Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

Thanks you Mrs.G, that's all I was doing, giving my opinion and asking for everyone else's.Someone felt the need to get bitchy, but that's their problem not mine.
One person did say Carmine's handwriting was girly...... :lol: :devil: And who's to say his mother won't be famous one day... :lol: you'll wish you had her autograph then... :lol:
I sent mine two days ago. Not really expecting a reply to this one though, just (hopefully) the pic. :)
Here's a tip for you guys: You'll usually get replies fastest from him after an episode of the show. :lol: He likes to read what fans have to say about it. Oh, and if you're patient enough, try after his birthday. He likes his birthday wishes too. ;) I think he's really busy now with filming and stuff. Yay, season 3 coming up soon!
*sigh* So, stupid Content Barrier won't let me into the Carmine thread, probably because of the 'porn' in the title. Oh well. :rolleyes:

Pretty off-topic but I thought I'd ask here, cuz, well, this is a thread about Carmine Giovinazzo, is it not? ;)

Anyway, the new TV Guide got me thinking: how exactly do you pronounce 'Giovinazzo'? Is it "gee-oh-vin-ah-zo'' like I think it is? Or is it pronouced differntly. Please help me...this thing won't let me sleep if I don't get an answer. :lol:
It's a little different than that. You'd think that it was like that, with all the syllables but he says it with a hard G and then you don't pronounce the 'o'...I think. The last three parts of how you typed your pronunciation are right though. I can't type it out like it's supposed to sound. :lol: We once had a soundbyte of him saying it for this specfic purpose. :lol:
Sandersgal4lyfe said:
*sigh* So, stupid Content Barrier won't let me into the Carmine thread, probably because of the 'porn' in the title. Oh well. :rolleyes:

Pretty off-topic but I thought I'd ask here, cuz, well, this is a thread about Carmine Giovinazzo, is it not? ;)

Anyway, the new TV Guide got me thinking: how exactly do you pronounce 'Giovinazzo'? Is it "gee-oh-vin-ah-zo'' like I think it is? Or is it pronouced differntly. Please help me...this thing won't let me sleep if I don't get an answer. :lol:

The two interviews I've seen him do, he pronounced it gee-o-vi-nah-zo. I replayed it a couple of times to make sure.
At imdb they had a forum for this and still no one knows how to pronounce it, but one person found out that Giovinazzo is a town in Italy.
I dunno. It's one of those things where I can pronounce it, but I just can't type out how it's supposed to sound. :lol: You just gotta be on the lookout. Try something like youtube for a TV Guide channel special that they did, where they go behind the scenes of some of the primetime shows. I cannot think of the name of the show now for the life of me, but I know he says it on that.

I just remembered. It's called Infanity. Check around and see if there's a video from it laying around on someone's site.

By the way, while I'm right here, has anyone sent or recieved an email lately? :D