Wow, it's taken me ages to get on here and post! But after two watches, and endless nitpicking and dissecting I'm ready with my 2 pence worth. I bet you can't wait. :lol:
Right, I loved everyone being there together. It was cool to see Vincent and Zach interacting. As nerdy as VN-M is, he's still cooler than Zach Addy! High five! (no?). I don't really like Booth's brother, so there could've been less of him, and more of the interns IMHO. The plot was convoluted but seemed to get solved really quickly so that was cool.
As for the big dividers in fans - I've never really been a Booth and Brennan shipper, I'm happy with the series the way it is, and believe it or not guys and gals CAN be platonic friends.

So, I wasn't that let down by the "dream/story/wishful thinking".
My theories:
The whole episode was, as someone said, Bones writing a B/B fanfic. In that final paragraph, she realised she loved Booth and that it was time to tell him.... Just in time for... Who are you? The first few eps of the next series are obviously going to be angsty for Bones. As soon as she realises what she wants, she loses her chance to have it.
Booth's "Who are you?" could obviously mean "I don't know who you are" or "I had this dream about an amazing woman that I was in love with - are you her?" or "Who are you and what have you done with my personality deficit partner who would never dream of writing a nudey story about me?"
I think Booth dreamt what Bones was writing. She was saying it out loud as she wrote, and it creeped into his head and he thought it was a dream.
But the big thing that's been doing the rounds, that I don't think has been mentioned on here, is the CLOCKS.
Did no one notice that?
When Brennan slips into the bedroom at the beginning of the episode (and also, incidentally, Hodgin's narration is something about "What is the life this woman is leading? Is it the same one she was living 15 minutes ago..." suggesting a change has happened) the clock on the bedside table next to Booth reads "4:47". Then they hop on the good foot and do the bad thing. Then the screen is filled with a bright light as the camera pans back from the window (usually used to indicate "sometime later"). THEN the clock on the bedside table reads "0543" (as Hodgins' narrator says "The first hint of this storm isn't a thundercloud...").
The point here isn't the time the clock says, but the method in which it is displayed. The clock switched from normal mode into military time (a zero in front of the five, and no colon). This is leading fans on other boards to speculate it's a different clock. Thus, indicating that the hows yer father happened at a different time to when the episode (imagination/fan fiction/coma wet dream) occurred.
My question is, is it possible that Booth and Bones have already done it, and Brennan is remembering that as she writes. Or is it foreshadowing them doing it in the future, and the actual episode is a "recollection" as Brennan tells Booth how she kept herself occupied whilst he was in a coma....
Either way, my brain hurts. Hart Hanson went on record as saying that Booth and Bones really DID do the dirty deed, and that everything that happened in the finale happened for a reason. NOTHING was in there by accident.
I realise I sound as bad as Hodgins with his crazy conspiracy theories, I'm just giving Bones the benefit of the doubt. Maybe this episode was cleverer than it first seemed, and we have to wait and see. :lol: