Bring Back Burn!

i dont know.
ugh, like, maybe one day danny could call lindsay aiden or something...AHHH it just pisses me off. theyre still on the speedle storyline in Miami but they just LET burn go? idk it really "grates on my nerves"
Well, there's a big difference between someone dying and someone getting fired. That said, I think it was wrong for no one to mention her. Lindsay could have asked about her predecessor. Flack could have asked Danny or Stella if they'd heard from her and how she was doing. Something, anything.

That said, the actress wanted off and that seems to be that. I suspect that because of that, the writers just want to move on and focus on the new character.
Writers should at least put in a bit of reaction from the characters. Like Danny will be more drama queen then usual, Flack slightly more sarcastic... Yeah, anything would've have been okay.
yeah. a, mention of her name wouldve been nice. ugh! it kills me. i hope they mention her this season.
They should... And I think they probrably will. But still, when they do, it'd be a bit late, no? But as you said, a mention alone would be good enough.
I agree. That really bothered me, not even a mention or acknowledgement. Danny's like "Hey, Newbie," and that's it. Not even a "Hey Mac, so this is the new girl who took Aiden's spot?" or anything of the sort... from anyone for that matter. So maybe we should be petitioning the writers to be more realistic? *shrugs*
Yeah, the impact of them disregarding any of your efforts on the grounds that you feel the need to resort to middle school behavior because you cannot intelligently articulate an argument that proposes your view. Rock on.