Better Abs: Hill Harper or Carmine Giovinazzo?

Sorry, Carmine, I wasn't really trying to make the black guy appear twice your size. I mean, I know what they say, but ...

Suuurrrree you weren't! :lol: That banana is pretty interesting though. God, now I'm at work and have visions of chocolate and bananas dancing in my head.
Both look really good. But since it was just a question of that body part I had to go with Hill. They are really nice and cut. ;)
Yum, chocolate and bananas, nice idea Springmoon. ;)

You know, I adore Carmine and Hill, so I find it so hard to choose between them. However, a fact is a fact, and the fact is that, from what we've seen so far, Hill definitely has the better abs. :p Carmine still has an amazing body though, so he shouldn't worry. ;)

But I have to add to the cry for more recent photos. I mean, we can hardly judge them accurately if we've only seen older pictures of their hotness. :devil: And if they decided to do shirtless promos for season 3, this girl wouldn't complain. :lol:
Faylinn said:
I have to add to the cry for more recent photos. I mean, we can hardly judge them accurately if we've only seen older pictures of their hotness. :devil: And if they decided to do shirtless promos for season 3, this girl wouldn't complain. :lol:
Agreed. City of Angels was in 2000. Shasta McNasty was in 1999. We're definitely not working with current exemplars. I prefer my method of determining current status, but I suppose the odds of shirtless season 3 promo pics (while slim) are substantially greater than the odds of a Carmine/Hill three-way. CBS certainly wouldn't hear any complaints from this girl over such a promo campaign. Eddie could even join in the fun. Though the tall skinny guys are never that well built. :lol:
GOD! The life insurance guy is sitting right behind me!!!:lol: I'm gonna have to say that Hill looks like Malibu Barbie's hottie neighbor that she peeks at over the fence while Ken's at work. :devil:
OK, my very scientific guess went to Hill on this one. Now, mind you, Carmine is still my Hollywood freebie and I would love to have me some of that action, but Hill looks like he has a lot o oil on him and his ready for action.

and the bit about tall skinny guys is spot on, MrsG. They never are that well built, muscle wise anyway!
It had to be Hill, it just had to be this time. If we had more recent pictures then it would be fairly interesting to see who has the more built body. :devil:
Honestly, I've seen enough of both their work outside CSI:NY to know that their bodies (both of which are spectacular) fluctuate somewhat from project to project. I imagine which one has better abs today is simply a function of which one devoted more time to working out during their hiatus. But to be fair to Hill, in City of Angels, he does appear to be more defined than I've ever seen Carmine.

That's true, can't wait for season 3! :lol:
I've seen Hill in an epi of ER once, but that was a long time ago, but from what i remember, he looks a lot better now! :D.

So well, i voted. Carmine got my vote, can't do anything about it, he's still my favorite ! :devil:
Although i think Hill has a very nice body too ! ;) (Sorry Carmine... :rolleyes:)
I made my decision...Hill...duh.. we were having a discussion on our world literature...and the words sweat and perspire was flashed in the ppoint then I remember those pics ... and while reading a poem of "Green Chile", there was this part which was...a bit sensual...again I remember the pics... and then our prof told us to make a collage of what was on our mind while reading it...I was like...great...could I put those pictures on my assignment??.... ;)
^ Goreshi, I think that would make a lovely project. ;) :devil:

Wow, this poll is much closer than I expected. Hill is still winning and has been at all times, but it surprises me how close Carmine gets. Don't get me wrong, I'm obviously a diehard Carmine fan. But this isn't a popularity contest and you don't get to take whomever you vote for home with you.