Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

It took me a really long time of lurking before I even emailed him the first time. I want to get an autographed pic, but I'm not sure how the hubby would feel about it :lol: I imagine I can talk him over to the dark side as well... that or I can have it sent to my office where I can make googly eyes at the pic in peace.

That settles it, I'm sending the email!
Girls, I just edited a portion of a post from a couple posts back. I'd like to remind you all that if you stumble across any personal information regarding anyone from the show, please respect their privacy and do not post your findings. Thanks.

EDIT: Springmoon - Just ask for the autograph! :D He's great about sending them and if your hubby has a problem with you asking for an autograph, you need to give him a kick in the butt.
My hubby didn't think a thing about it. I told him that I emailed and asked for a picture. I also showed it to him when I got it. What's the threat? It's not like I'd ever have a chance to be with the guy. :lol:
^ Ya know, that's exactly how I view it too, so I'm very open with my boyfriend about my raging Carmine crush. Any man with an ounce of self-confidence shouldn't feel threatened by it.
My guy likes watching CSI too. He's a Miami fan...Calleigh. Lol -- so I keep my Carmine-isms and Eddie-isms while he keeps his Calleigh-ness.

Just a heads-up to anyone who's still thinking of submitting a page for the Carmine Birthday Scrapbook ... dudes, you've FIVE DAYS left to do it! Guess any last minute entries will have to be emailed. Just sent off mine! Woo! :D I hope I'm not too late. :eek:
Ha! I tried to turn him into a raging CSI fan, but he didn't bite. Also, my apologies about posting the public info. :confused:
Hey guys!! Sorry I'm a bit late, but...

THANK-YOU for all your help in the pronunciation! :)

Confusing, but I think I got it right this time. :D

*sigh* I wish Eric Szmanda had an email address open to fans. Oh well.
^ This isn't even the first Email Carmine thread. Factor in 13 Locker Rooms and 10 Drool Threads and the number of views in Carmine-related threads on this site would boggle the mind. He's quite the popular guy around here.
I think he's the most popular (character-wise) on the show. I mean, he's such a presence on-screen and he has great chemistry with whomever he's with (except... her, ironically).

Who else on the CSI cast have an E-mail address to write to?
^ I swear that man is only using that line 'I'm lonely' to get women. or to secure the affections of the tons of women (such as ourselves) around the world. There is no way that man isn't getting any lovin' from any women. A man that hot and sexy HAS to be getting some, somewhere! :lol: