Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

With Carmine I wouldn't need a robospanker. I'd let him know that he could use my hands anytime & vice versa. Plus, I'd probably end up getting jealous of the robospanker and end up smashing it with a hammer. Hey, I'm very good at slow & fast speeds & anything in between.

Faylinn said:
I've been thinking about writing to him for a while now but have never found anything intelligent to say.

Hey, who said the e-mails that we send the man have to be intelligent :eek:? If that is in fact true then the purpose of writing to him has ceased to exist. Plus, how can things be smutty and smart at the same time? Only one goes for me and I bet you all know what that is... :devil:
jorja_fan86 said:

Hey, who said the e-mails that we send the man have to be intelligent :eek:?

Yeah, it seems that every time I think about getting to the point of actually emailing him, my brain goes blank and I get this ridiculously stupid grin on my face. God knows what would happen if I every actually got to meet the man in person! It might be like the time I met Barack Obama - every intelligent thought in my head skedaddled out of there!
Hey, who said the e-mails that we send the man have to be intelligent :eek:?
:lol: Well, my smut is second-rate, so I really have to go for the smart, don't I? :lol:

Only one goes for me and I bet you all know what that is... :devil:
Lemme guess, jorja, you go for the smart, am I right? ;) What? I'm wrong, you say? How can that be--you're not smutty at all! :p

Yeah, it seems that every time I think about getting to the point of actually emailing him, my brain goes blank and I get this ridiculously stupid grin on my face.
:lol: I know what you mean. I'll have all of these witty and intelligent ideas and then when I actually consider sending them, they flee from my brain. :p

God knows what would happen if I every actually got to meet the man in person!
I can guess: "Guhhhhhhh.....*drool*" Does that sound accurate? ;) :lol:
Faylinn said:
I can guess: "Guhhhhhhh.....*drool*" Does that sound accurate? ;) :lol:

Make sure you bring along some tissues so they don't cart you away for drooling on him. I'd probably have a completely vacant expression on my face and in my eyes and only manage to get out a very wistful "hi" - while blushing furiously of course!
Faylinn said:
Only one goes for me and I bet you all know what that is... :devil:
Lemme guess, jorja, you go for the smart, am I right? ;) What? I'm wrong, you say? How can that be--you're not smutty at all! :p

You, my friend, are wrong :p. I consider myself an semi-intelligent person but the smutty side of my brain fuctions better. I mean, I want to write something smart to the man but I just don't care. Besides, if I was a celeb and somebody kept sending me e-mails that required me to think I'd probably skim it and then laugh. All guys want is porn and er...more porn :lol:.
chaostheory08 said:
feenx said:
if i met him i wouldn't drool, i'd pass out on the floor.

Yeah, or I'll fake passing out on the floor so he can perform mouth-to-mouth on me! Lol!!!!

haha, you mean like this ?

that's one lucky girl! :devil: