"Big Shots" Discussion Thread *SPOILERS*

Well, I wasn't too impressed with the episode when it started, and figured it'd be a chore to sit through... but wouldn't you know it? I was actually kind of into it at the end. It probably helps that I was really hoping there'd be a sweet ending between Greg and the James family, and that I get a kick out of Method Man interacting with Paul Guilfoyle.

I'm actually really happy that neither DJ's brother nor Drops was charged with the murder. In the first case, I thought it'd be too cartoonish if the brother was a murderer as well. In the second... heh. Drops is such an ass - if he went to jail, he couldn't show up next season to bug the shit out of Brass. And that's the payoff - existence of Drops = lots of Brass. That's worth keeping him out of jail. Loved, though, that the reason they couldn't charge him was that he'd lawyered up, and not that he wasn't culpable. Heh.

No complaints about not enough Greg in this episode. I almost yelled out, "Greg, what the hell are you doing?!!" when he went after the mother - good thing she'd gotten her angry grief out, eh? But it was nice to see Greg in a bit of passion and wanting to stand up for himself. Everything about this case has required him to shut up and put up, so I thought it fitting that he not be able to hold it in anymore.

Sofia and the Undersheriff, sittin' in a tree! HAH! Interesting scene to insert in there... can't wait to see where that's going. Her crack about falling for the lame paper rose was seriously, I think, the warmest, most vulnerable I've ever seen her on this series. I'd like to see more of Sofia besides the cop. I think there's a really interesting character in there somewhere.

Question of the week: How much would you pay, ladies & gents so inclined, to hug Mr. Warrick Brown like that on the show?

CSI: Lower Decks!!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!! Can't wait!!!

mrb105 Anyways, for everyone criticizing TPTB, I think it is unfair to ask for the old CSI back. I believe that if things aren't mixed up then the show would get very repetitive and the viewers would steadily decline. I mean honestly, without the Miniature Killer storyline of this season, would the episodes that didn't feature it make this out to be a great season? IMO no it would not. Without the Keppler storyline, as well as the Sara & Greg centric episodes of late, would this be a season to remember. Once again I say no. I don't think you can bash them for changing things up since earlier seasons, but that is just me.
Sir, I just wanted to say that you're often a voice of common sense in these forums, and it's great to have you around. :)
Why thank you MissDee , it means a lot.

Anyways, after what you wrote I agree with a lot of what you said. In the beginning I was a little bored as well, because I didn't realize how late in the episode the James family would appear. I was also getting that CSI feeling while Cath & Rick were working their case that the two crimes would eventually connect in a way, it just seemed too dull and slow, as well as them not spending a lot of time on.
True true....I guess he has to, but then, that is also his character...not to show emotion OR to lose his cool!

*thinks, that's probably the same, shrugs, oh well* :lol:
I did like Hodges (always wanna say 'Hodgins', must be hanging around the Bones board too much)in the ep, and Brass's early scene with the pictures. Greg was good too...*huggles the poor boy*

Is it me or have we not seen anything of Ecklie this season? Where's he been all this time?

*is also stoked for next week*

I missed that the cases had become one, I don't know why it didn't click. What actually *did* happen as to why Drops was charged? Because he kicked the girl out of the car leading to her getting dragged?

Wasn't the origami scene going to be in this ep? Where'd it go?
MacsGirlMel said:

Is it me or have we not seen anything of Ecklie this season? Where's he been all this time?

Man, I was just thinking about this. I actually looked at the plot summary to see the cast members to see if he was gonna be in the episode. Even though he is a villian so to speak, he is fun to watch. You always need someone that is easy to dislike in these shows beside the suspects. Since all the members of the team are very likeable, u need someone like Ecklie to dislike, but I guess the under-sheriff has done the job for us.
mrb105 said:
I understand, I was under the impression that you meant tonight by the way you used it.

Anyways, for everyone criticizing TPTB, I think it is unfair to ask for the old CSI back. I believe that if things aren't mixed up then the show would get very repetitive and the viewers would steadily decline. I mean honestly, without the Miniature Killer storyline of this season, would the episodes that didn't feature it make this out to be a great season? IMO no it would not. Without the Keppler storyline, as well as the Sara & Greg centric episodes of late, would this be a season to remember. Once again I say no. I don't think you can bash them for changing things up since earlier seasons, but that is just me.

this season isn't great at all...its been pretty blah. Lost so much interest in Vegas this season, I am pretty much almost done with it. Saying that its a great season is a subjective thing. The ideas in this season have been good, but I can't get through an entire eppy without something annoying the crap out of me. I wish Grissom was allowed to talk to catherine, GSR in ever eppy, and Grissom's character being destroyed are all examples of how the season is going down the toilet for me....

I will agree that the MCSK has been a great storyline...and I like the catherine stuff as well...but bring back Grissom!!
I never said this season was great, and I didn't see Grissom & Sara scenes throughout tonights episode at all if I remember correctly.

And like I said before, the writers couldn't just sit back and make nothing of the Grissom-Sara relationship after building it up for 5 seasons, whether you agree with it or not. And even though you do disagree with it, you are still watching aren't you?? Grissom has kept his same character this season IMO when not having his GSR scenes with Sara though.
mrb105 said:
I never said this season was great, and I didn't see Grissom & Sara scenes throughout tonights episode at all if I remember correctly.

And like I said before, the writers couldn't just sit back and make nothing of the Grissom-Sara relationship after building it up for 5 seasons, whether you agree with it or not. And even though you do disagree with it, you are still watching aren't you?? Grissom has kept his same character this season IMO when not having his GSR scenes with Sara though.

