Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

tiara4carmine said:
it's obvious Carmine does not send the photos or emails personally.Someone said the postmark was Staten Island, and he lives in L.A. 10 months of a year, so that means his family is running the fanclub

Wow. I hope that since you don't believe that it's really him coordinating his 'fanclub', which I was never made aware of, that you don't come busting in here one day with some autograph you got in the mail or an email from him. BTW, enlighten me where he lives the other two months of the year. It'd be cool to know these things. As BlueGirl said, he was in Staten Island when that first batch of autographs went out. Don't you think that if it was his mom doing it, she'd be a little more on top of things and get them out to the countless other fans who've requested them since May?
*cools off from the heat*

Is it getting hot in here or what? :lol: From what I can recall from my autographed picture sent to me, (I do not have it right in front of me) he did make an appearance at the SI Film Festival around the time the pictures were postmarked. There is even one beautiful picture of the man at the above-mentioned festival. It is his 'home', so to speak, and I imagine that he would spend more than a couple of days there, since the show was on hiatus, catching his breath, replying to fan mail and seeing his family and friends.

and anyway, we all live in reality here, or at least I know I do ;), so even if he didn't sign the pictures, lets not ruin everyone else's fun here, ok? :) let it go.
Wow, even here we resort to CSI techniques for evidence. QD.

Take a signed pic you got from the mail and compare the signature to the exemplar from a pic he signed in person. A visual match is enough proof.

Anyway, I believe he signs them in bulk. Unless it's personalized. He's originally from Staten Island, right? So it's entirely possible that he do signs the pictures himself. I received an autographed pic from the Harry Potter actor who played 'Oliver Wood' some years ago. And it had Dear Cate on it so I know he signed it himself. I could go on with smudges and inks and all that..... hahahahahahah....

As for the E-mails, with the recent technologies: Wi-Fi, laptop, blackberry..... it's possible he could answer his E-mail even on set when he just finished a scene or on a break. The one-liners are a sign of haste. I would be surprised if he actually wrote out a one-page E-mail.

he was home in SI in June. i personally think he did sign all the photos he sent out to everyone and sent them out while he was home. as he's mentioned before, he appreciates all his fans. i am sure this is his way of giving back to them. same goes for the emails....with all the emails he's gotten, he's probably got only enough time to write a short response to answer all of them. hey, isn't it better than not getting a response at all? :confused:
just my two cents on this subject...
Hey girls, just to clarify things regarding the email responses, they are from Carmine himself. Way back when he first started responding Top confirmed with him that the responses are in fact coming from him, as opposed to one of his representatives.
^I can understand that tiara would be skeptical about the emails and autographed pics because some celebrities do, in fact, have people signing souvenir posters, etc. for them. In fact, I know of a certain once-way-too-popular-for-her-own-good singer who is guilty of this. (I personally know one of the people she had signing her tour posters :p).

HOWEVER, as Mrs. G just said, Carmine did confirm that he receives and replies to the emails he gets himself. If he hired people to do it, then they wouldn't come up with as many hillarious typos to the responses he sends us to thank us for our imput. :D

after all, we may put celebrities on a pedestal, but it doesn't mean they all take on a holier-than-thou attitude that prevents them from taking a little time out to personally express their gratitude to their fans. :)

That's how I like to think of it, anyway.
i think he does respond to his own e-mails. if he didn't then it wouldn't take long to get a respond some of you had said it took months until you got one and we all know how busy he is.
okay people okay, I did'nt expect to be ripped to shreads for asking for your opinions. Since I'm new here to talk
csi I thought I would see what everyone thought. I did'nt mean to blow apart your lives with my post, so if anyone was pissed off, sorry. :(
Come on now, what kind of reaction did you really think you were going to get from a bunch of people who've all gotten emails and a handful of us have gotten autographed pictures in the mail? Of course we're going to believe that it's really him writing these emails and signing these pictures.
All opinions are welcomed here, Tiara. Most of us are rational people who are totally open to any ideas, even unfavorable ones. It's to be expected that if you suggest emails or autographs many people at this site have aren't really from Carmine, girls will defend their authenticity. Nobody is going to say, "You're right. That autographed pic I've got under my pillow is definitely a Mama Giovinazzo original." :lol:
Tiara, believe us, we had our doubts in the beginning, too, but we were proven wrong. If you have the time to scan through the past email threads, you'll see what I mean. :) You can also check out the interviews and chat transcripts--he mentions the email thing in one of them...
tala said:

HOWEVER, as Mrs. G just said, Carmine did confirm that he receives and replies to the emails he gets himself. If he hired people to do it, then they wouldn't come up with as many hillarious typos to the responses he sends us to thank us for our imput. :D

Good point, tala. Lol! Anyway, he does mention that he answers fan E-mails himself as much as possible. Which is sweet of him.

We have this image of celebrities having all these people and posse managing things for them and all the celebrity has to do is do his/her thing... act, perform, smile for the fans and such. It's not everyday we come across someone like Carmine who ACTUALLY connects with his fans himself.
I have never heard of celebrities keeping in touch with their fans and the fact that Carmine had addressed the issue of emailing his fans is proof enough that he does indeed reply himself. Also, it's not like he emails everyday?! it's after months and months. So yea I believe he does and its freakin awesome. Who does that? Other than Carmine of course! :D Hottie McHOt!
That is deffo plus points for him. Not to mention going the extra mile of shouldering the mail expense of sending out the pictures. Usually, the actor (or his/her people) require the fan to send in a self-address/stamped envelope together with a... say, fanmail in order for them to send back an autographed pic.

That's why I was asking some pages ago if there is an address I can send a SASE to. :)