Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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I love the sling shot thoughts its funny you can actually imagine her firing at boys and hiding, it seems so Lindsay to do that.

I've always liked how she works off Flack they play off each other with the witty remarks.
^^MTC, I'm so there with you but I think Linds was good enough to cover her tracks and not get caught. From some of the flashbacks in SOoH, she may have matured out quite early, but still retaining that inner...childish amusement and wonder she tends to show now and again.

Both she and Flack can be such big babies sometimes, but the way they can suddenly snap back into their usual selves is awesome.
I don't know how to read into Danny blowing off Lindsay. I have to say if she ran into the Autopsy bay and her and Danny had this really sappy moment it wouldn't have been fluent with the way they've portrayed their relationship up until this point.
Danny didn't blow Lindsay off. He had already turned and was walking away when Lindsay entered the morgue. If he was "blowing" anybody off, it'd be Mac. Danny was walking off the situation because he needed decompression time.

I have to say if she ran into the Autopsy bay and her and Danny had this really sappy moment it wouldn't have been fluent with the way they've portrayed their relationship up until this point.
Agreed. They've played their 'ship cards close to the vest with regards to work. Lindsay's doing her thing, while Danny's doing his. Anna shined in this ep. She showed a plethora of emotions, from support for Danny to light comic banter with Flack. The woman held her own and proved why TPTB hired her. :)
I think it would also be great if they brought back that competitiveness between Danny and Lindsay like they used to push in early season 2.

Granted they probably only did that because she was new, but it was still fun to watch them try and one up the other.
i watched "Zoo York" and "Corporate Warriors" last night... my god how Lindsay changed in 3 years!!! in a good/ ok way she changed. watching these really made me miss season 2 Lindsay a lot. don't get me wrong she's cute and funny now but there was just something in season 2 that made her kick ass.

the competitiveness b/t Danny and Lindsay was so funny. i was cracking up how much Danny was lookin Lindsay up and down when they first met and how he was doing something in another lab and walked over to the other lab just to talk to her. i could not believe what a teasing little bastard Danny was to her... i was laughing so much b/c he got her all flustered haha.

i love watching old eps over again soo many good times
in her first scene with Stella, Stella kinda seemed a little protective... maybe. it's like she saw Lindsay as a new kid that just needed some advice and reassurance. loved that scene we need some more Stell and Lindsay scenes like that.

with the whole Danny walking out thing... i think like most of you he was just walking away from Mac and their conversation. i'm sure if Danny didn't have that flight response he would have stayed when Lindsay called out to him. it's not a big deal, if Lindsay wasn't worrying over it we shouldn't.
^Agreed, there was something more sparky in Lindsay when she first started out which kind of dissipated when the Montana storyline came around where just became...somewhat annoying and moody. I admit that.

But we've seen a more positive change this season and lets hope TPTB brings back that spark (that is if they ever figure out how to).
writers never have characters figured out no matter how long their show as been on the air. the writers for NY probably still don't have Stella, Mac, Danny, Flack, and Hawkes worked out and they were on the show since day one. the CSI shows are not really about the characters like something along the lines of Grey's Anatomy is. we're going to learn about the characters slowly in this franchise slowly and through out many many seasons.

with the writers strike they probably just needed to bang out stories instead of really focusing in on the characters. Lindsay will get more stuff written for her in time. she's still a new person and trying to figure herself out after she put her Montana drama behind her. in season 2 there was a spark to Lindsay b/c the show lightened up and she was a fresh face unaffected by the NY scene.

depending on the writer and if they are familiar with the character we do get to see happy, cheery Lindsay in this season.

the new seasons on every show just seemed rushed and not right for the moment.
MakeTracksCowboy said:
writers never have characters figured out no matter how long their show as been on the air. the writers for NY probably still don't have Stella, Mac, Danny, Flack, and Hawkes worked out and they were on the show since day one. the CSI shows are not really about the characters like something along the lines of Grey's Anatomy is. we're going to learn about the characters slowly in this franchise slowly and through out many many seasons.

All of the characters have had missteps, but basically all of them have been built on a foundation and have maintained certain personalities throughout the series. Lindsay has changed personalities so many times it would make Sybil blush. I still have no idea who she is except for being the chick from Montana with the deep, dark secret, who did some tequila shots and banged Danny on his pool table.

with the writers strike they probably just needed to bang out stories instead of really focusing in on the characters.

That doesn't make any sense if any of them are expecting to get their jobs back. Doing half-assed work won't prove their value.

Lindsay will get more stuff written for her in time. she's still a new person and trying to figure herself out after she put her Montana drama behind her.

After 2 1/2 seasons, she's not the newbie any more. I know more about Sid and Adam as characters and how they'd act in certain situations. They've been on the show for a lot less time than Lindsay.

In season 2 there was a spark to Lindsay b/c the show lightened up and she was a fresh face unaffected by the NY scene.

I don't see how the show lightening up visually has anything to do with Lindsay. I do admit she was easier for me to tolerate in S2, though.

depending on the writer and if they are familiar with the character we do get to see happy, cheery Lindsay in this season.

Yet, regardless of the writer we get to see the other characters behaving, for the most part, in a way that fits with who their developed character is.

the new seasons on every show just seemed rushed and not right for the moment.

I don't know about other shows, but CSI: NY hasn't seemed rushed or wrong "for the moment" to me this season.
so today at work i got extremly bord and started thinking of CSI:NY quotes especially ones from Lindsay.

my fave Lindsay quote is probably from Bad Beat when she says "Footage from your 30th birthday Messer?" haha. omag that whole scene is just hysterical. then of course i absolutely love her lines in "Commuted Sentences" to Danny about his love handles and how she used to shoot boys with her sling shot.
I cant believe this thread was on the second page :confused:

Necrophilia Americana was on here yesterday and she was so cute there, taking the teasing from Mac and Danny too. and I ve got a feeling her style was a little girlier back then.

I liked this scene where she and Stella are in front of Macs office watching him with Sam and they match somehow

^ That pic had me smiling...I can't believe she's showing more cleavage than Stella :eek:

I'm really looking forward to this night's new ep...from what I've read and seen in spoilers I think it should have a lot of good Lindsay scenes... :) I hope we get to see a little more development of her character of some little insights in her pre-NY life.
PerfectAnomaly said:

All of the characters have had missteps, but basically all of them have been built on a foundation and have maintained certain personalities throughout the series. Lindsay has changed personalities so many times it would make Sybil blush. I still have no idea who she is except for being the chick from Montana with the deep, dark secret, who did some tequila shots and banged Danny on his pool table.

You know the mood swings? The irritability? The difficulties Lindsay has in establishing relationships with people, and her inability to be able to empathize?

Post traumatic stress disorder. Mac has it, Stella has it, Danny has it. To a degree we've seen signs of it in Adam. The only characters we haven't really seen with symptoms of PTSD are Hawkes, Sid and Flack (although I'm wondering if Flack isn't beginning to show signs of it. He's been rather grouchy this season, and his utter nastiness to the Chinese character in "Child's Play" makes me wonder if he wasn't more terrified by the explosions than what we first believe).

But back to Lindsay...Season Two Lindsay is spunky. Then she starts getting darker and more withdrawn as the season progresses. Yes, she's probably dealt with younger female victims before in Montana, but not at the rate she does in New York.

Seeing these girls in nearly every episode begins to weigh on her. Then in season three she gets a call -- they caught the man who killed her friends.

Speaking from a bit of experience here, dealing with a person who has caused you some sort of trauma after you have worked so hard to try to block it out is like getting punched in the gut.

So she pushes people away. She gets sullen, nasty even, withdrawn, needy, tearful and so forth because she is attempting to deal with something painful and horrible on her own. Even after she reaches out, she still doesn't quite get the support she needs.

Stella always seems to view the world from about three feet away, as if being too involved in it is painful. Poor Mac shuts himself off emotionally as much as he can since he's suffered so much already.

I'm just saying Lindsay's character traits, annoying as they may be, are actually quite realistic for what her character has had to deal with.
^ i totally agree with what you say cos a lot of people don't like how she acts but it is real to the situation.

The hostage situation i always find interesting because her words to Danny when she got to him was it should have been her and some people thing she was only thinking of herself. But if i was her the first thing i'd think is oh **** it could have been me in there it almost a natural response as well as worry for the other person.

Thats why i love her talk with Mac in the last episode it really showed that she almost isn't sure in herself. I mean i would worry about what to say.

She's grown on me a lot more this season as much as i enjoyed her in s2 a lot i just find now i watch s2 and can't picture the long hair any more.
Surreal_44 said:
PerfectAnomaly said:

All of the characters have had missteps, but basically all of them have been built on a foundation and have maintained certain personalities throughout the series. Lindsay has changed personalities so many times it would make Sybil blush. I still have no idea who she is except for being the chick from Montana with the deep, dark secret, who did some tequila shots and banged Danny on his pool table.

You know the mood swings? The irritability? The difficulties Lindsay has in establishing relationships with people, and her inability to be able to empathize?

Post traumatic stress disorder. Mac has it, Stella has it, Danny has it. To a degree we've seen signs of it in Adam. The only characters we haven't really seen with symptoms of PTSD are Hawkes, Sid and Flack (although I'm wondering if Flack isn't beginning to show signs of it. He's been rather grouchy this season, and his utter nastiness to the Chinese character in "Child's Play" makes me wonder if he wasn't more terrified by the explosions than what we first believe).

But back to Lindsay...Season Two Lindsay is spunky. Then she starts getting darker and more withdrawn as the season progresses. Yes, she's probably dealt with younger female victims before in Montana, but not at the rate she does in New York.

Seeing these girls in nearly every episode begins to weigh on her. Then in season three she gets a call -- they caught the man who killed her friends.

Speaking from a bit of experience here, dealing with a person who has caused you some sort of trauma after you have worked so hard to try to block it out is like getting punched in the gut.

So she pushes people away. She gets sullen, nasty even, withdrawn, needy, tearful and so forth because she is attempting to deal with something painful and horrible on her own. Even after she reaches out, she still doesn't quite get the support she needs.

Stella always seems to view the world from about three feet away, as if being too involved in it is painful. Poor Mac shuts himself off emotionally as much as he can since he's suffered so much already.

I'm just saying Lindsay's character traits, annoying as they may be, are actually quite realistic for what her character has had to deal with.

Between the bad writing and acting, I don't see a character exhibiting PTSD. I see writers and an actress who don't have a clue about the character's personality and as a result are putting out subpar material. PTSD or not, I still don't have any insight into who she is as a character. After 2 1/2 seasons on the show, I consider that a huge problem.

ETA: This isn't about Lindsay/Anna, but since you mentioned other characters, I'll address it. I think saying over half of the characters on the show are suffering from PTSD is over simplifying who they are and why they act the way they do. But again, PTSD or not, the other characters all have distinct personalities that make me beleive in them even if I don't always agree with their behavior.
Yes, Dutch, it does look like she is getting some screentime tonight, but who can tell from the pics that have been released. Your avatar is from this episode, is it not? Nice one, I think this episode looks interesting, nice to see her working with Hawkes. It would be nice to see her working with someone other than Stella, just to shake things up a bit. They've been paired together quite a lot this season. Ah, well, it's nice that it's a new episode, not many of them left. It starts here shortly, at 7. Can't wait for it to begin.
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