Well, I would love to go one eppy without them even talking together, but that isn't going to happen. I am watching but not very happy. Grissom isn't the same, he is boring now, I haven't heard him talk about science in a long time, and since when does he know about politics?? And Sara is always around him, it was a nice break that they were actually apart for a little bit tonight. I thought in season 6 they kept implying this whole GSR thing was done and over...what a mistake for a show like CSI, go from no personal stuff to an entire relationship? I am only waiting to see if they break up, and if they won't I am not watching next season.
I know what you mean about Grissom his character going dull a little bit. I love him as much as the next person, but that is one advantage of having a DVD collection, you can go back to him coming up with experiments and making witty comments like one liners and Shakespeare quotes.

And yes I am spoiler free, but looking into the future I see one of two things happening. #1- We will have a GSR kiss in the season finale, or #2- The writers can throw us a crazy curveball (I love Baseball season) and have Grissom deny Sara or vice versa in some kind of relationship drama, making a huge cliffhanger for next season. Time will tell with them.
Am I the only one that loved this episode?

Hodges out in the field made me raise my eyebrow, but when he explained why, and then started with his one-liners I just smiled.

When it came to what the undersherrif said to Greg, I literally spoke aloud, "I can't believe he just said that too Greg!". It was a nice scene, put together nicely, just didn't like how he said it should've been him hit by the car instead.

Brass, as always was the funny man he always is. "Or you get shot... whichever comes first" from Grissom, made me smile. That's the Grissom I remember.

The Catherine and Hodges scene was cute. I didn't like how Hodges said "PerezHilton" it sounded more like a plug than anything in a developed script. But she smiled at him.

One thing I did not like about this episode was how they had Hodges trying to be all funny, I love that Hodges, but, after trying to humanize him in Empty Eyes and now they are making him kiss-ass to Grissom again. I don't know.

I wasn't expecting Greg to open up to Demetrius James' mother like that. I liked the scene.

As much as I love Sara (and Jorja), I didn't see the point for her in this episode. I know, I know, Greg got kicked off the case. But with her two - three minutes of air time, they could've just left her out. Don't throw rocks at me fellow Sara/GSR lovers, I still adore her :D

I wasn't expecting "Drops" to get charged, or whatever it was for the murder of the girl.. I defintely thought it was going to have been Aaron James.

One last thing, Sophia's scene at the house. Priceless. Juice gets thrown on her, and her attitude arose. Loved it, LL bombed the scene in a good way.

My rating; 8 / 10

ETA: I know I can't spell tonight, :lol:
I loved today's ep. it had more of the team working together which I like, and it had a lot of Greg *:)* but the thing I didnt like was that the two cases ended up being the same one. Maybe its just me, but that seems to happen way too much....

As far as entertainment value goes, I think it was great. Some people didnt like it, I see, but being a Greg fan it was one of my favorites so far this season. They are doing a great job building Greg's character, IMO. And I TOTALLY fell in love with Sophia today! After she got the wine thrown on her, just the way she acted, I was amazed. I gotta admit, I didn't much like her at first, then she slowly started growing on me, but tonight was just like, "wow, go Sophia" lol.
I think what I find most amusing so far, is that the general consensus seems to be that Grissom doesn't know politics. I don't think that's entirely accurate.

Grissom knows politics. He understands how they work, he just chose not to participate in the office bullsh*t in the earlier seasons. I think Season 5 changed all that when Ecklie demoted Sofia and split up the team. Grissom didn't fight until Grave Danger, when it became apparent that the team worked well together. They all found Nick together. It was an emotional episode for everyone, but for Grissom it was a wake up call that every day is precious. He should fight for the people who have stood by him for the last several years.

I'm not saying Grissom agrees with how the Undersheriff or Ecklie run things. What I'm saying is now Grissom knows when it's best to fight and when he shouldn't fight. When it comes to procedure, like pulling Greg from a case such as tonight, then leave it alone. Grissom has no rational reason to stand next to Greg and boast, "Keep him on the case!" It doesn't make sense.

Although, I might have said something after the Undersheriff made that "this would've been easier if you had been the black guy" comment. That was out of line.
I didn't dislike it has been better than some of the previous episodes IMO.

YEAH Catherine is out working in the field.
and Warrick...OMG is that YOU??!!!

Cath and Hodges--ok, that was funny and sort-of cute. She does have a great smile. I have always liked Hodges, but he was so funny out in the field as well

The undersheriff-- first him getting on Greg for doing his job, then the racial comment. Is he trying to be the next Ecklie (the person everyone loves to hate) I swear he's dirty. Something about him is 'isn't right'. Again MO

Sofia, well she had big shoes to fill with the absense of EVERY SINGLE HOMICIDE DETECTIVE.. but man can she fil them!
At first I didn't like her but now she has just proven that she can dish it and take it.. and PLEASE don't go near the Undersheriff YIKES
I loved it when she shoved her way into to James's house Yes You GO GIRL!

Greg--I'm glad he got to stand up for himself. I'm glad he got to say his mind on Aarons mother. She needed to hear it!
Why he let Aaron go so lightly is beyone me.. was it not Aaron who threatend Greg in the bathroom in Post Mortem??

And Grissom...well a lot has been said about him. His character has changed over the past 7 years. It is inevideble, we all change, but HHHMMM there is something about him I can't put my finger on..

Overall not too bad, not the best of the season
not the worst.

OH, I like Method Man he was great. Was he in Poppin' Tags also?
He was in Poppin' Tags. :D

Grissom... It seemed like he was worried about something in this episode.

I just adored Greg's scenes. Eric obviously put his all into it.
Yeah, Method Man was Drops in Poppin' Tags as well. I enjoyed him in tonights episode better, though. PT was a horror show.