Broken (Vegas RP)

Nick turned and looked to Brenda, smiling. "Believe it or not, I have an interest in birds. I have somewhere over twenty books on them," Nick explained, grinning. "An' there's nothing wrong with liking birds." Nick shot Sara a teasing glare. It's a wonder I don't have one yet though.. he thought.
Cassie shook her head,
"Brenda thinks it's funny, I think because a book we used to read together all the time had a man that loved birds so much that they eventually turned him into one." Brenda smiled covering her mouth,
"S-Sorry Nick, I was just picturing you with a beak and feathers"

Cassie smiled, this was so unusual for Brenda and her, to be laughing with two grown ups? it was crazy.
(( xD I. Love. You. That's a great image to have in my mind. Makes me laugh. :lol: ))

One of Nick's eyebrows rose and he grinned, chuckling. "Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be sproutin' any fluffy tail feathers here soon," he joked. "Now.. Can I get any of you three pretty ladies anything to eat?"
(hehe, aww fuzzy Nicky! lol)

Cassie shook her head, still grinning, "No thanks Nick. We just wanna look around if that's ok."
Nick nodded, smiling. "Sure, go ahead. Hollar if you need anything," he said before walking into the kitchen, checking the time and saw that it read '10:00 am' because of the irregular Graveyard hours. ..Ugh.. Work in a few hours- scratch that. Nick had remembered he was suspended. Atleast I get to sleep.
(So cute... :))

Grissom smiled at them in his own 'Grissom' way. He showed Warrick and Catherine the note.
"Possible lead?"
"Okay, I'll bite," Warrick said, reading the note. "Let's go." Climbing back into the SUV he waited for Grissom to get in before they started off towards the Stardust. He took a glance at Catherine and noticed her borderlining on sleep. "You sure you don't want to rest up, Cath?" Warrick asked quietly so only she could hear.
Catherine took the paper. "Possible meeting place for the planning of the murder." Catherine said as she showed the paper to Warrick. "The Stardust it is."
((I'm going to pause playing Warrick for a post.))

Nick looked to Sara, leaning against the counter. "Now.. Are you going to stay here for tonight or go home? 'Cause if you stay here, I'll gladly give up my bed and take the couch," Nick offered, grinning. "And do you want anything to drink?"
"No, I am not letting you sleep on the couch. It's too small and uncomfortable. You need a good night's rest so you're going to take the queen in my room," Nick replied, raising a brow. "What would you like?"