Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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PA said:
I don't think Lindsay going after Danny in the morgue scene or Flack and Stella knowing about Ruben and Danny is up for interpretation.
I don't necessarily agree with you there. It's obvious that the show isn't going to put in every single minute of every single conversation that goes on throughout the entire case. So what's left in between is up to the individual's interpretation.

As for Lindsay going after Danny, I think she does go after him, it would explain why she went in the direction of him leaving rather than the way she came. But even that you could argue she stopped by the morgue to see him on the way to somewhere else which also happens to be in that direction. Both is up to interpretation since TPTB doesn't explicitly show us what happens immediately after. Time could have passed between that scene and Lindsay going out with Flack and Stella.

As for Flack and Stella, they may or may not know about Ruben. The fact still remains that they didn't interact with him at all in the episode. Lindsay could have told them - it's not that big of a deal considering they're all friends.

As for Lindsay's comment about not being good in that kind of situation, it's possible that she wants advice since she doesn't know what to do. She wants to be able to do something - help. When you think about it, it's not as self-centered as it may initially sound. If you want to help, best know what you're doing before plunging in.

I agree that TPTB haven't shown us exactly how emotionally invested she is in her relationship with Danny. This may provide that opportunity for the writers to do so - that is, if they planned it in the first place considering the strike. Hopefully whatever Danny is going through is resolved before 4x14 so we can see how Lindsay reacts to Danny's state.

Hopefully TPTB will actually show it rather than leaving it to interpretation. It would answer alot of questions.
Gaelen said:
PA said:
I don't think Lindsay going after Danny in the morgue scene or Flack and Stella knowing about Ruben and Danny is up for interpretation.
I don't necessarily agree with you there. It's obvious that the show isn't going to put in every single minute of every single conversation that goes on throughout the entire case. So what's left in between is up to the individual's interpretation.

Unless they bring up her going after him and speaking with him in flashback or it comes up in a future conversation it. didn't. happen. Same with Flack and Stella being aware of the situation if we don't see or hear about it, it. didn't. happen. Interpretation of something not shown is great for fanfic, but it is not CANON.
The way I see it, Lindsay went after him. Whether she found him or not isn't the question. I say she went after him, you may say she didnt - that is interpretation right there.

Anyways - this is completely going off topic.

On the whole, I think Lindsay did a fantastic job in CS. That childish wonder came up again when she realised they were dealing with Laughing Larry. It's great to see that in comparison with Stella's professionalism (that is a word right?). She played off Flack well and Stella's little butt-in with her sea monkeys was just hilarious :p Hopefully we'll get to see Lindsay in more action sequences - and actually take charge rather than being told to run.
What we were talking about here isn’t whether or not something is canon, obviously if it isn’t shown then it isn’t canon. Liff and I have talked a lot so I can say confidently he knows that as well as I do :) (Right, Liffers? ;)). What we were doing here is theorizing, and a bit of speculating, throwing around ideas and interpretations to encourage open discussion about the character and show. Sharing differing aspects of the fandom, if you will.

I enjoy reading how other people viewed/interpreted the scene versus my own opinion. For example, I like how Top detailed why she had assumed differently than I had, what with Danny leaving the scene quickly and Lindsay staying to speak with Mac, her not catching up to him, etc. Back and forth dialogue in the thread offers up different perspectives and opens up the mind to various possibilities.

I prefer the more detailed discussion like these interpretations versus “Does Anna’s hair look shorter to you this week?” :lol: Um, not that there is anything wrong with that… I just prefer the former.

She played off Flack well and Stella's little butt-in with her sea monkeys was just hilarious. Hopefully we'll get to see Lindsay in more action sequences - and actually take charge rather than being told to run.

