Bring Back Louie!

I'll watch a musical episode if we can get John Barrowman in it. Now that would be sweet. :lol:
I'm not surprised by this thread the "what happend to Louie" story was perhaps the most popular idea piched in my Dream CSI:NY episode thread. Though I have to say having read many years of comic series I can tell you right now. Don't hold your breath for a resolution on dangaling plot threads you will never see it and if they do bring it back up it will completly suck. :(

Oh and I voted for CSI the Musical, and yes its becuse I'm gay...Do you have a problem with that!!! :mad:
Ack, I JUST found this thread! I definitely want Louie back!! But I certainly don't want him to come back to "end" his story line. I'd like to know what happened to him, sure, that's definitely a loose end that needs to be tied up, but Louie is a definite stain on Danny's record. Which leads me to believe other members of the Messer family might be as well. And as much as what Louie did for his brother was something of a reformation, old habits die hard, and we know from Danny in season one most people don't usually just walk away from the tanglewood boys. It's not that simple with those guys. Even if Sonny is behind bars I'm sure theres some twisted relation to Sassone or the other tanglewood boys willing to give Louie, and Danny by association, a really hard time.

I want Louie back, because I want to know where he is atm and what he's been up to, but I hope if we get him back it's not gonna be for the last time. He's got such awesome potential as a really wicked antagonist in Danny's life story. Louie needs to stick around.
Such a lot of nice options! It was a bit hard to choose, because I would love to see a musical. Musicals are great :D But, well, finally I have chosen "Bring Louie back". Of course I want him back, at least I want to know what happened to him and how he's doing now. It's really not nice of TPTB to keep us in the dark about Louie.
They're probably too ashamed to say it was them because they actually rubbed their noses to see if it worked and don't want to be laughed at. :p

I'm glad to see that nobody has chosen the "who the heck is Louie?" option. :lol:
My sister randomly asked me one time if I smelled peanut butter when I rubbed my nose really hard. I was kind of like "*blink* What?" She was dead serious, though, which makes it even more amusing. :p Not sure why it popped into my head when I was making the poll, though--I had intended to do serious options...


(Hehe, found that online and had to use it. Yes, I'm shameless. :p)
I voted to bring Louie back. He's obviously alive. I'd love to know what's going on with him. Did he fully recover? Is he back to his old self? Did he change for the better? Lots of questions.
I'll go with answers A and D,

yea i know peanut butter, but i'm a poor college student paying out of state tuition and thats all i can afford to eat :\ hence thats all i ever smell

as for louie, they don't have to bring him back bring him back, just mention him in the PRESENT TENSE, in trapped danny hadn't talked to him in 2 years. so thats what i;m banking on what happened after rsrd, he had to get away from tanglewood ties again (i'm in the city how bout we go out for a beer' trapped), just a theory. but still, after watching tonights rerun i now know flack has a brother too, there is room there for some conversation about the brothers. just a thought.
Some people are saying that Louie can only come back if Danny gets in trouble ot Tanglewood is written about again but i my opinion it would be good to see him where he has changed :) Like GT said maybe just a phone call like, 'I gotta go my brothers on the phone' or a 'not to nightt, i'm meeting up with Louie!'
^I'm sure they can bring back Louie without Tanglewood making a reentry right? I mean, it's like the gang's his entire life. He still breathes, has legs, possibly can walk.

It would be cool if he was brought back, clutching at every strand of life, and Danny's there sitting by his bedside, once again blaming himself. :) There's angst for you.
I wouldn't mind if Louie was just mentioned but I think there's too much that can be done with actually bringing Louie back vs just mentioning him. I can't see Louie changing because that would be boring and that is not good tv. I want to see Louie back and well and causing more trouble for Danny.

Clutching at life...nah. They already did that in RSRD. Hopefully Louie's recovered and up to no good. :p
Even if he did/does change, that doesn't eliminate the possibilities for drama--as Danny has shown time and again, it's hard to outrun your past.