Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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Hormiga said:
"Horror fan names 6/6/06 baby Damien".

"It does seem a bit weird I suppose, but he's a perfect baby - nothing at all like Damien in The Omen."
Electrical engineer Mike added: "It was a devil of a birth - a bit of a horror show. Once she went into labour it was straightforward, but six days in hospital is a long time to wait".
A Chinese restuarant in Urayasu, Japan, has recieved 164 un-wanted deliveries including pizza-flowers-eels-funeral operators and call girls. Police believe the culprit is the owner of a neighboring barbershop who was charged with the beating up one of the restuarants owners :(

A bank robber in Jersey City, N.J. escaped from a security guard by throwing stolen $20 bills over his shoulder. The guard stopped to pick up the loot, allowing the robber to get away with $4,217---minus the $1,423 he dropped along the way :mad:

Source- The Buzz- Ken White- LVRJ

A snging gynecologist is going from doing Pap smears to performing pop music :eek: Dr. Machelle Seibel has been writing and recording medically related rock songs for the past three decades, in hopes of educating the general public about various medical issues. Seibel's songs are dedicated to colonocopies, obesity and acne :mad: and can be downloaded at One song, "Grow Old Gracefully" discusses how cosmetic surgery has changed peoples values. Seibel was ispired to write a tune about colonoscopies while having the procedure done--GROSS :( and weird :eek:
The toe bone is connected to the foot bone.
The foot bone is connected to the ankle bone.
The ankle bone...


Boston, MA.---A convicted murderer who claims he is a woman trapped inside a man's body testified Thursday that he feels distressed "every waking moment" because prison officials refuse to pay for a sex-change operation. Michelle Kosildk, who was Robert Kosilek when he was convicted of killing his wife in 1990, is suing to force the state to pay for the sugery. Kesilek, 57, is serving a life sentence at an all-male prison in Norfolk. nether side has given an estimate for how much the surgery would cost-----give it up dude- BOO-HOO-HOO :(

Source- The Associated Press
I've been hearing about that a lot here. I must say, I do feel bad for the guy but, I don't think the taxpayers should have to pay for this surgery. If he were to get the surgery he'd have to leave the state multiple times for the surgery and he would need round the clock protection, which is sort of a waste of manpower. Since he's serving life what good is it going to do him but, I'd like to say that I don't object to the laser hair removal and hormone treatments we've already paid for. So I don't seem insensitive, I'd like to say that, I do know that being a transexual is hard. I'm not one but my mom is a therapist so I know about a lot of disorders.

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German police have arrested a man on suspicion of murdering a woman with a sausage.

Prosecutors and police said the 50-year-old was arrested after the woman's body was discovered in an apartment in Zwickau, eastern Germany. They said she had choked on a Bockwurst, a popular large German sausage.

The prosecutors said the man had given a patchy account of events, acknowledging that he may have "administered" a Bockwurst to the woman. They are now working to establish exactly what happened in the run up to her death.
OMG- choked on a sausage :mad: too weird-and sick-- :eek:

Monkeys and apes at the Budapest Zoo drink more than 55 liters of red wine a year to help boost their red wine cells "Obviously they do not have it all at once and get drunk, but they get it in small amounts mixed in their tea" said a spokesman :D

The Buzz- Ken White LVRJ

Business schools are supposed to teach the finer points of finance, but one London-based business expert thinks the grads are sorely lacking in one dept. Graham Edmonds, author of "The Business of Bullshit" says the business world is built on bogus phrases such as "Giving 100 percent" or "I'm aligned with you" Edmonds says, in some ways, doublespeak is neccessary because "the language provides a way to be nonconfrontational" even though "it's often used by people who are trying to sound smarter than they really are" Edmonds warns that bull can only take a person so far up the corporate ladder and points to reality shows such as "The Apprentice" and "Martha Stewart" "I;ve been impressed at both Donald and Martha how they weed out the weak contestants baaed on how much (expletive) they spew" Particulary the moment where Stewart told a cnadidate 'All you do is talk, but you don't do anything" OUCH :(
Girls Can Marry at 15, Colo. Court Finds

DENVER (AP) - A 15-year-old girl can enter into a common-law marriage in Colorado, and younger girls and boys possibly can, too, a state appeals court ruled Thursday.

