Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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Haveto say i really enjoyed her in CP, to see her finally say yeah i'm crap at the whole caring thing it was nice because it wasnt self centred it was meerely the what do i do to help because nothings really going to help in the end.

It was nice we didn't see the DL scene as much as i thought i would want to i though its nice to just see her and mac talk and then leave it. Her and mac are alike in that way.

I loved the flack/lindsay scene nice to see them finally interact more even if it was dodgy editing. You got to get on with the job know matter what put you feelings behind you.

I like her and stella together to, its really nice to see girl power with added flack.

she is getting stronger even if TPTB screw up the editing to make it seem she doesnt care... when she does.
i feel that by not having Lindsay and Danny have a scene was ok. both of them are a wreck emotionally with certain things, so i understand why there was no D/L scene in this ep. it would have been nice to see Lindsay go and comfort Danny but at the same time she doesn't know what to say b/c she can't handle something like that. i loved how when she was walking away from Mac she grabbed Mac's arm, it was so nice and seemed so real.

omag the Lindsay and Flack conversation about their experience with Laughing Larry had me laughing. if these 2 had more cases together i can't even imagine what other kinds of things they'd be talking about. Lindsay's "hover-crap" line was my fave lol. it was cute to see her and Flack get excited talking about that stuff , soo cute.

CSI808 i agree with what you wrote. as much as i love D/L it's nice to not see them all over each other or always working together or see her be all emotional again. i say what fun would it be to have D/L always together when we can get one big huge gooey D/L at some point in the season like in "Snow Day" last year... i'd rather have that than always having small D/L scenes.

Anna is doing a great job this season. seeing Lindsay be back to her spunky self with a little extra confidence put in has been fantastic. the writers still have more work to do for the character though. as some of you have said the writers seemed to have built her up and then made her normal and not as much as a good character as she can be. TPTB gave her a lot to do in season 3 maybe they haven't figured out how to make Lindsay after all her drama and need to work on her.

i can say that i trully loved that there was a smart Lindsay scene in this ep, i was soo thrilled that she was smart lol.
I was pleased with the small DL scene we got in Child's Play. It showed that Lindsay truly does care for Danny and that she is willing to support him in his time of need, just like he supported her when she was going through a rough time.

Besides, she was the only one who actually showed sympathy towards Danny. Mac expressed a bit right before she came in, but that was it. Granted we didn't see her talking to him, but my point is that she is the only team member who really expressed it. Now, maybe we'll get to see that in future episodes, who knows? But I liked how she showed concern for him and how she asked Mac for advice. Asking for advice is never a selfish thing.

I also liked the scene with her and Flack, and it's quite possible that they were just trying to lighten the mood a little considering the circumstances of the other case. Her reaction when she realized who Laughing Larry was (in the lab with Stella and Sid) was priceless. Kudos to Anna for that :)

Anna is doing a great job this season.

She's doing a fantastic job :D it's just unfortunate that her character is always stuck in the lab, although it was great to see her finally get some action this week.
Agreed, this season has been impressive. I'm a little disappointed we saw so much of Peyton and Mac as a couple but never see Danny and Lindsay paired together but now that she's finally out of the lab and doing work like chasing bad guys and almost being blown up, it's the Lindsay we've been waiting around for.

It seems like the conversation Flack and Lindsay had on the street about Laughing Larry was the kind of conversation Danny and Lindsay used to have in Season 2 and Season 3. Not in a flirtatious way but the kind of back and forth one came to expect between the now-couple which made everyone upset she was always paired with Danny or working off of Danny's scenes.

I happen to enjoy the fact she's in scenes where we can see her flex her muscles, even if they're the lighter sided ones.
Flack and Lindsay have always had good scenes together. There's been a lot of talk that Flack is annoyed with her but I never looked at it that way.

My loc is my shout out to the McKenzie Brothers.
dl_shipper34 said:
I was pleased with the small DL scene we got in Child's Play. It showed that Lindsay truly does care for Danny and that she is willing to support him in his time of need, just like he supported her when she was going through a rough time.

Besides, she was the only one who actually showed sympathy towards Danny. Mac expressed a bit right before she came in, but that was it. Granted we didn't see her talking to him, but my point is that she is the only team member who really expressed it. Now, maybe we'll get to see that in future episodes, who knows? But I liked how she showed concern for him and how she asked Mac for advice. Asking for advice is never a selfish thing.

I'm kind of curious as to how saying, "I'm not good at this kind of thing" equates to asking for advice or showing a lot of concern. I think it was a breakthrough for both Mac and Lindsay in a sense that it really highlighted a commonality between them, but I think the fact that Lindsay didn't try to go after Danny or approach him at any point showed her concern wasn't that deep. It actually made me wonder how emotionally invested she is in Danny; if she's not, it certainly wouldn't be the first time one person has used another for sex or one-sided emotional solace.

I did like the scene between Mac and Lindsay a lot though. They really are the same type of person I think--they both sort of implode under the weight of their own personal problems, but don't know how to support others. It makes them more human and in some respects more interesting, at least in my book.

I also liked the scene with her and Flack, and it's quite possible that they were just trying to lighten the mood a little considering the circumstances of the other case. Her reaction when she realized who Laughing Larry was (in the lab with Stella and Sid) was priceless. Kudos to Anna for that :)

I liked that scene a lot too, and thought the banter was a lot of fun. Anna was really animated during that scene; she really does well with the joking stuff. It was also fun to see both Flack and Lindsay finding common ground in childhood; the characters are pretty different and haven't really had that before.
Top41 said:
... but I think the fact that Lindsay didn't try to go after Danny or approach him at any point showed her concern wasn't that deep.
I had assumed that Lindsay may have gone to Danny after walking away from speaking with Mac. I just rewatched the scene on YouTube to be certain, but I believe the reason behind my assumption is that when Lindsay walks away from Mac she leaves the scene in the same direction Danny went, as though looking for him, rather than exiting the morgue from the same door she entered which was much closer. What (if anything) happened next... eh, who knows.
^I guess it's up to interpretation...but given that he kind of stormed out quickly, I think she would have had to chase him down if she had any hopes of catching him. I assumed she went back to work--wasn't the next scene the one where they went to find Laughing Larry?
Yeah, I think you are right, the following scene was the one where they went off for Laughing Larry. That was something about this episode that made me go “Huh?” Perhaps the show’s goal was to balance out a dark storyline with a case that was much lighter (until the reveal, at least). I really enjoyed the play between Flack, Lindsay, and Stella!

However, I also felt it was a bit out of place after the rest of the case. If Lindsay didn’t care deeply, then the same would be said of Stella and Flack, and I have a hard time thinking that so of the three of them. With Mac and the 333 case, the story lines have placed an undercurrent of the team being a family. It was even mentioned by Mac in “The Thing About Heroes”.

Why would three of Danny’s nearest and dearest be cold or uncaring in the wake of the devastating tragedy? It could be that they are just trying to keep going, doing their jobs whilst fighting the worry for their friend, but then that would not make Lindsay unconcerned. I would have liked (and I’m sure I’m not the only one ;)) to see some sort of transition between the heavy and light, rather than the jump. I like the light hearted stuff for Anna, it was really a good scene, but it seemed out of sync for the three characters in contrast to the other case/storyline.
mercy said:
Yeah, I think you are right, the following scene was the one where they went off for Laughing Larry. That was something about this episode that made me go “Huh?” Perhaps the show’s goal was to balance out a dark storyline with a case that was much lighter (until the reveal, at least). I really enjoyed the play between Flack, Lindsay, and Stella!

Yeah, I definitely think it was some sort of comic relief thing, to lighten the mood. And it worked--that was a great scene.

However, I also felt it was a bit out of place after the rest of the case. If Lindsay didn’t care deeply, then the same would be said of Stella and Flack, and I have a hard time thinking that so of the three of them. With Mac and the 333 case, the story lines have placed an undercurrent of the team being a family. It was even mentioned by Mac in “The Thing About Heroes”.

Why would three of Danny’s nearest and dearest be cold or uncaring in the wake of the devastating tragedy? It could be that they are just trying to keep going, doing their jobs whilst fighting the worry for their friend, but then that would not make Lindsay unconcerned. I would have liked (and I’m sure I’m not the only one ;)) to see some sort of transition between the heavy and light, rather than the jump. I like the light hearted stuff for Anna, it was really a good scene, but it seemed out of sync for the three characters in contrast to the other case/storyline.

I kind of assumed Stella and Flack didn't know about Ruben. They weren't at the morgue like Mac, Hawkes and Lindsay were when it happened. I guess it would have ruined the humor in the Laughing Larry scene, but continuity-wise it might have been nice to see Lindsay mention it, and would probably have gotten across better than her comment to Mac that she actually was concerned about Danny. But, that would have lost the comic moment, and I do think the episode needed that.
^^ I'm with you guys, I've always liked the friendship between Flack and Lindsay, I really think they both (when Linds is not grieving for her past) are the funiest characters on the show, and by "funny" I don't mean the ones who make easy jokes os silly things, it's more like being a fun person. So yes, I really love their conversation outside Laughing Larry shop.

And at least (if you are a D/L ship) we were able to see a little scene that could be named as 'romatic'. You know, Linds showing her concern for Danny to Mac? I really loved her line "I don't know what to tell him".

But apart from that ^, Linds wasn't really in that episode. I mean, yeah, she WAS there, it's true; she worked on a case, had a little action with the fireworks, share some good lines with Flack... it's all true, but by the end of the episode I felt kind of indiferent about her role on the ep. In a whole, she didn't do anything that anyother character couldn't do, too. It was like if TPTB said while building up 'Child's play', "Ok, we need somebody to say that"/"oh, let's Linds do it, she hasn't said that much for the past scrip pages...".

Anyway, she looked lovelly as always.



"I'm glad you stayed"
I don't think Lindsay going after Danny in the morgue scene or Flack and Stella knowing about Ruben and Danny is up for interpretation. There's no canon proof that Lindsay went after/talked with Danny or that Flack and Stella had any clue anything was going on with Danny. I think those are two big plot holes TPTB should have addressed.

That said, I liked AB's performance in this episode. Her banter with Flack, although misplaced, was funny and I really liked the scene with Mac and how it showed how similar they are in dealing with emotional situations.
i don't see the big problem with Lindsay not saying anything to Danny. she knows she wouldn't have the right things to say and wouldn't be able to handle his and her feelings at once so she didn't. i think what Lindsay said to Mac showed she cared a lot b/c she didn't want to hurt Danny even more than he was. after the kind of brush off he gave her maybe she figured she'd just back off, i know i would just let him deal with the situation on his own for a while.
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