Bring Back Burn!

Noooooo, let her stay gone.

I don't miss her!

B.. but.. It just isn't the same without her! Danny has one less person to look out for him.. And Flack has no one to have unresolved sexual tension with! And she's got attitude ten times more than Lindsay

Bring Back Burn!
Noooooo, let her stay gone.

I don't miss her!

um. well. this thread is about Bringing Back Burn. if you want to, start a thread that's like, Dont Bring Back Burn. But for now, don't post stuff like that in this thread, please?
TheBuckley, I agree with you. It's quite offensive to those who take so much trouble with the petition.

WarricksLady, I understand the concept of freedom of speech. Why do you feel that way? Maybe you can offer your views in another thread?
Hey, guys--let's leave the modding to the mods. ;)

As long as it's expressed politely and without the intent to piss people off, dissenting opinions are allowed in a thread. WarricksLady isn't insulting Aiden's fans; she's just saying she doesn't want the character to return, and since this is a discussion forum, that's allowed.
It's a discussion forum--we're here to discuss things, so it's only fair to allow dissenting opinions.
As I said before, I think her time is done. I think if she came back it would only confuse things and make everything seem real pointless.

Don't get me wrong, big fan of her, just don't believe she should come back.
She could always gueststar a few times and come back in the next season or something. It's just the way she left was so abrupt and the way everybody just moves on really grates on her fans' nerves. I loved her character. Aiden Burn was definitely my top choice of best female CSI character award.
I'm guessing that the storyline took place a month later after Aiden's leave.

I'm not real suprised no one mentioned it. New York has a tendency to do that.
I'm guessing that the storyline took place a month later after Aiden's leave.

I'm not real suprised no one mentioned it. New York has a tendency to do that.

NY certainly has that tendency, don't they? In one episode the tension is high between Mac and Danny and the next they're all chummy again. And the viewers are left with no explanation whatsoever.. Just one mention of how Aiden would've done something differently than Lindsay and I'd be a happy camper, you know?
Well. How would they even bring Aiden into the conversation in the first place?

Lindsay: "so. Someone got fired and I'm hired?" Isn't really a question that should be asked.

I think getting the fact that Aiden is gone is a hard way to put that into the script. How would they have gone with that?
At least a mention would have been nice. However. Any news on the BBB front? Plugging the petitions?

What else can we be doing?