Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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Well, I haven't seen the season finale, neither those episodes she filmed pregnant just before going to Montana, but I have heard a lot about everything related to this and, among other things, that her face looked different...Which is normal, of course.

Well, about this picture, Lindsay does have a really nice body in there. I am not sure how many months passed between Anna giving birth and filming this episode, but I pretty much understand what you're saying, that it would be difficult to look like that..Wheter it is Anna or a double body, it doesn't matter to me. I'm happy to see her again, I mean, to know that I will see her again, (shippy reasons in here,too :D :p).
CSI_Dani said:
Wheter it is Anna or a double body, it doesn't matter to me.
Let me hasten to add that while I spoke up in favor of that being a body double, I don't care if it is and absolutely do not cast any judgment on Anna if it is. It would be truly offensive of CBS to expect her to take her clothes off so soon after giving birth. But really, it's that I don't even think it's possible to look that toned so soon after having a baby. I don't say that to imply that she should have watched her weight during pregnancy or should have done this or that. I mean that I don't think no matter what a person does they would like like that in a bra and panties so soon. While the weight can be lost quickly and one can appear through clothes to look the same as before, all that loose skin around the middle takes awhile to tighten back up. And the hips naturally round out a bit during pregnancy, which takes awhile to go away. She could certainly be the size of the woman in the scene, but should still be a bit softer, in my opinion. That's just life and what women go through.

I wanted to be clear that I am absolutely not being critical of Anna when I say I think that's a body double. If it were me shooting a love scene so soon after having a baby, I would absolutely need a double ... even if the scene was with Carmine. :( Or perhaps I should say especially if the scene was with Carmine. ;)
All I know is I am glad Anna is back! The show wasnt the same without her :) She brought me into watching CSI: NY :D
It could still be Anna. I have had 3 children and I put on a lot of weight, but after each one, I lost most of the weight at the beginning, so when I worked out I didn't still have all of the baby weight. I was back to my regular size in about a month. I am a model and when they told me what kind of shots I was going to have to do I started dieting and exercising three times a week.

I think it is Anna, but that is just my opinion, it could very well be a body double.
I'm seeing both sides on this. I really hope it was her, but if it wasn't, it wasn't. Are body doubles listed on the cast/crew lists? Anyway, I just wanted to wish Anna B., the long-time moms, the new moms, the moms-to-be, godmothers, stepmoms, etc. a very happy (and early) mother's day 07 :).
I don't think it's gonna be a body double. They showed her torso last eppy, and she looked amazing. Something tells me it's gonna be Anna in the flesh... lol.. that was dumb.
I also think it will be her. I mean if she wasnt comfortable with it they could just shoot it from a different angle. it would be quite over the top to call a double just for one shot.

either way Im just incredibly thankful for the scene and i too think that Anna looks just stunning
carolina said:
it would be quite over the top to call a double just for one shot.
Actually, that's exactly the purpose of a body double -- could even be just a brief flash of skin the actor or actress doesn't want to show. A glimpse of boob, butt or whatever. The double isn't used for the entire scene.
Anna's lookin' stunning after giving birth a mere 4 months ago. Hopefully, none of them used doubles and are the real deal :D
Eh, either way it's fine. All the more power to Anna if it is her. I just really wanna see the episode. Still no news on a name for the baby huh? I'd like to see Lindsay and Flack kick some butt this episode. Anyways, that's my random ranting for today...
I have to say, I love Lindsay :) She brings out the softer side in Danny - which makes him all the more real, to me at least. I guess not everyone agrees with that but to me, a person has many sides and Lindsay simply highlights Danny's 'other side'. You can visibly see how her character's growing since day 1, not a mere montana girl anymore :devil:
I just wanted to say that I love Lindsay too...
I definately fell in love with her when she came in season two and I loved her energy and not afraid to get her hands dirty attitude. She really was a welcome addition after Aiden was fired but after her performance in Zoo York she had me hooked.

I think it's great after Anna had her baby girl that the Lindsay of old is back, I didn't really like the angsty Lindsay it just doesn't suit her and yes I've seen those pics and Anna looks absolutely awesome after having her baby 4 months ago..I can't believe it took her 4 months!!

I know due to Anna's pregnancy Lindsay's screentime was limited this season, but I'm hoping we get to learn more about her and we see more of her next season.

I need to know more about Lindsay and what makes her tick, her likes/dislikes anything really and have the old Lindsay back to her best as she was in season two.
There are people in here that say Lindsay character hasn't developed this season. I can understand why. But really, Lindsay learned how to deal with the drama in Montana and learned how to let a man get closer to her. that's a bit of development to me. But it is, however, a little development and an easy choise for the writers.

Next season I'm sure Anna will have more screentime (unless she gets pregnant again) and therefore Lindsay's character can grow more.
It's a given reason as to why her acting may not have been up to par this season. After all she WAS pregnant, but I have doubt that she'll be springing back to her old self pretty soon in s4! Anna's character has alot of potential to grow even further and seing her kick some butt with Danny would be awesome :D
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