Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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Terrific interview with Anna. Like has been said, interviews with her are rare, and it's refreshing to hear from her.
Is anyone else disappointed that they cut the Danny/Lindsay brush-off scene from All in the Family? I was hoping for some progression in their relationship - even "bumps" - it's better than ignoring it. I'm a little confused about where Danny and Lindsay are supposed to stand right now.

I'm glad Lindsay gets out of the lab in the next episode though - I don't like when she's stuck in there :(
Is anyone else disappointed that they cut the Danny/Lindsay brush-off scene from All in the Family?

Well, I'm not disappointed, however it would have been nice to see a scene between them. Although if they had kept that scene, I wouldn't have panicked. You are right - they're practically ignoring DL. But Danny probably would have reacted the same way he did with Flack. Ah well...hopefully we get something in the "last" episode ;)

I'm a little confused about where Danny and Lindsay are supposed to stand right now.

Some fans think they are not together while others (like myself) think they are. It was stated at the beginning of the season that their relationship would be subtle and not front-and-centre.

Lindsay isn't a lab rat, so it's great to see her out and about :)
I think it's good they're not showing loads of romantic scenes this season. We had all the "will they, won't they" last year.

I can see how the scenes between them this season can be interpreted in different ways: either it was a one-off in Snow Day, or they dated but broke up amicably, or they're still together but being professional about it (let's face it, if they were going to make out in the lab or find new uses for that light table, it would compromise a lot of cases!)
^Oh but it would be rather fun if that happened though :p

I think their being professional with each other is working on some front since we haven't seen much of their relationship at all. But then Mac practically saw through her lie of Danny having the flu so... you've got to question exactly how professional they are :p

I'm glad Lindsay's getting alot more screen time this season. It's good to see the lighter side of her - fresh and quirky. :)
after Snow Day i think it is good to Danny and Lindsay acting professionally together. yeah we got the condom spray demo and the love handles line both from Lindsay to Danny, but not seeing them be all like romantic is a good.

i think this works well in Lindsay favor. not having most of her scenes be with Danny is giving her a bit more credit as a character on her own.

i'm all for the fluff but really enjoy it most when the timing is right and it is called for. Lindsay needs to be built up a bit more as character before anything goes further with stories b/t her and Danny.
^I agree. I think the little distance from Danny can help to build up her character a bit and to show that her purpose isn't solely to give Danny heartache :p

I still want to see her shoot someone. Everyone gets to shoot but her - it's not fair!
Gaelen said:
^I agree. I think the little distance from Danny can help to build up her character a bit and to show that her purpose isn't solely to give Danny heartache :p

*shuffles into the thread*

I'm never posted in here before... partly due to the fact that I never really warmed to Lindsey but Season 4 has just started in the UK and her character is building. They've made her lighter (and a bit of a teacher's pet like in season 2) and as was said above, they are keeping Lindsey scene's, Lindsey scenes, hopefully this spells good things for the character and the show in general, she needs to be given more depth and I hope they carry on in that vain.

As SyG (sorry to long to remember and type ;)) said, i'm glad they eased up on the pushed romanace and that the scenes between herself and Danny can be interpreted how the audience wants to see them. As a D/F girl i'm all for (mis)interpretation!! :D And that can only be good for Lindsey as she is not just Danny's love interest and doesn't deserve to only be seen as that, she should be her own character.

I still want to see her shoot someone. Everyone gets to shoot but her - it's not fair!

I was under the (maybe wrong) impression that she wasn't a detective - I may have got this wrong, so please don't shoot - but I read somewhere that Eddie Cahill said that she wasn't a detective and here in the UK the character has never been given the title "Det.Munro" like Mac and the others (apart from Hawkes and Sid). I'm happy to be proved wrong, just giving my reason as to why she hasn't shot anyone... yet.

