Faylinn said:
Then again, this is the same 25-year-old that saw
The Nines the other day and asked me--in all seriousness--if koalas are telepathic and can control the weather.

OK, and because of this I vote for the peanut butter option. This is the same sister that wants to come to LA in the summer? I say bring her, she's hilarious. That actually made me laugh out loud in front of the entire office... :lol:
Oh, right, this thread is about Louie... Erm, of course I want to know what happened to him, but I don't necessarily feel a need to see him again. Unless it would involve another flashback to their youth, and Danny could be dressed in that cap again. That was one of the (unintentionally) funniest moments I've ever seen on NY. :lol:
In all seriousness, we have heard that Louie is alive, and the complete lack of continuity in the RSRD storyline was ridiculous. To have a storyline like that for Danny and then never mention what happened to Louie is very disappointing, to the extent that I have to believe that it was mentioned but must have been cut from an episode later on, because it just makes no sense to completely ignore it.

But, as he was involved in a murder wouldn't he have been arrested and probably served some time for that? Unless he could have done some sort of deal? I just don't see him coming back in a nice, happy storyline, but just for Danny to have a conversation about how Louie's doing or something would suffice. It'd make me happy and would tie up the loose ends of the storyline. Oh, and as long as it doesn't involve Danny crying again (RSRD's second unintentionally funny moment), I like it when he does emotion, but that was taking it too far.