Bring Back Burn!

I have to agree with Bitten on this. You're efforts would have more impact if you didn't resort to childish name calling. If you want to get their attention, you need to be articulate and well spoken.

And, not to be mean or spiteful, it wasn't the writer's decision. It was Vanessa's decision to leave. So, you should be prepared for all your hard work to be in vain. The writer's have no control over her leaving or coming back. That is, and always was, Vanessa's call.
Um. Time out. I was being sarcastic. I wasn't actually going to say anything of the sort, and I'm offended that you find me so immature as to follow up on anything like that. I understand that sarcasm is hard to follow in type, but it seems that you're focused too deeply on that comment anyway. It should be noted from my previous posts that I'm trying to be as careful and eloquent as possible, so tactlessness like the subject post, the *SARCASTIC* subject post, should be taken at face value as a joke. I understand it was Vanessa's idea to leave. The posts preceding my joke indicated a lack of mention of the character and had nothing to do with the depature of the actress. Please don't jump to conclusions so quickly, and take the entirety of the topic into consideration before jumping on my back. Also, page two displays the actual letter we have written at the beginning of each petition, and it should be noted that it is well written and conveys our meaning.
It's okay awesomepossum. I knew you were just being sarcastic :)

Most people on this thread already realize we won't get Aiden Burn back but it just seems wrong that we sit here and do nothing about it. We disagree, politely, I might add, on Vanessa's decision to leave the show but we understand it was every bit her prerogative. We'd just like her to know that in case she changes her mind, we definitely support her coming back on the show.
Um. Time out. I was being sarcastic. I wasn't actually going to say anything of the sort, and I'm offended that you find me so immature as to follow up on anything like that. I understand that sarcasm is hard to follow in type, but it seems that you're focused too deeply on that comment anyway. It should be noted from my previous posts that I'm trying to be as careful and eloquent as possible, so tactlessness like the subject post, the *SARCASTIC* subject post, should be taken at face value as a joke. I understand it was Vanessa's idea to leave. The posts preceding my joke indicated a lack of mention of the character and had nothing to do with the depature of the actress. Please don't jump to conclusions so quickly, and take the entirety of the topic into consideration before jumping on my back. Also, page two displays the actual letter we have written at the beginning of each petition, and it should be noted that it is well written and conveys our meaning.

Duh, of course you were being sarcastic! I won't even dare write 'PS: You're stupid' in a letter to a friend!
Guys, can I just add a little perspective in here? I offer this in good faith, but I really don't think petitions are the answer to everything.

It sucks for Aiden's fans that she left, it really does. I liked her too, and I miss her presence on the show. But two petitions with 21 signatures combined aren't going to bring her back. If it was the writers/producers/network's decision to boot her, I'd be the first to say get a petition going, let them know she has fans.

But it wasn't. It was Vanessa's decision to leave. She knew people liked the character (she even makes reference to that in the TV Guide interview), but it's her life and she didn't like doing hour-long TV. My suggestion would be to respect her decision.

That's just my perspective--you guys are of course free to do what you want. But at the very least, please don't fight over this. You guys are all cool, and we shouldn't let this be a dividing issue. :)
I was unaware that this was a dividing issue. We understand some people don't want her back, but we do. We understand that we may not, and probably will not succeed, but we'd like to try anyway. I'd appreciate it if people who don't wish us well or who disagree with our perspectives and prerogatives would refrain from voicing their opinions in this thread. This thread was created for the cause, and negative comments against it help nobody. I mean, really, it's your opinion but it doesn't belong in this forum.
awesomepossum, while I appreciate your perspective, you can't ban dissenting opinions from the thread. This is a discussion forum, and opinions that agree and disagree with the topic at hand are allowed in all threads. If you don't want that, I'd suggest creating an LJ Community or a Yahoo Group for it.
I just think it's a little out of place for these clearly opposing views to be reiterated on a thread meant to at least try to bring Vanessa back to the show. Let me rephrase: It's fine that people have their opinions; we have ours, and that's why we started this thread. Perhaps to avoid conflict an opposing thread could be created.
First of all, I did not mean to offend anyone with my opinion. While I do not support the idea of bringing Aiden back, I do support your right to make the effort. As a wise man once said: I may not agree with what you say. But I will defend to the death your right to say it.

In my previous post, I was merely stating the obvious. If you want your efforts to be taken seriously, they should be expressed in an organized and eloquent manner. That should not be limited to your cover letters and petitions. Yes, I am well aware that your 'letter' earlier was sarcasm. I am also aware that sarcasm has its place. A thread devoted to your efforts might not be that place. Bear in mind that you are posting on a PUBLIC forum. Anyone can come to this thread and read what you have posted. And that could very well include the show's creators, producers, directors, and/or writers. I wouldn't bank on them knowing whether or not you are being sarcastic, or on them taking the time to find out. You want them to hear what you have to say, then don't give them a reason not to listen. You want them to take you seriously, don't give them a reason to dismiss your efforts.

As I said before, I am not trying to offend you. Nor am I denying you the right to express how you feel about the character/actress leaving the show. I am merely saying that you need to be mindful of who may or may not be reading your posts. If I were a writer or director, and I wanted to know how people felt about my show; this is the sort of place I would go looking.
Hi there, what´s up? I´m just another Aiden-Addicted from Germany. In real life they call me Christian (short just Chris). I like watching CSI, reading crime-stories, writing (chiefly poetry) and I´m keen on doing self-defence (Krav Maga).

Please don´t make fun about my English. I confess I prefer seldom vocabulary to insecure speelling.

Any questions left? Simply risk to ask. *smile

Yet, let me come to the topic here. I think your petition is a great idea. This is why I´m wondering if you already sent your letter or if there are still opportunities to sign somewhere.
Hey, Chris! Welcome aboard. There's been some misunderstanding in this thread lately but you can still sign the petition, no prob :D