie thought that it was just one of Brenda's bad dreams when that happened, but it wasn't. Brenda was awake. Nick's comforting voice was something that Brenda wasn't used to, and she was suprised at herself that she was letting him comfort her. As he continued to talk to her quietly, her eyes slowly closed, and she fell asleep on his shoulder.

Cassie still stood there, staring at the two of them. Brenda was opening up to Nick. She was actually trusting him, with her life. What was it about these two people that made the girls forget their fears and trust them?
Nick's voice gently eased off into silence as he watched Brenda fall asleep. He smiled to himself a bit, happy that he was actually starting to be trusted by Brenda this much throughout one day basically. Nick soon looked to Cassie, smiling to her. "You all right, Cass?" he asked her quietly.
Cassie nodded, and gently walked closer to Nick, leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Thank-you. You made Brenda trust someone again." She whispered, not quite meeting his eyes.
Nick smiled softly to Cassie, nodding a bit. "I was just being me and worrying.." he said softly before freeing one of his arms and gently wrapping it around Cassie's form, hugging her, keeping his other arm holding the sleeping Brenda. "I'm just glad everything is mostly all right."
Cassie sighed,
"I think I know the thing she was talking about. It was the last time we saw him and his gang. They tried to take me, and Brenda got nervous, and jumped up and kicked him, hard, in the shins. He turned to her and smacked her against the wall and she got knocked out. He told me again, that if I ever told he would kill us both, and that he was always watching us." She bit her lip and looked away.
Nick winced visibly. "Cassie, I swear to you, he won't get you now, all right?" he said, smiling to her a bit. "Not on my watch."
Cassie smiled,
"I know Nick." She looked at Sara carefully. She wasn't really sure if she trusted Sara yet, after all it had been her foster mom that had stabbed her, and she wasn't exactly trusting in most females. But Nick had won both of their hearts somehow.
Nick smiled to Cassie a bit before following his gaze to Sara. "What do you think of her?" he asked quietly, looking back to Cassie. Nick continued to hold Brenda's sleeping form.
(Bump! I don't want to see this die... :( )

Brass was able to keep the manager in a cell, but the CSIs needed more evidence if they wanted to prove he did it or not.
"Don't worry, before the end of the day we'll figure out if his epithelials matches the earring." Grissom assured the detective.

At this moment, there was a knock on Nick's door. It was a Child Service agent. (cue: dramatic music!)
Brenda turned her head quickly, tightening her grip on Nick's shirt. She didn't want this moment to end, this moment when they were almost a family.
Nick heard the knock on the door and felt Brenda's grip tighten on his shirt. He smiled to Brenda softly and picked her up gently, carrying her in his arms to the door and opening it. Nick reconized the familiar suit and ID of the Child Service agent and flashed a smile. "Can I help you?"
"Just a routine check. Mr. Grissom told you this would happen," she replied solemnly.
"I'd like to see what kind of environment the girls are in. I assume this is where they'll be staying?"
"Yep, they'll be staying here with myself and a co-worker," Nick replied, stepping aside to let the agent inside. "Go ahead, check this place over."
She merely nodded and surveyed the area, a pad and pen in her hand.
"Rather clean for a bachelor's pad," she managed a small, polite smile.