Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

Can I see that pic you guys were talking about? Not sure if I have seen it yet........
afrikana said:
^ hold your breath? lmao :lol:
hey sissi, where do you get all your cool HOUSE avvies?

Lol that's all you can do when you watch that pic :lol: i found them on the house-cameron lj (but i will send you some on MSN later ;))

and ilovegrissom ive just posted the link below :D
SamStokes said:
OMG i really want to E-Mail him but my minds gone blank when is his birthday again, whats happening to me!!!

August 24th. Anyone want to start a countdown clock for that one?
Waaaaaaait, we must hear from jorja of his response to her email first! :D Seriously, I was just kidding about all of us sending the pic to him ... I think that'd really scare him! :lol: Perhaps one is enough. :devil:

But yesh, let us wait and see what he has to say first.
sissi59100 said:
Jasmin said:
May i just ask a stupid question. What picture are you all talking about cause i really wanna see it :lol:

Sure ;) you can find it on that PAGE Hold your breath lol and don't panic :lol:

OH MY GOD...he looks like Popeye in that pic :lol: :lol: As much as i love him but that's one hell of an ugly dress :lol: Wasn't it for a movie or something ?
Jorja - I love your e-mail! You're evil! You'll definitely have to share your response from him.

I tried to email Carmine tonight and got that same automated reply saying to try again after the 15th.
"Sail into season three" :lol: jorja, that's priceless. :lol:
^ Thank you :). Seeing POTC many times has made adding puns in my e-mail much more easier.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Jorja - I love your e-mail! You're evil! You'll definitely have to share your response from him.

Yes, I definitely am evil...and dirrrty :devil:. Normally I don't pull pranks like this but when it comes to teasing a good looking guy I'm all for it. As soon as the man responds I'll be posting it right here for everyone else to see. Oh god, I hope I don't make him cry :lol:.
Aye! Hahahahahah....

How about on his birthday, someone send him a collage of his 'fashion faux pas'. Lol.....

I'll make the counter for his birthday! He'll be 33, right?
I'll post the link later, savvy?
:lol: Savvy. Oh god...

Yep, you can expect me as the evil person I am to send a collage of his horrible "fashion" outfits to him via e-mail. Well, maybe not on his birthday as that's a bit mean but possibly the day after. Just when things are going well....HA!!!

Yeah, I'm pretty much willing to do any dirtywork here...
chaostheory08 said:
How about on his birthday, someone send him a collage of his 'fashion faux pas'. Lol.....
That's actually a really great idea. :D We only tease the ones we love. It can't all be, "OMG! You're so hot."
Lol, yeah -- we tease the ones we love. It's like when a guy likes you, he always has his eyes on you and teases you.... *yuck, so high school lol*

I'm all for the collage on his birthday. And maybe we can count down to the 24th with his nicer choices... then drop the bomb on the day itself lol
... I have created monsters. MONSTERS, I TELL YOU.

:lol: Geez, I never would have guessed leading people to that terrible Evil Purple Hat would make you all so wicked too! :devil:
Argh matey! Hahahaha.... *in my pirate mode*

It's alright, Kimmy. It's fun to be a monster, pirate or both lol

By the way, which pic do you want me to use on the bday ticker? Post it here. Thanks!