While the three-judge panel stopped short of setting a specific minimum age for such marriages, it said they could be legal for girls at 12 and boys at 14 under English common law, which Colorado recognizes.

The ruling overturned a lower-court judge's decision that a girl, now older than 18, was too young to marry at 15.

The panel said there was no clear legislative or statutory guidance on common-law marriages, and that Colorado courts have not determined an age of consent.

For traditional ceremonial marriage, Colorado law sets the minimum age at 18, or 16 with parental or judicial approval.

Colorado is one of 10 states, plus the District of Columbia, that recognize common-law marriage, which is based on English law dating back hundreds of years.

``It appears that Colorado has adopted the common-law age of consent for marriage as 14 for a male and 12 for a female, which existed under English common law,'' the ruling said. ``Nevertheless, we need only hold here that a 15-year-old female may enter into a valid common-law marriage.''

The appeal was filed by Willis Rouse, 38, who is serving time for escape and a parole violation. He argued that he and the girl began living together in April 2002 and applied for a marriage license a year later.

The girl had become legally independent by then, but her mother also consented to the marriage and accompanied the girl and Rouse to obtain a license, the ruling said.

A judge invalidated the marriage, saying anybody under age 16 needed judicial approval for either common-law or ceremonial marriage.

While Thursday's ruling found that the girl was old enough to marry, it did not conclude whether she and Rouse have a valid marriage. The court sent the case back to the trial judge to make that determination.
Naked Man Takes 'Risk', Gets Shot At
Jun 14, 11:36 PM (ET)

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) - A marriage-minded man ran naked through his neighborhood, trying to show his hesitant girlfriend that taking risks is important. He got more than he bargained for when he ended up being chased and shot at.

"Just when you thought you had heard everything," Ann Arbor police Detective Sgt. Jim Stephenson told The Ann Arbor News.

The couple were discussing marriage early Wednesday when the woman said she wasn't sure if she was ready, according to Ann Arbor police reports. The man responded that taking risks is an important part of life and, to prove his point, jumped out of a first-floor window and ran naked across the street.

Before he could return, he spotted a couple walking and hid in some bushes to avoid them. A 28-year-old man noticed the bushes rustling and bare feet underneath, then drew a .40-caliber handgun and ordered the naked man out, police said.

The naked suitor ran away, but the armed man gave chase and threatened to shoot, police said. The gunman fired a shot and the naked man fell to the ground, suffering minor injuries.

A resident called police, who arrested the gunman on charges of aggravated assault and carrying a concealed weapon. He was taken to the Washtenaw County jail but released following further investigation, police Sgt. Patrick Hughes told The Associated Press.

The naked man was not arrested and didn't want to pursue charges, Hughes said.
Suspected Bank Robber Flees in Cowboy Gear
Jun 14, 6:09 PM (ET)

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - A suspected bank robber who stopped at a nearby Western store after the heist escaped in his new cowboy clothes on one of Cowtown's city buses, police said.

A man in a baseball cap and polo shirt held up a downtown bank Tuesday, asking a teller for a deposit slip and returning with a note demanding money and threatening to use a concealed weapon.

After walking out with an undisclosed amount of money, he stopped at a nearby Western wear store, bought a Western-style shirt and cowboy hat and put them on, police said. He then boarded a bus heading south, witnesses told police, who were still searching for the suspect.
WOW- that law in Colo. is really dumb :( and the other articles- bizzare- like this topic says- too werid- and these oddballs are running around free :eek:


