Bones *Spoilers*

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Thanks a bunch, Tink!

I will go and join the LJ comm as soon as I'm back on my own computer, AL (I'm on my boyfriend's right now). Good job on setting this up! What a rockstar ;)
Time for Spoilers!

I just read some sides for 2x08 over at the Bones_Spoilers LJ community, ( and I am dying laughiing, and at the same time, super thrilled.

2x08 (from the sides I've read) feels like it's mostly us following Booth and Brennan around Las Vegas. It reminds me of the ep with the flesh eating crazy doctor from early season 1, or the case of the plastic surgery crazed woman in LA from last season. Meaning, it looks like we're mostly focused on Booth and Brennan, and that's just fine for me.

Booth and Brennan are in Las Vegas: Bones accidentally cheats by counting cards, Bones brings up Booth's gambling problem in front of the squint squad, Bones starts referring to the squint squad as "the squint squad," Booth gets to box, Bones and Booth pose as lovers/fiances... Bones does a great job with her lovey-dovey act, and it surprises Booth. Teehee! Looks like fun!

Oh! The case? They have the body of a woman who was murdered. After trying to see if the husband knew anything, he bluffs, he lies, and they eventually find out the woman was involved in underground boxing (hence what leads Booth and Bones to Las Vegas). They find a woman who had fought the dead girl, and take her back to the lab, where they try to determine, based on this woman's most recent injuries, if she killed the DB. I won't ruin the end for you. :)

For the shippers among us, we get nuzzling. Bones is supposed to be super friendly with Booth at the gym where they get info on the underground wrestling, and at the match. Yay! I like nuzzling, even if it's pretend. It'll make for great icons...
Yay! I'm excited now. Thank you much!

Sounds interesting actually. Maybe it'll help Bren get her mind off or even get over Cam and Booth's past. I hope so because she seems a little preoccupied with that whole thing. And I can't wait for nuzzling. That should be a ton of fun to watch!
So what did everyone think of last week's ep? I found it a lot more enjoyable than the premiere. That last seen with Booth playing with his son was just so touching.. and I totally felt for Bones when she was looking on all wistful-like.. perhaps pondering the idea of having her very own mini-Booth? Huh? Hmm? *nudge, wink* ;)
Yeah, I agree that it was better than the premiere. I loved this episode. Especially when Bones asked Cam if she ever wanted to have kids, and then Cam askes if Bones is pregnant and Bren looks at Booth! That was pretty funny. But the end was cute with Parker. I thought it meant something to Bones when Booth asked her to stay. I wish she would have, but then again, I can see why she didn't.
ooh I'd read some about ep 8 but had no idea they went to Vegas. Crossover, they must crossover LOL...I'd love to see Grissom and Hodgins racing bugs, and Gris and Brennan might find each other interesting 'cause they have similar people skills.

I'll have to get back later, time for work.
Those are gorgeous icons, as always AL! Thank you :) And I agree, Mel, that a Vegas/Bones xover could be totally great. I think I may have read a fanfic or two like that, in fact.
Someone did do that with a fic on the offical Bones board at wasn't intended as a cross but had some CSI in it.
Mel23 said:
ooh I'd read some about ep 8 but had no idea they went to Vegas. Crossover, they must crossover LOL...I'd love to see Grissom and Hodgins racing bugs, and Gris and Brennan might find each other interesting 'cause they have similar people skills.

Heheh yaa I can only imagine!!!!!
New ep tonight! Time to learn a little more about Bones' experience in the foster system, see Hodgins get called a "perv" (read that in the sides from the same LJ Spoiler site I cited above), and see some of the darkness of society.
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