Lindsay’s facial expression after Stella’s bit about the sea monkeys was certainly entertaining. At least she got the perp while being told to run this ep, :lol:
I do agree i loved the scene with Flack, its nice cos they always play off each other well like in People With Money, it was like they had both regressed into there childhood.
Lindsay Monroe must have been a handful as a child *shudders* Oh her poor parents :lol: Just Kidding... it would be great if we could see more into her past though, beyond the murders and more on what her life was like before and after.

Like what you said Mer (Oh yes - very true babes), we're trying to theorise and throw around ideas. If there was nothing more than what's canon, there would be no need to discuss anything and TalkCSI wouldn't be so heavily populated would it? Sorry if I come around a little offensive, it's not my intention.

Anyways, getting back on topic - Lindsay's face after Stella's little blurt was the best! It was the "you're kidding right?" you could just hear in your head - flack was just the same.

I couldn't help but imagine Flack and Lindsay sitting together reading comic books as kids - it's just far too amusing. :lol:
^ Yes it would be great to learn something more about her past; not only about her childhood, but also about how her job as a CSI in Bozeman was different from what she is experiencing in NY.

It's great though that we've learned more about her this season in little funny scenes like with the slingshot and with the comic books.

Mercy said:
Back and forth dialogue in the thread offers up different perspectives and opens up the mind to various possibilities.
That's so true...when I watched the ep I totally assumed that Lindsay went after Danny when she left Mac, but when I came on here to discuss the ep it was pointed out to me that we never actually saw that happen...It was just my interpretation of that scene...
mercy said:
What we were talking about here isn’t whether or not something is canon, obviously if it isn’t shown then it isn’t canon. Liff and I have talked a lot so I can say confidently he knows that as well as I do :) (Right, Liffers? ;)). What we were doing here is theorizing, and a bit of speculating, throwing around ideas and interpretations to encourage open discussion about the character and show. Sharing differing aspects of the fandom, if you will.

I enjoy reading how other people viewed/interpreted the scene versus my own opinion. For example, I like how Top detailed why she had assumed differently than I had, what with Danny leaving the scene quickly and Lindsay staying to speak with Mac, her not catching up to him, etc. Back and forth dialogue in the thread offers up different perspectives and opens up the mind to various possibilities.

I prefer the more detailed discussion like these interpretations versus “Does Anna’s hair look shorter to you this week?” :lol: Um, not that there is anything wrong with that… I just prefer the former.

I enjoy the discussion too--I find talking about the characters' interactions with each other and personalities more interesting than talking about their appearances as well (there are only so many times you can say, "Danny is hot!" or "I prefer Lindsay's hair this way.").

I didn't think Lindsay went after Danny again either, in part because he did kind of storm off and blow her off. It wasn't personal, but I think it gave her an excuse not to try to put herself in a situation--having to comfort him--that she clearly wasn't that comfortable with. I don't think that's the last time Lindsay will try to approach Danny about this--obviously at some point she's going to have to say something to him about it--but I think him storming out gave her time to think about what she will say to him when the time comes.
mercy said:
What we were talking about here isn’t whether or not something is canon, obviously if it isn’t shown then it isn’t canon. Liff and I have talked a lot so I can say confidently he knows that as well as I do :) (Right, Liffers? ;)). What we were doing here is theorizing, and a bit of speculating, throwing around ideas and interpretations to encourage open discussion about the character and show. Sharing differing aspects of the fandom, if you will.

Speculating about what would have happened had Lindsay gone after Danny and talked with him is different than saying she did go after Danny and did talk with him. That's why I said her going after him wasn't canon and isn't up for interpretation. I don't have any problem with speculating about the show and characters. I do it all the time. My impression is that people aren't speculating, but saying that she did go after him. Regardless of which direction she took as she left the morgue, there's no proof of that.

I'm confused. Who's Liff?
^I think Lindsay had the intention of going after him but whether she talked to him or not I'm not so sure about. Like you said, it does give her an excuse not to put her in a situation she doesn't know how to handle but she did walk off rather fast - too fast to go back to work. She could have just went to see that he was okay - physically.

