"Bite Me" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

Hmm well im a hardcore snicker fan and I thought she meant it to sara..which was kind of like argh..but I think you're onto something having it in relation to her losing Warrick to a quickie drive thru wedding.
I wholeheartedly disagree. I saw it as Catherine telling Sara that being with Grissom wouldn't be healthy. And I think Sara will agree.
I think this was a fab episode. Much better than the previous two, imo. I lovved all the Greg moments, esp. with that other toxicologist. Greg is my role model too!
When Doc looked at Grissom and said 'There's a fine line between pleasure and pain' and Grissom gave him a pointed look. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, lol

I took Grissom's reaction to mean Doc was giving him way too much information. Basically, Doc was saying he was into a little pleasure and pain and that squicked Grissom out.
Hmm well im a hardcore snicker fan and I thought she meant it to sara..which was kind of like argh..but I think you're onto something having it in relation to her losing Warrick to a quickie drive thru wedding.

Oh, I assumed that she was talking about Sara when she made that comment as well, I think she knows something is up and is trying to say that it's better just not to get involved with people at work.

Whoops. Forgot the rest of my post. Thought the "spitting experiment" was kinda cool, though I don't think the results would be reliable. And Greg has a groupie, LOL. Who was the guy that was asking him about his hair? I don't really remember him.
Yeah agreed that it had somethign to do with Sara, and I agree with whoever said that maybe Cath is kind of hinting at sara that she shoudl give up on Grissom and Sara agreed. And I dont know about the work thing, because people who work together for over like a year and there is only like 6 members of their crew or whatever would probably get close and would move into the Friends/Co-Worker category so then they would be Lovers who used to be Friends and Coworker Lovers...I think I'm reading into this WAYYYY to much. So I'lll just go sit in the corner and clear my head cough
You can always tell when Carol Mendelsohn co-writes a script - it's always a Catherine centered show.


I thought that Nick, Greg, Warrick and Sara were good for the ten minutes combined total that they were on.

The puppy dog lab-tech that had hero worship for Greg was cute.

Thought Nick and Brass with the blond dentist was priceless. Love how Nick actually forgot the husbands name.

Glad to see the Grissom/Sara interaction that was supposed to be in the bedroom scene was toned down.

Nice to see a bit more Brass and always a pleasure to see Doc have a good line here and there.

And I am so liking Catherine this year. I was afraid for a second that they would delve into some sort of Catherine angst either with the whole cheating husband thing or being the daughter was about Lindsey's age but thankfully they didn't go there. Her line to Sara in the hallway was perfect and she is right -- office romances rarely work out.

All in all, a pretty good ep, but I would have liked to have seen a bit more of the young turks (thanks to Sobell for that appropriate name).
I thought "bite me" was really well done. I liked the fact that the whole csi team was working together on one case.
This episode also had some really funny one liners, espiecially catherine. The girl who played susan is a good actress too, she's been in a lot of movies and tv shows.

Nick was so funny when he kept studdering on his words when talking to buffy the biting woman, lol. Then when sara was talking about lube, grissoms face was hilarious, then he just walked out.

Overall a very good episode :)
Yeah I agreee with most of which you have said nygal but I think I would have reallllly wanted to see more like Nick,Warrick,Sara and Greg together. Or just Sara and Nick since they havne't worked together since like season 5 unless you count that like 15 second blurb they had in BiM
Pegie: When Doc looked at Grissom and said 'There's a fine line between pleasure and pain' and Grissom gave him a pointed look. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, lol

I love it when Doc Robbins talks sex to Grissom in autopsy. I think he does it just to invoke The Look personally. ;)
Catherine's muttering to Sara about co-workers and lovers was only a shout-out (courtesy of the writers) of possible things to come for Sara. Catherine would have no reason to say it to Sara as a warning since there has been nothing shown of of Sara's long-time crush on Grissom for quite awhile.

Again, there was way too little of the Greggo scenes, but as usual, he made the most of what little scenes he had, not to mention he makes wearing a simple tee-shirt look incredibly sexy.

The female corpse examination by Doc Robbins was particularly sickening when he shaved the scalp, sliced it with a scalpel, and then pulled the face completely down. That was just gross! I'll fast-forward through that one from now on.
I kinda wish they would have divided up the screentime between all the characters a little better, but overall the ep was pretty good. I loved Nick's facial expressions. Those were priceless. :lol: It would have been great if Cath or Sara had walked in on him and Archie watching the tape and ribbed them about it.

It would have been better if Cath had said "relationships with supervisors never work" since that guy was the wife's superior. THEN it couldn't have been any more obvious that it was an anvil about GSR.

Normally I would agree with Cath's statement, but I think if you're a CSI work is the best place to look for a partner. They can understand exactly what you see everyday and how it could affect you. Also, they would have the same wierd hours. Unless you find a similar profession (a la Warrick/Tina), it's hard to make relationships work.

Supervisor/Co-worker, however, is ALWAYS a bad idea. You're just asking for dominance issues if you do that.

The worst part of the ep? No Snicker interaction and very little of Warrick and Greg.
Yeah having Cath or Sara walk in on Nick and Archie would have been PRICELESS! I was watching and im like Wait for It Wait For it..well let's just say I'm still wiating xD
Nice to see I'm not the only one who thought the teenage boys were going to get caught reading daddy's porno magazines by Mom and sister Sara..... :lol: