Better Abs: Hill Harper or Carmine Giovinazzo?

very very hard choice but i went for Hill but i still love Carmine's body :devil: :p
^ Aw, c'mon girl, you're a photographer. You know they just oiled him up so they could light the hell out of that shot and make that sweet definition pop.

I'm glad to see so many of you voting. :D These are two very fine specimens up for your consideration.
Yeah, I know, but it's too cheesy for me. :p I wouldn't use that umm... effect... on his body. I'd rather use a close-up, than oil him up. ;) :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Wow, this poll is much closer than I expected. Hill is still winning and has been at all times, but it surprises me how close Carmine gets. Don't get me wrong, I'm obviously a diehard Carmine fan. But this isn't a popularity contest and you don't get to take whomever you vote for home with you.

Hey MrsG, at one point last night they were tied. Then I had to open my big mouth about the poll to Fay and she remembered she hadn't voted yet and she put Hill back in the lead. :rolleyes:
^ This isn't a question of personality. Hill claims to have better abs and now that we have a pic of his abs to compare to Carmine's, I thought it would be fun to put that contention to the test. Pleeeeease try to cast an objective vote which solely answers the question of who you think has the better abs.
People, people, let's look at the abs. Is there really a contest here, I mean, really? :lol:

My vote went to Hill because those things are defined! You can still love Carmine and admit that Hill's got the better abs. ;)
IMO, Carmine still has the better abs. My reason for this is because I don't like an overly muscular look. I like just enough to think "damn that looks hot". :p Also, that smooth, oily look just doesn't do it for me.

I agree Top, Hill's abs are definately defined but it's just more than I like. :D
Gosh i wanted to vote Hill but my hand ripped so i voted for Carmine, shame on me :lol: :rolleyes: who wanna cyberslaps me with Hill's towel? :lol:
After much consideration (and drooling), I decided to give my vote to Carmine.

Now, I think that Hill has the better abs but it's just too much for my liking. Besides, I like Carmine better. ;) But you gotta admit, both of them have perfectly yummy-licious bods! :lol:
I was being cheeky, and a tiny bit sarcastic, in my earlier post. :rolleyes: Hill does have better abs, I admit, but Carmine's not too far behind. :p
MrsGiovinazzo, my prof would be surprised if I do that!!! But it would be fun to try :devil:... but I was really planning to put a picture of them in my collage.....maybe a dressed one :rolleyes:...but hot :D...but I still have a few days to decide... :lol: