I lost respect for Johnny Damon when he signed with the Yankees. I so throughly enjoyed watching the Red Sox in 2004 when they won The World Series. The players jsut seemed to have an attitude that they were going to go out and play and it didn't matter if they had long hair and beards or not. Damon seemed like he was letting the little guy down when he signed with the Yankees. It felt like he was selling apart of himself for something better and I don't think that's right.
Well, I do agree, I have lost some respect for Damon as well, for doing what he did...like you said, "selling a part of himself" and signing with the yankees.
Personally the series between the red sox and the yanks in 2004 was one of the most exciting series I seen in some time. Which is why I couldn't fully understand the moves and trades the red sox made after.
Though I am rather enjoying this years between the yanks and the indians.