I don't think it'd be the last time Lindsay would approach Danny about it either. Her asking of advice from Mac showed that she wanted to be able to do something about the situation, she just didn't know how to. Hopefully we get some kind of scene between them in the next few episodes to see where they stand and what exactly is going on.
I don't know how to read into Danny blowing off Lindsay. I have to say if she ran into the Autopsy bay and her and Danny had this really sappy moment it wouldn't have been fluent with the way they've portrayed their relationship up until this point.

Moving past the DL stuff, I like her hair short but i prefer it longer. I can imagine it would be hard though as Anna has a new baby.

I have to say, overall I've enjoyed this season with her. It's not overloaded with her past or flirtations with Danny.

I'd like to see more insight into their past. I love hearing the childhood stories or from college. It gives insight into character and Anna played it well.
PA said:
I'm confused. Who's Liff?
Oh, hehe. Sorry - that's me.

Speculating about what would have happened had Lindsay gone after Danny and talked with him is different than saying she did go after Danny and did talk with him. That's why I said her going after him wasn't canon and isn't up for interpretation.
But if you're saying that one can only speculate what Lindsay does after walking out of the morgue, isn't that speculation left to one's interpretation of where she goes? What I'm saying is that I know it isn't canon since it wasn't shown on screen but one can still interpret the scene in a way and speculate that she did go after him, or did not.

I just watched the scene again (don't you just love holidays?) and I have to note that after she turns from Mac, she walks away with some kind of goal or intent. I highly doubt it's work since I don't think she's the type of person who can just switch off her thoughts about Danny and suddenly think "Off to work now" and whistles off into the corridor. She walks even faster in Danny's direction that he did - so I can assume she can catches up to him - if that was her intention in the first place.

But I agree with Top that she may not have said anything and just held back until she finds out the right thing to say.

^Lindsay's flirtation with Danny's somewhat dwindled to nothing these past few episodes, who knows what the writers are intending to do with their relationship. But yeah, hearing more about her past is great. More insight into her life as a CSI in Bozeman would be great too.
Gaelen said:
PA said:
I'm confused. Who's Liff?
Oh, hehe. Sorry - that's me.

Speculating about what would have happened had Lindsay gone after Danny and talked with him is different than saying she did go after Danny and did talk with him. That's why I said her going after him wasn't canon and isn't up for interpretation.

But if you're saying that one can only speculate what Lindsay does after walking out of the morgue, isn't that speculation left to one's interpretation of where she goes? What I'm saying is that I know it isn't canon since it wasn't shown on screen but one can still interpret the scene in a way and speculate that she did go after him, or did not.

Yes, everyone can speculate until the cows come home and that's fun. I only said what I did because I got the impression people were saying Lindsay going after Danny was a fact and not speculation. If I misinterpreted, I apologize.

P.S. I said "until the cows come home." hehehe. Moo. :p
^In my opinion, Lindsay should reference cows more often. I cant see her mooing in contrast to Danny's 'boom' though since that would just be awkward.

Some may say that it's fact that Lindsay did go after Danny but it isn't. At least, for now it isn't - only TPTB can acknowledge the things we do not see.

Cows come home...moo. Yes, moos need to come into episodes more often - it's just so...Lindsay.
i find that in no matter what show you're watching the characters always bring out things in each other. Flack obviously brings out Lindsay's childish, teasing side while Danny brings out her flirty side. when Flack and Danny work together their goofey, funny friends side comes out.

the sling shot scene offered a good reveal that Lindsay was a bit of a tease when she was younger. the Laughing Larry's showed that Lindsay and Flack liked to be kids and get silly kids things. reveals about the characters pasts just have to be around the right people and be the right situations and for NY they have been perfect.

Gaelen that is soo funny that you brought up what Lindsay must have been like as a kid haha just thinking about it makes me laugh. she seems like she could have been a handful just by the sling shot reveal alone (anyone picturing calls to principles office and broken windows? lol)
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