Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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I've only seen her in WaT and CSI: NY and that's about it. She was amazing in both. :) But I really wanna see the movie, "Alchemy".
Alchemy was a cute movie - Anna's part was small, but the character is way different than Lindsay or Paige (WaT), or any of her Law and Order characters.
Just a heads up to Canadians, Anna's Law & Order:SVU episode is on OMNI2 (channel 14) right now. She was in the beginning and it's about 15 mins in, so Im not sure if she has anymore scenes. Im pretty sure she's at the end though :)
Okay, so yesterday I was reading all the posts in here and I saw that Anna was on L&O: SVU! I totally didn't know that. So I looked it up and saw the episode she's in just happens to be in the second season, which I have on DVD! I'm so excited, I cannot wait to watch it! I'm interested to see Anna playing something besides Lindsay.
^^ Sounds awesome... my aunt probably has it, since she totally LOVES L&O. :) Yay, I can borrow her copy! I really wanna see Alchemy. I'm going to the store today to see if I can get a copy!! :D
^^ I still haven't managed to see her in anything besides CSI. By the time I do I guess it will be very strange...I'm so used to her being Lindsay that watching her as a total different character would be quite a shock...but a fun one, no doubt, cause Anna's amazing!
I rented Alchemy today from blockbuster, and for the small parts that Anna is in the movie, she rocks! The movie started out pretty weird..but it had me actually laughing, and was a sweet story, and Anna played someone somewhat different from what we have seen of Lindsay (you never know... :D ) You all should rent it, it's a good movie.

This is probably a little strange..but I watched the movie as though Anna's character was Lindsay (in her college days), and not the character she plays (Marissa) and it was pretty funny to imagine Lindsay in that place.
It's 1 am...did that make sense? :p
Hey Everyone! I dont think I have ever posted here before, but I though I might now :)
I really like Anna, when I heard that she was going to be a regular on CSI:NY, I was thrilled. I really like her character, Lindsay, I think she is a great part of the show and Im glad they added her to the show.

Just thought Id tell you guys this :) And plus, It bumps the thread up.
Long time no post.

Darx, I like your av. Is her hair naturally straight or wavy? I love her straight hair! The other day while shopping, I saw an outfit that looked like the one Anna (Lindsay) has on in Zoo York! It was a pink-ish dress shirt and gray dress pants. The outfit was on a mannequin and all I could do was chuckle happily. :lol: I was going to buy it, but they did not have my size!

Are there any sites out there with Anna everything? Does anyone have a complete list of publications, media, interviews, articles, etc. with Anna? If so, could you PM me? Also, is there any more information about her sweet baby girl and Eric out there?

I can't get over her slight resemblance to Kelly Clarkson and Bethany Joie Lenz-Galeotti…I apologize if I’ve offended anyone about this.

I saw her in something with Lisa Kudrow…I was like "LINDSAY!!" I think she played a wife or girlfriend.

Her background story for the case in last night’s episode (episode 3.20) was so well delivered. So glad to have her back in action. Go Anna! :D
Hey all! I wish we had more of Lindsay last night! Hopefully thr rest of the season will have more of her.

I am trying to write a fic and I always need to cast my characters before I write and Im trying to think of a friend of Lindsay's from Montana. Maybe that worked with her there or was a friend with her and her four friends who were killed. Any ideas? Im so stumped.
Are there any sites out there with Anna everything? Does anyone have a complete list of publications, media, interviews, articles, etc. with Anna? If so, could you PM me? Also, is there any more information about her sweet baby girl and Eric out there?
Hey Angel great to see you again! *waves* And to answer your I don't believe there's a fansite for Anna...Over all she seems like a very private person who almost never gives interviews or does photoshoots...

I liked Lindsay a lot in this week's ep! Her flower story was great and just the way she's behaving now shows that her worries are finally over...she's smiling again...she's joking again...I love this side of her...
I know there's an Anna message board out there somewhere, but I don't have a link (I only visited once :eek:). She has done an interview with CSIFiles before, though. ;)
Here's the one she did with CSIFiles.

Ive seen a few Anna Message board, it's hard to believe there's none out there. I'll try to remember where I saw them.

ETA: Oh yeah. I posted a few in Websites Thread :rolleyes: :lol:
This is one of the places that myself, as well as a few others, frequent... the message board at least, although lately its been kinda quiet, anyway, this is probably one of, if not the only Anna site out there.. I'm sure theres others, but I couldnt really find any good ones when I was on the hunt for sites a few years ago after seeing Anna on Medical Investigation, and then when I checked again once she joined the cast of CSI:NY.... so...

Fragile Fighter

Theres also a link to the Forum on that main website page as well.. hope this helps. :)
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