Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

Hi guys, look I don't want to be a party pooper, but after reading all the pages of this thread, it's obvious Carmine does not send the photos or emails personally.Someone said the postmark was Staten Island, and he lives in L.A. 10 months of a year, so that means his family is running the fanclub, so there's your girly writing. And as for emails, since they're short and sweet, that means it's probably his mother doing all of it, as she is VP of Ceesau inc. As I said don't mean to poop the party, but for an Aussie girl,what I want to know is,is getting an email and signed photo worth it, even knowing it may not even be from him personally?
Well, I like to believe that it was him who replied to my email. Carmine himself stated that he likes to keep in touch with the fans. As for the autographed pic, I'm not sure his mom would sign them for him so yeah... I want to believe. ;)
As far as we know Carmine was in Staten Island for a festival or something, when he sent out those autographed pics, so it could very well be him doing it. He may not be the one taking them to the post office, but I believe that the writing is what he did himself.
Huh. Honestly? Regardless of whether it's him or his mom who sends them (It's insanely funny to imagine Mommy Giovinazzo signing them.) ... I still think it's sweet of him to do something like this in the first place. :)

Okay, the most surefire way we'll all know whether he really wrote the autographs himself? Somebody find him and get him to sign one in person. One, you'll definitely know he signed it, since you're there in person to see it. And two, you can compare it to the other sent autographs. How about that? :p
I think []bMelissa[/b] got her autograph from him in person, so sombody should ask her. :) But to tell you the truth I don't doubt he's singing the autographs himself.
That sort of (almost) neatly brings us back to stalking and/or hunting Carmine. We can hunt him down and make him sign autographs for us all. Or write a fanfic. Longhand.
The universe will surely implode the day Carmine writes CSI:NY fanfic. Especially the kind I'm thinking of. :devil: :p
^Oh yes, that's where my brain went as well... He should be able to come up with a way to work the kinkajou and the robospanker in the same chapter!
No, Springmoon it's kinka-poodle. :lol: He'd be lost if you told him kinkajou since he couldn't remember the name. :p

I think it is Carmine who signs his pictures. He may not be the one mailing them out but it would be so un-Carmine like to have someone signing his autograph. Also, I don't doubt that it's him who's reading them all. Hey, maybe if there's ever another live chat with him, we can ask him if he reads his own emails.

I also like the idea of hunting him down and having him sign something. But really, it we found him would signing an autograph be the first thing we'd think of? :rolleyes:
1CSIMfan said:
No, Springmoon it's kinka-poodle. :lol: He'd be lost if you told him kinkajou since he couldn't remember the name. :p

I think it is Carmine who signs his pictures. He may not be the one mailing them out but it would be so un-Carmine like to have someone signing his autograph. Also, I don't doubt that it's him who's reading them all. Hey, maybe if there's ever another live chat with him, we can ask him if he reads his own emails.

I also like the idea of hunting him down and having him sign something. But really, it we found him would signing an autograph be the first thing we'd think of? :rolleyes:
the things you put in my head :rolleyes:
1CSIMfan said:
No, Springmoon it's kinka-poodle. :lol: He'd be lost if you told him kinkajou since he couldn't remember the name. :p

Funny - I was torn between kinkajou and kinkapoodle. Bad moon!

I think it is Carmine who signs his pictures. Also, I don't doubt that it's him who's reading them all. Hey, maybe if there's ever another live chat with him, we can ask him if he reads his own emails.

agreed. Sometimes it takes him so long to get back to us that I can't help but believe that he's writing in between working.

I also like the idea of hunting him down and having him sign something. But really, it we found him would signing an autograph be the first thing we'd think of? :rolleyes:

No. I'd stare at him longingly for a few seconds while my brain was researching dark corners to do dark deeds (to paraphrase some lines from Love, Actually
tiara4carmine said:
it's obvious Carmine does not send the photos or emails personally.Someone said the postmark was Staten Island, and he lives in L.A. 10 months of a year, so that means his family is running the fanclub

hahaha...i don't think i wanna imagine his mum reading the kinds of e-mails i send him... :lol: :devil:
afrikana said:
hahaha...i don't think i wanna imagine his mum reading the kinds of e-mails i send him... :lol: :devil:

And to think that the rest of us were having trouble thinkning of what to write! Go on, afrikana!! :lol: :lol: