Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

around here all the priests are like balding and above 80. :( we need hot priests too!! :D what did he say after you said you'd do him anyways?
Well...I just sent off my email to Carmine yet again. This time I didn't get the automated reply that the address was unknown. Hopefully I won't get the other one either. It is kinda long...maybe I should have put my mailing address at the top of the page in case he gets bored before he finished reading it. :lol:
i think you should stop e-mailing him for a while until you know for sure its working. cause he migth e-mail you back a
restraining order. :lol:
jorja fan86 said:
I can picture myself looking at porn in Playgirl
I can't remember where I read it, so I'm unable to attribute proper credit. However, I read (on a legit news source) that the Playgirl editor wrote that Carmine was the sexiest man (or one of the sexiest men) on TV. I don't subscribe, so I don't know if true. If so, the woman's got TASTE. :devil:
You mean I'll be banned from Carmine just like jkladis? :eek: Maybe I'll have to hitch a ride to LA with him. I'll track down Eddie but I still think we'll find them together.

Here's the message I got when I sent the last 4 or 5 emails: **hides from shame of sending them all**

The original message was received at Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:48:56 -0400
from []

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 550 5.1.1 <>... User unknown)

----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to
>>> DATA
<<< 550 5.1.1 <>... User unknown
550 5.1.1 <>... User unknown
<<< 503 5.0.0 Need RCPT (recipient)

So, I don't think it went through at all. At least I hope not.
Kimmychu said:
Dudes. She's the Nun of Gutterness, that's what.

Thank you for understanding. It hurts when you all laugh at me :(. Seriously, you are all going to hell :lol:.

If my priest looked like Carmine I would set something on fire just so I could go to confession :lol:. Then I would bullshit a bunch of lies just so I can hear his voice.
PrettyEyes said:
Online TRO?
Hey, MrsG, online TRO isn't legit, is it? I'm guessing still has to be served in person, right, or maybe via fax? :confused: So I think you're good.
:lol: No online TROs. Personal service is required. However, he could get a TRO requiring a fangirl to refrain from contacting him via online communications if the email was bad enough. Though I suppose that would require a history of online harrassment. I doubt one horrendous email would be grounds for a TRO. ... But hey, if anyone gets their butt slapped with one of those, please let us know. :lol:
^ LAMO! What's wrong with bringing in the robo-spanker? I'm more than happy to give that puppy a try, if that's what he likes. :lol: :devil:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
:lol: No online TROs. Personal service is required. However, he could get a TRO requiring a fangirl to refrain from contacting him via online communications if the email was bad enough. Though I suppose that would require a history of online harrassment. I doubt one horrendous email would be grounds for a TRO. ... But hey, if anyone gets their butt slapped with one of those, please let us know. :lol:

I'll let you know when I receive my online TRO. ;):lol: I'm sure it's on its way. :p