"Big Shots" Discussion Thread *SPOILERS*

I can't wait for the episode. Hope everything works out for Greg!

I was wondering, what the heck does the mother think her younger son was doing out there with those people? I thought I remembered her telling a reporter in Post Mortem "He was trying to save that man." So...who did you hear that from? One of the other fannysmackers?

Greg doesn't deserve this, the poor guy.
The Greg fanatics are gonna kill me, but I don't think that this was such a great ep. I don't have the words to explain it right now, but I have a feeling that many people saw this ep in many different ways.
More later... need to rewatch, which won't happen til tmra, but, it was just ok, to me... Not stellar.
It was not what I was expecting but I loved the fact that Greg basically showed he was a better person than they were by asking the DA to go light on Aaron. I also loved that Greg stood up for himself and went to the mother and sort of told her that he was not to blame. That her kids are just messed up. I really loved this episode.
well....I thought it was pretty good...it was a half decent way to cue up a story....it could've been better, but still, it was decent...and it touched a little more on the science aswell.......I was happier with this eppy then Empty Eyes
well, IMO this was a pretty solid episode, with some dull moments. i rarely criticize CSI but i have to admit that there wasn't a lot of verve that CSI eps usually have. although i think it had some good twists and funny lines (read: Hodges won't let us down), it was, IMO, below this season's average.

but it had the puzzle in it, so i think many people should be satisfied. the whole season is IMO the best yet so if there is one a bit worse episode, it will only make the upcoming eps seem better.

my overall rating: 7/10
Here's my review as the episode unfolded:

Brass asking for all of the cell phones by telling them they’ll get on channel 8 news . Finally the funny Brass we know and love.

Cath & Warrick arrive at a new scene with Sofia. Somehow, I just know this will be connected to the first case. That’s the only way they seem to write them these days.

Hodges out in the field? You’ve got to be kidding me!!! I liked his comment – “I could drink an espresso from that thing”

What did Drops tell Nick? Something about bad haircuts? That was a classic. And, yes, the return of Method Man as “Drops”, a character first seen in Poppin Tags. Ho-hum. I didn’t like that episode, why would I like the continuation in this one?

17-minutes into the show and the second commercial break. Is this episode over yet, I’m bored to tears already.

Cath & Hodges in the lab. OMG! Were they actually flirting?!? (that was kind of cute, though)

Catherine & Warrick mis-identifying the girl, and Warrick having to tell the mom that her daughter was alive. I’m totally confused now. Warrick told the mom that her daughter just spoke to his “supervisor”. OK, so is that confirmation that Catherine STILL is officially a supervisor? If not, he would have just said colleague.

Wendy’s back. Was she being terretorial about her lab when finding Greg in there? Then she was concerned when giving Greg the DNA results. That was heartwarming.

Catherine & Sofia – “Las Vegas origami…pretty corny” I like how they’re able to make the ladies comfortable with each other and having a little humor in their work.

The undersheriff being an ass to Greg. Where was the old Grissom who would have stood up for Greg in that scene, compared to the one here who now seems to know how to work the political game.

Finally, the two cases are one. Didn’t I already see that coming and mention it earlier? Go figure. So now, they all review the cases, and with Greg off the case – hey, here’s Sara involved now. She’s working with Grissom (like we didn’t see that coming). It’s been, what, 25 minutes without a Grissom/Sara scene. Guess that’s the time limit.

Sofia getting the drink thrown at her, then getting pissed off and being tough with the mother.. You go, girl!! What’s with the undersheriff flirting with her?! That was just gross!! Please tell me they’re not going that route!! That would be the last straw for me.

I like how Sara was protective of Greg when the mother came at him. She started moving in front of him to deflect the mother’s anger. I loved the next part where Greg followed the mother to ask her what she thinks he owes her. I LOVE Lorainne Toussant. She plays the role so well.

Is this another fast ending here? I think I got lost in what really happened. I know Aaron James got off. So Drops was being arrested for the murder of the girl and he still says it was his friend that killed her? I think I was sidetracked because I was looking at the clock to see if the episode was finally almost over.

Finally a somewhat compassionate Gil at the end with Greg. IMO, they still have a long way to go to get Grissom in my good graces again.

Finally we get to the end. This episode was semi-torture to get through. I guess we got glimpses of Nick, Warrick and Catherine again, only for them to do their disappearing acts midway through.

God, help me survive through the rest of this season.
I do see where you would think that it wasn't a great ep. I think it could have been better story-wise, personally. It was a lot of interrogation and not a lot of the crime scene.

The Greg scenes were pretty good though. His actions stayed very true to his character and I think the sweet Greggo that we love was there. That was probably the best part; Greg remained his calm self even when he was being yelled at and ridiculed. (I definately wanted to yell back at the undersheriff- I think that's who it was- when he was shouting about suspending Greg).

Also, the Hodges out in the field thing, pretty funny. Good to see Hodges back to his normal self. And the promo for next week looks fantastic! It definately got me really, really, really excited. What is next week's episode? I've read so many spoilers I can't keep the names of the episodes straight...
pabzi said:
The Greg fanatics are gonna kill me, but I don't think that this was such a great ep. I don't have the words to explain it right now, but I have a feeling that many people saw this ep in many different ways.

They're not going to kill you; you're entitled to your opinion and it's not like you came in here bashing Greg or anything. Greg fans are getting a serious bad rap :lol:

Anywho, this is the first full episode Ive watched in months, and I really liked it. Mostly because I love Method Man as an actor, he's great. But I also liked the interaction that Greg had with Aaron's mother and the fact he stood up to her in the hallway; that took a lot.
I actually really enjoyed this episode... alot. Yes, it's probably because I'm a huge Greg fan. I couldnt believe when the (undersheriff?) yelled at him and said it would have been easier if he was the black guy. Oh my, I was soo pissed at him..

OMG and then he started hitting on Sophia.. *pukes* He's such an asshole!! I don't really like Sophia but I did like her in this episode. I enjoyed when she got that drink thrown on her. :p

I really enjoyed the scene with Greg and Sara. It was nice how Sara went a bit infront of him and adressed the mother to calm down. Also, how Greg came to Sara about the interrogation, even though he wasn't supposed to be in there.

This episode gets an A from me. :D
Well, when comparing to the rest of the season, it was pretty good!

Some good Brass lines :lol:

Woah, is that Warrick?? Haven't seen him in awhile.

I was happy that there was finally 2 different cases...then rolled my eyes when they found out the cases were connected.

I finally liked Sophia in an eppy, she is much better as a cop...

I love HODGES! :lol:

I liked the Greg story...very well done. Good acting, they incorporated social issues into it...loved it. Love Greg, happy that he finally got a storyline :)

Method Man made fun of Nick's haircut :lol: He said it looked like he was in between bad haircuts, I think the writers were poking fun at George, since his hair has been bad for awhile (remember dog eat dog?)

Where has Grissom gone!! Bring him back!!!! He never played politics, he has never knew HOW to play politics!! AHHHH!

I see Sara's role is basically Grissom's sidekick...

Why do they keep having the characters in the first half, and then the second half has different characters show up? That doesn't make sense for a crime show...

Overall, better than most of the eppys this season, I give it a 7/10
They're not going to kill you; you're entitled to your opinion and it's not like you came in here bashing Greg or anything. Greg fans are getting a serious bad rap

Yes. You are right. I don't bash him. I like him, but I'm not a fanatic. I am worried that I am one of the few who feels like this was Poppin Tags 7 style.
Is it just me or do the promo's for the episode really spoil some parts of it? I stay out of this discussion threads until the episode airs, but I felt like too many scenes in the promo were from the last 3/4 of the episode. I know some of you enjoy this but I do not.

For the most part it was a decent episode, just what I expected. I especially enjoyed Greg standing up for himself as well, to the undersheriff and especially Mrs. James. Greg really pumped me up this epi.

And for the some of the posts from page 2 and some of the people that are totally ripping the show right now. For the most part they just want your attention and by giving it to them you are playing right into their hands. Ignore their ignorant comments and they will slowly go away.

People saying that Nick is getting screwed over in continuity & CSI is a soap opera. I mean seriously, get your head out of the gutter.