Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

Well, he hasn't replied to my e-mail yet about that horrid sailor outfit but I'm not gonna hold my breath. The guy is probably too ashamed to reply anyway :lol:. As for pronoucing his surname people everywhere will say it differently because of different dialect & different alphabet which means someone with Italian heritage will say it different as opposed to someone with Serbian blood but as long as we hear him say it properly it's all good. My name is Jasmina and I get tons of various people saying it so many different ways(I say it as Yaz-me-nuh).
jorja_fan86 said:
As for pronoucing his surname people everywhere will say it differently because of different dialect & different alphabet which means someone with Italian heritage will say it different as opposed to someone with Serbian blood.

Exactly. I am Italian and the name Carmine has a totally different pronunciation over here. Same with Giovinazzo. I can understand it's a difficult surname to pronounce for the US people though. :)
I remember having asked this in the past, I guess in the Danny/Carmine thread. I can pronounce his surname a lot of ways -- I even had my Euro Language prof read it for me. Wrote it down on paper and, yes, she said it's a town in Italy. She even said, "Sounds like a rich guy." :D

Anyway, I haven't seen any interview vid yet. Care to help a fellow fan? :) But I did hear Mark Steines (sp?) of ET say it in one of their CSI segments.
I think I watched an interview on the CBS site in which he said his name at the end so you might want to check that. There's two if I'm not mistaken, but I can't remember which one it is. :)
>_O He said it right at the end of the freakin' interview, too.

It sounded like geo-vi-nah-zho -> gee-o-vi-nah-zo. In that range.
I kinda recall somebody mentioning in a previous Locker Room thread that the 'o' wasn't pronounced? As in, 'gee-vi-naht-zoh'?

And, awww, jorja, maybe he's just really busy right now. :lol: I'd still laugh like crazy if he replies to your evil purple hat email though.

Anybody gotten replies lately? :)
I kinda recall somebody mentioning in a previous Locker Room thread that the 'o' wasn't pronounced? As in, 'gee-vi-naht-zoh'?

Might have been me, Kimmy. :) At least that's how someone from his management team pronounced it! But then again, one of the other people from his former management group couldn't even say his name, so I wouldn't rely on them in that regard! :lol:

He does say it in one of those CBS interviews... the newer one, iirc. :)
Okay guys and girlies. Today in the post I received a signed photo from Carmine!!!!!!

I e-mailed him about a month and a half ago and got a reply to the e-mail within a few days and then today I received my autograph in the post!


I would have posted this earlier but I was so excited I couldn't actually type. ;)
I got my autographed pic in the mail today too. :D

I kinda half gasped/half squealed in the post office when I realized what it a couple of strange looks too. :lol:
Waaaahhh..I want an autographed pic of him!!! I'll never get one, ever! Sucks to live so far away. hmmph! You lucky ducks! *so jealous*
I think that Tiffany lives in France and she got one. I don't imagine that Geography is too much of a factor, since the postage would still be less than a dollar.
tala said:
I kinda recall somebody mentioning in a previous Locker Room thread that the 'o' wasn't pronounced? As in, 'gee-vi-naht-zoh'?

Might have been me, Kimmy. :) At least that's how someone from his management team pronounced it! But then again, one of the other people from his former management group couldn't even say his name, so I wouldn't rely on them in that regard! :lol:

He does say it in one of those CBS interviews... the newer one, iirc. :)

Call me slow, but I can't find those interviews. The ones on CBS, I can't view them for some reason.

I sent him my address about a month ago.... I hope Iget mine soon, too.
I think that Tiffany lives in France and she got one. I don't imagine that Geography is too much of a factor, since the postage would still be less than a dollar.

Exactly :D i also live in France and i've received my pic this morning :D i'm so happy i can't stop grinning like an idiot :D
idee said:
Waaaahhh..I want an autographed pic of him!!! I'll never get one, ever! Sucks to live so far away. hmmph! You lucky ducks! *so jealous*

You're not alone, idee. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Our postal service here sucks hahahaha