So good luck Anna in the 4th Season!!
i've heard that Lindsay is a detective and then i heard she's not. i think Flack called her "Detective Monroe" when he was working with her once. i have no idea but i think of her as a detective. hey she could have taken her detective test for NYC.... we'll never know.

i like to just see Lindsay shoot her gun not someone. if she had to shoot someone it would have to be under some heavy circumstances like someone on the team would have to be in some serious trouble with a supect. i was just happy that Lindsay got to draw her gun in "Boo" this year. if it took that writers/PTB to make her draw her gun i can't even imagine how long it would take for her to shoot it off.
Theres been a few times Lindsay has been referred to as Detective Monroe, one that comes to mind is Live or Let Die - Stella refers to her as Detective Monroe. And I believe Flack has called her Detective Monroe in a few episodes as well.

As far as I know, you must be a cop before you can be a detective, and then once a detective you can become a "specialist", i.e.: crime investigator - etc. This is just through friends and family of mine who are cops and ive asked about it.

Im loving the subtle-ness of the Danny/Lindsay relationship. I think, and someone else already mentioned it, She needs to be developed as a character - something thats taken a back seat since Season 2, so, Im happy shes getting field time, and outside the lab work. :)
I'm pretty sure she is a Detective, and I thought I've seen her carrying a gun in at least one episode. Maybe?

I think it would be cool to see her put in a situation where she has to shoot someone--maybe to save one of her fellow CSIs? It could be a good storyline for the character--even Flack had a tough time with killing someone in the line of duty, and I could be wrong but I'd guess Lindsay's never had to do that. It would also be interesting if she did it to save someone else--she couldn't save her friends back then, but she gets the opportunity now as a CSI.
I've definately seen her with a gun this season I think or was last... I swear she has been called detective as well I've always wondered if she was a cop csi or like lv just a csi but I assumed she was a cop csi since she knew how to take down suspect in 1st ep.

its one of those things the others they refer to the academy but you don't hear her say same.

The only one they don't refer to as detective is Hawkes because he gets the more fancy Doctor.
Well thats just it I thought I'd heard her refer to herself as Det.Munro(e) so I have been a little confuddled, but hey thanks for clearing it up.

It would be pretty good to see Lindsey shoot someone (not in a morbid way, although I love the gruesome deaths) but her having to deal with a stand off. In relation to her past etc, it would be nice to find out where she stands on guns, within her job I mean - not in society. It would definitely add some more to character. (How many times did I use "I would"?!?!)

All the characters due to their chosen careers have at one time or another been on the recieving end of a barrell but only Lindsey (with the possible exception of Danny) has experienced it in an environment where she wasn't "trained" to deal with it. I think maybe in a better (less rushed) story it would be interesting to explore...

So after all of that iI agree with what everyone said :lol:
Top41 said:
It would also be interesting if she did it to save someone else--she couldn't save her friends back then, but she gets the opportunity now as a CSI.
I think that would be a great storyline for Lindsay too, and could possibly give her some kind of closure. It's a shame that the storyline completely disappeared after Sleight Out of Hand. You would think she would exhibit a little bit of sadness here and there rather than literally turning over a new leaf. Not that I'm complaining that her whiny and dark character is gone - I very much love the new Lindsay, but it all happened so fast and a wee bit unrealistic.

Don called Lindsay Det. Monroe in Snow Day too when he's referring to her whilst talking to one of his men. And she's called "Det. Lindsay Monroe" on the CSI:NY website (if the character bios are back).
a story where Lindsay had to shoot her gun and it reminded her of when her friends were killed would be cool to see.

i agree with you Gaelen that the Lindsay being over her issue so quickly thing was a bit unrealistic. i liked that her dark-moody side was gone. Lindsay is a fantastic character but that side just did not suit her. Anna did a great job playing those dark scenes those... she's just fantastic no matter what type of scene she's given.

i just think that now that the major part is over and Lindsay has some closure she can focus on her job and getting together with Danny. i'm sure the topic will come up again like it did a bit in "Child's Play" but for now she's just got all that kept inside.
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