CSI Level Two
Hello everybody *waves*
Have posted here before, but not regularly...
So, I feel that I have to say how I feel about Anna/Lindsay. And I feel good
I like Lindsay very much, since the first episode she was in. I think she is a great woman/character. And I like Anna's work, too. Plus, I love her wavy hair, but that's not really important, I know
Anyway, this is it. I like her!
I had a dream with her some months ago, a very weird one, but she was amazing in it. Oh yeah, she really was!
I am really looking forward to watch the episodes where she goes to Montana. Though I am going to miss her in the ones she doesn't appear. But it was for a good reason, right? By the way, I have a question: when did the first rumors about Anna being pregnant appear? Was it after an episode where it was noticeable? For example, I have just seen "Murder Sings The Blues" for the first time (yeah, we are a little late...) and when she was in that party train with Hawkes, before everybody appears, it was so clear
Have posted here before, but not regularly...
So, I feel that I have to say how I feel about Anna/Lindsay. And I feel good
I had a dream with her some months ago, a very weird one, but she was amazing in it. Oh yeah, she really was!
I am really looking forward to watch the episodes where she goes to Montana. Though I am going to miss her in the ones she doesn't appear. But it was for a good reason, right? By the way, I have a question: when did the first rumors about Anna being pregnant appear? Was it after an episode where it was noticeable? For example, I have just seen "Murder Sings The Blues" for the first time (yeah, we are a little late...) and when she was in that party train with Hawkes, before everybody appears, it was so clear