London-- A man admitted on Wednesday to delivering a package containing a tarantula to a female co-worker on the same day he handed in his resignation . Mahlon Hector pleaded guilty in Leicester Manistrates' Court to delivering a rare Mexican red-kneeded trantula- (sends shivers) :mad: in a box addressed to the colleague at a branch of the marks & Spencer store in Leicester. Then he handed store bosses his walking papers. The ingtended recipient Susan Griffin, was not hurt. Hecotor, 22, is to be charged of sending a letter or other articles conveying a "threat" No motive was given. Scary in appearance, the spider has a leg span measuring up to 10 inches. It has a hairy brown body and reddish-orange leg joints- (shivers again) EWWWWWWWWWW- horrible I'd freak- :eek:

Source- The Associated Press
TEEN BLAMES MOLESTER IN MOTHER'S SLAYING this is really grotesque-(shades of a horrible CSI)

Buffalo, NY--A teenager says he killed and slowly dismsmbered his mother over several days at the urging of a 50-yr-old man he says was sexually abusing him. Angel Rosa, 16, pleaded guilty Friday to a reduced charge of first degree manslaughter in the death of Madeline Irene, 46. He pleaded innocent last fall to murder and conspiracy. Irene's head and hands were found encased in concrete in a garbage can at the mans house after other body parts were found floating in nearby river. Psychiatirsts for both the prosecution and the defense found that Rosa was emotionally under the control of Edwin Gimenez, a convicted child molestor who is his co-defendant in the homicide :( :mad:kid is toatally messed up for life--

Source- The Associated Press

West Vancouver, British Columbia--It was real life version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears--only in reverse :eek:--when a woman came home to find a young bear eating oatmeal in her kitchen!!! The bear entered through a open sliding glass door, broke a ceramic food container containing the oatmeal and started eating . Three police officers were sent and coudln't get the bear to budge. so they let it finish eating and then it wandered out side- into the woods nearby :eek:

Source-The Associated Press
MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - A Manchester man faces charges after taking an unattended street sweeper out for a joy ride. The sweeper was being used in a downtown Manchester parking garage on Saturday and the operator had left the machine temporarily.

That's when police say Michael Moran, 26, hopped on and started it up. Moran traveled several blocks before he was caught by people chasing him. Police have charged him with taking the sweeper without the owner's permission and drunken driving.

Police said Moran admitted to taking the street sweeper and said it was a stupid thing to do.
Lawyer Objects to Young Age of Jurors

ATLANTA (AP) - A 79-year-old woman accused of fatally shooting her 85-year-old ex-beau is being deprived of her constitutional right to a fair trial, her attorney said, because the potential jurors are not old enough for her to be judged by a jury of her peers.

As Lena Sims Driskell peered over her gold-rimmed glasses Monday at potential jurors in her murder trial, some of the 58 candidates were young enough to be her great-grandchildren. Only five seemed close to 70, the legal age for exemption as a juror in the state of Georgia.

"This is the youngest jury pool I've ever seen," said Driskell's attorney, Deborah Poole. "Most of these people look under 30. How does one have a trial when you are not able to include a whole class of people in the jury?"

Driskell is accused of fatally shooting Herman Winslow on June 10, 2005, as he read the newspaper at the senior citizens home where the two lived. After dating for a year, police said Driskell became angry when Winslow broke off their relationship and started seeing another woman.

Driskell is charged with murder, aggravated assault and possession of a firearm.

Police say she was wearing a hairnet, stockings, a bathrobe and slippers when she confronted Winslow at his apartment. Winslow complained and a security guard tried to calm Driskell down, but when he turned around she drew an antique handgun she had hidden behind her back, put the gun to Winslow's head and fired up to four times, Detective D.B. Mathis said.

"I did it and I'd do it again!" Driskell was quoted as yelling to the officers who found her waving the gun and holding her finger on the trigger when they arrived.

At the jury selection Monday, only three potential jurors said they would be unable to pass judgment on someone older than themselves. And when asked whether there were any members of advocacy groups for elderly people, none raised a hand.

Fulton County Superior Court Jury Clerk Jennifer Lawson said that while senior citizens are not excluded from jury service, any person 70 or older may be excused from jury duty with the submission of an age affidavit.

Opening statements in the trial could begin Tuesday. The trial is expected to last no more than three days.

Senior Assistant District Attorney Fani Willis, who is prosecuting the case, declined to comment.
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