"Bite Me" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

^^^ Spoilers regarding future episodes should be kept to the spoiler lab. ;)

So from the transcript from the trailer on Talk CSI there's a scene with a coffin in it...does Nick open it?...Now isnt that a chance to show a bit of a shudder...or I mean thats a perfect lottle door for the writers to show Nick not being quite comfortbale around something like that
The CSIFiles article says that Nick and Warrick open the coffin, but it looks to me like Warrick and Doc. Robbins in the promo. It's hard to tell, though. I would think that Warrick would be sensitive enough to not let Nick process the coffin, but if he does, it should be interesting. Ohh, I can't wait for Thursday!
That's in Gum Drops... this is Bite Me, which I am really looking forward to, because when we got spoilage for this new season, this ep was the first whose case really excited me! Can't wait to see it play out!
I just hope that it makes up for the last two episodes. But did you guys notice how there is not really a lot to say about 'Bite Me'? Do we really know that little about it? Besides the biting and true case part... I hope we'll get a surprise of some kind.

I'm not sure I'll even watch tonight. I'm still mourning the lack of Greg in the last episode and he's not mentioned in any spoilers for this episode, so it sounds like another ep with little to no Greggo.

Should be a great one for Nick and Warrick fans, though! :)
Well Greggo is supposed to be bulking up on protein drinks....unless they cut that part out. Possible continuity *gasp* from 4x4. :)
Well Greggo is supposed to be bulking up on protein drinks....unless they cut that part out. Possible continuity *gasp* from 4x4. :)

OT: I noticed he looked a bit bigger, more muscular in "Iced" Maybe it was the outfit/jacket he was wearing, I dunno.
Well Greggo is supposed to be bulking up on protein drinks....unless they cut that part out. Possible continuity *gasp* from 4x4. :)

Thanks! I hadn't heard that. At least it's a scene--wonder if it's more Nick and Warrick teasing him, like in the last episode?
I think it´s Catherine and Greg who´s working together when she notices he has a milk moustache, and he admits to the "bulking up" part.

It may be continuity from 4x4 and BM. ("You don´t have to be big to have low selfesteem" + Greg flexing his non-existent biceps when Sara looks away).
Oh, come on... Not watching because of not enough Greg last ep? You serious? Isn't Thursday night the night we are all waiting for every week, no matter what?! CSI is CSI... know what I mean! Don't give up too soon!! It was just one ep. Greg is great. We know that. Even the writers know that. It's a hard job to please everyone of us in one ep. That's why there is approx. 22 eps in on season. Cheer up!! Better times are to come, yet.

Oh, come on... Not watching because of not enough Greg last ep? You serious? Isn't Thursday night the night we are all waiting for every week, no matter what?! CSI is CSI... know what I mean! Don't give up too soon!! It was just one ep. Greg is great. We know that. Even the writers know that. It's a hard job to please everyone of us in one ep. That's why there is approx. 22 eps in on season. Cheer up!! Better times are to come, yet.


No, what I meant was that I wouldn't avidly watch the show like I did these past months after discovering the show. I have my VCR set to record it so I can watch the ep whenever I want. But if I know it's not going to be Greg-lite, I can plan to do other things during the time. I'm in the middle of a good book, so I might turn the tv off tonite and read instead.
^^^ Spoilers regarding future episodes should be kept to the spoiler lab. ;)
Correct, please keep it on the topic of the discussion all future eps will have their own discussion thread before they air (We always make sure of it), so until then all future eps, should go in the "Spoiler Lab", until we create a thread for them. thanks. ;)